James J. Braddock - Guestbook
Welcome to the official guestbook of the James J Braddock website. Due to spam, we have been forced stop guestbook entries.
What an inspiring movie! I have recommended it to everyone. Jim's family must be very proud of his life and his accomplishments. It's nice to know that some really good people can make it big.
Betty Earl - Clinton, Tn USA [2006-03-01 10:09:37]
I saw the movie over this past weekend and was truly in awe by James Braddock. What an inspiration to us all. This biography of Mr. Braddock will definitely make me think about how important my family is to me too and through thick and thin just keep on fighting no matter what. No pun intended on that. I cannot say enough about the movie and James himself.
Hats off to Ron Howard and all the people who helped with this movie.
Laurie - Hamburg, New York USA [2006-03-01 08:35:28]
Jim Braddock nos deixou um exemplo de vida e de superação de adversidades, realmente surpreendentes! Parabéns pelo site.
Paulo Camargo - Bento Gonçalves, Rio Grande Do Sul Brasil [2006-03-01 08:09:11]
Last night we watched the movie. What a great story and a great and beautiful man! An inspiration for everyone!
Marcel En Anja - Diepenheim, Overijssel The Netherlands [2006-03-01 04:15:47]
meine Freundin und ich haben uns gerade den Film angesehen. Es bewegt uns zutiefst, hier die Geschichte der großen Depression eindrucksvoll dargestellt zu sehen und das Leben eines zutiefst aufrichtigen und stolzen Mannes wie JJ Braddock erzählt zu bekommen. Vielen Dank and sorry for this comment in german but I thought maybe it is important for you that some also take apart about this great history here in germany. best and thanks Andi and Jessi
Andreas Metzger - Munich, Germany Germany [2006-02-28 18:49:41]
A great movie and an inspiring story of a great man. If the boxing game still had men like James Braddock today it would be worth watching.
Jim - Oswego, Ny Us [2006-02-28 17:26:29]
My son and I thoroughly enjoyed the film. JJ Braddock took full advantage of his second chance. It's a wonderful American story and I'm so glad it was told in such a great way.
J.b. Mahoney Iii - Slidell, La USA [2006-02-28 12:47:38]
I enjoyed your web site very much. As a former fighter and a student of boxing history I enjoyed the look into the man beyond the fighter.
Anyone who ever participated in, or followed this brutal game of prize fighting knows that JJ Braddock was a very fine fighter. With his best years behind him, beating all of the top contenders and winning the title is one of the most remarkable athletic accomplishments of all time.
Thanks for the insight into this amazing man's life.
Ph - Shreveport, Louisiana USA [2006-02-28 10:47:17]
durning the time of the depression he got his break. the love for his family was very powerful.
Debra Gooch - Wittenberg, Wisconsin Usa [2006-02-28 08:22:14]
The film was simply excellent entertainment, and a stunning reminder of the depression era.
Braddock was a hero in his own time, there's no doubt, and these pages are a lovely tribute to a family man who surely must rest in peace because he tried and delivered.
Angharod - Kingston, Idaho Us [2006-02-28 04:17:21]
What a beautiful story. A true inspiration to what America stands - or at least - stood for. It's one of those rare times when I feel better as a person for having watched it. Just great. Your family should be very proud, as I'm sure you are.
Mike Hoffman - Des Moines, Ia USA [2006-02-28 02:22:09]
WOW!! What a inspirational movie! My wife and I really enjoyed it and felt Russell Crowe did a great job (Again) as James J. Braddock. Family man during the toughest of times, and a tough boxer who was the Champion of the World. I will watch it again and again!
Marcel Motz - Mission Viejo, California U.s.a. [2006-02-28 01:54:03]
Sandra - Bethesda, Md USA [2006-02-28 01:25:49]
Just saw Cinderella Man, the story is not true at all. First of all Baer was not a bad person that was portrayed on the screen. If you make a life story of a person, do not make up lies to make the hero (Braddock)look good.
Baer was a honorable man who in reality was a movie actor and a very funny guy, who brought color in the fight game when it needed it very bad.
I like to see a movie with true facts. Can you imagine a champion that does not fight for 2 years.
Allan Nichols - Traverse City, Mi U.s.a. [2006-02-27 23:09:13]
Just saw the film it was very good, but I agree with some of the other comments that the story was not true.
True, yes that Jim was a great family man but false being a good fighter. Also Baer served in the Air Force during WW2 and the reason he wore the star of david on his trunks although he was not jewish was to tell Nazi germany when he fought Scmelling that he was sticking up for the jews as they were being killed in Germany. Baer almost killed Schmelling that night. The night he fought Braddock he seemed like he was tired of fighting and he knew Braddock needed the money. But that is my opinion.
Harry Thomas - Davenport, Iowa U.s.a [2006-02-27 20:59:36]
Realmente inspiradora essa história! Vi o filme e adorei, tanto que vim buscar mais informações da vida de Braddock. Saudações!
Victor Baris - Campinas, São Paulo Brasil [2006-02-27 20:11:21]
i had never heard of mr.braddock until i saw cinderella man.what can you say about his man that hasn't already been said? he was and is a true hero. i have told so many people about this movie and him since i saw it. everyone who watches it after telling them gets touched in alot of different ways by his story. and personally he is one of my heroes.
Adam - Nashville, Tn Usa [2006-02-27 15:59:21]
What a great inspirational man.I hope to be able to keep the spirit that he has shown.For the website runner i wanna congratulate you guys for this wonderful job.
Herry Jonathan - Jakarta, Dki Jakarta Indonesia [2006-02-27 15:20:23]
Thanks to the inspiration given to my son by the movie Cinderella Man.My son is the #1 runner in high school in the U.S.
Trenton Guy - Charlotte, North Carolina United States [2006-02-27 13:42:57]
True Irish man. Legend to fight through so many injuries wouldn't see that nowadays
Cathal - Belfast, West Belfast Ireland [2006-02-27 13:07:27]
Second Time Posting Here
To Mr. Engel and Mr. Worthington and anyone else who feel it necessary to post negative and untrue comments about a great Man on this site, which I might add is run by his family. Listen Up!
And have some courtesy.
This movie was dedicated to a family man during the most horrific times in American History who happened to be a boxer. And a Boxer he was.
If you follow the talents and films by Ron Howard and Russell Crowe; – you would know that these guys do their homework to bring to the screen a very accurate depiction of Jim Braddock and the Great Depression. These guys don’t need to go forward and make a film filled with half truths. And although Ron Howard admitted he demonized Baer a bit, and it was just a BIT, whatever else was put on the screen was from very extensive research and dedication to a legacy both men felt worth telling.
To have sustained the injuries he did (which I might add don’t heal 100% - ever), and still take a fight without training, is of itself pretty COURAGEOUS!!
If Baer was such a PRIZE FIGHTER, why didn’t he make play for a RE-MATCH? The fact that he might have been injured when he fought Braddock is of no consequence. Braddock fought injured all the time. Sounds like a poor excuse to me. Who was the coward here! He was however, very sure of himself – from what I read, so sure of himself he hardly trained. I guess there is a lesson to be learned – never be too sure of yourself, even if you are Max Baer.
I’m venturing a guess that perhaps Braddock took a 2yrs break simply because he finally had the means and opportunity to be with his family and enjoy the fruits of his labor. Seems reasonable to me – not cowardly at all. Especially since his family was his priority all the time. And from all accounts there was no talk of him being FORCED to accept Joe Louis’s challenge. Another fight fought with an injury. His arthritic left hand, when medicated left his arm numb- perhaps that is what Joe Louis meant when he said he was the most courageous man he ever met.
Baer on the other hand, in an interview when asked how he sustained his facial injuries after his fight w/Braddock said his glove never touched him, he fell or something of that nature.
Real HONEST gentleman!!
Bear wasn’t the only fighter to kill someone in the ring – however he continued to fight – it was very nice of him to support the Campbell family though. Perhaps when a movie comes out about him, we will see and hear more about this.
As far as Jim’s Duty to his country – I do believe that is mentioned in movie. You know at the end when it says he served honorably in WWII. In my opinion that is a lot more COURAGEOUS than wearing the Jewish Sign of David on your boxing trunks.
Joe Louis (rest his soul), had it right. Very perceptive of the Brown Bomber. Jim was the most courageous man he ever fought. To have gone through the depression not knowing were or how he can feed and care for his family, then to take advantage of an opportunity to win the title – with injuries that never really heal properly; then later on to enlist to serve his country. Yeah I would say that was pretty courageous!! And from all accounts pretty accurate!
Bg - Brooklyn, New York Usa [2006-02-27 12:03:58]
A great site where one can enjoy the thought of a great mind long departed. Cheers for the good work!
Jeniffer - California, Ca United States [2006-02-27 10:41:29]
Rented the film and did not like it, not a true story. Did research on Braddock. Braddock did not fight anyone for 2 yrs when he beat Baer, not a real champ. Baer could have beaten Braddock, but that night he did not want to fight as i saw the real film, it seemed to me that Baer either hurt himself or just was tired of fighting.
Joe Engel - Detroit, Mi U S A [2006-02-27 10:31:04]
I saw the movie this morning and thought it was absolutely inaccurate. Baer was not that man portrayed in the film, as it was just trying to make Braddock the hero. Baer was a comedian and made a movie and was on a Radio series. Baer was a showman who just loved people. Baer was not jewish, But wore a jewish star on his trunks during tbe 30's when most of the world was anti-semitic when he beat Schmeling he said this is for Hitler. He was a great man what did Braddock ever do to represent his country.
Kenneth Topper - Chicago, Ill. U.s.a. [2006-02-27 10:22:25]
This is to Daphne,
Joe Louis did say that Braddock was the bravest man he ever fought, because everyone was afraid to fight louis. The only reason Braddock fought Louis was because he was forced to. Braddock was champ for 2 yrs. and was scared to give Baer or anyone else a rematch.
What does that show Daphne. Baer killed 2 fighters in the ring and one of the fighters (Campbell) Baer put his kids through college. Baer was a loveable man and a great father also as i met the man in the 40's. Do your homework before you make comments.
John Worthington - Allen Park, Mi U.s.a. [2006-02-27 10:13:40]