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James J. Braddock - Guestbook

James J. Braddock, World Heavy-Weight Champion

Welcome to the official guestbook of the James J Braddock website. Due to spam, we have been forced stop guestbook entries.

im doing an interactive report on the bulldog and i just want to say its a pleasure
Zach - Wharton, New Jersey Usa [2006-04-21 09:52:16]
i just wanted to say that i really did enjoy watching the movie " cinderella man",it touched my heart to see how much a family can mean to someone if only all fathers were like that , caring for their families, working to put food on their table, may he rest in peace, and may god bless you all!!!
Kim Silva - Los Angeles, California USA [2006-04-20 15:02:31]
I just wanna say that I cried since the beginning til the end of the movie! What he did to make his familly have food on the table Is funtastic. It would have been an honour to me if I had meet this man, he is really an inspiration for all the men of the world.
Thank you, James J Braddock.
Susana - Maia, Maia Portugal [2006-04-20 07:58:23]
James J Braddock like many have said before was a true hero. I have only seen the film and wanted to find out more about the man. My Cousin Mark Simmons (Commonwealth Champion) played Art Lesky in the film too!!
William Woodhouse - Berkhamsted, London London [2006-04-20 07:33:14]
If our sports "heros" of today were more like James Braddock, our youth would have better role models. Thanks for the inspiration James Braddock.
John Addams - San Diego, Ca USA [2006-04-20 01:12:25]
I watched Cinderella Man with my wife who normally will not watch any movie straight through, but she stayed up for this one. James J Braddock is a true American hero and a role model for all time. God bless.
John - Ryan, Pa USA [2006-04-19 23:51:03]
Inacredit�vel o sentimento de for�a e coragem que J. Braddock nos transmite com a hist�ria de sua vida. � um exemplo a ser seguido de perseveran�a e determina��o.
Hertz Araújo França - Abaeté, Mg Brasil [2006-04-19 23:49:51]
My Dad and I just finished watching Cinderella Man, and wanted to say what an inspiration Mr Braddock was, a truely uplifting life story. It gives a new outlook in life and the inspiration to carry on believing. This is definately one for our collection
Rob & Brian O'keefe - Merthyr Tydfil, Mid Glamorgan Wales [2006-04-19 18:39:22]
I'm not a sports fan, so the movie was my vehicle to knowing Jim Braddok and his family. What a compelling story! It conveyed all the emotion any movie could possibly project about some wonderful, warm people. Aloha
Bev Harter - Kilauea, Hawaii USA [2006-04-19 04:36:49]
A great inspiration and a great family man who's story may have never been known outside New York & the USA excpet for the film.

Good work with the website, it is really pleasing to know that a grandchild runs it.
Trevor Lee - Shepparton, Victoria Australia [2006-04-19 04:36:01]
Thank you for fulfilling my curiosity - inspired of course by the wonderful Cinderella Man movie. The website is very nicely done. It's a tribute to a wonderful man and his continuing legacy living through his family.
Brenda Nesbitt - Larkspur, Colorado USA [2006-04-18 22:45:26]
This is a wonderful site but i would like to infor you that on the welcome page..i believe it is..it says Tomomy Farr instead of tommy. I just wanted to let you know that. Great Job!
Kerry Delgato - Sinking Spring, Pennsylvania United States [2006-04-18 14:57:37]
Watched the movie this weekend, James J Braddock had so much spirit & heart to achieve what he did.
A truly inspirational man
Andrew T - Ludlow, Shropshire England [2006-04-18 05:45:35]
i just saw the movie and was to inspired by the man . it was no mean achievement to have fought his way through poverty hunger and become the world champion my salutations to the great man may god bless him. his determination has inspired me too . the greatest boxer and trully a CINDRELLA MAN
Chinar - Joshi, Delhi India [2006-04-18 02:08:35]
It's a great life...
It's a great movie...
Cigdem Temple - Ankara, Turkey Turkey [2006-04-17 20:31:07]
What a true hero Jim Braddock was...a great inspiration for all who aspire to achieve, especially when the odds are very much against you. Russell Crowe was incredible and I believe had he not gotten the bad publicity in the hotel incident that this movie and this actor would have been nominated and won oscars...I cried watching Million Dollar Baby and this movie is on a par with that. These two movies, along with The Natural, Remember The Titans and Hoosiers are my top five sports movies of all time.
Elliot Forest - Morganville, Nj Usa [2006-04-17 20:13:05]
An Absolute Hero.
Anonymous - Cape Town, Western Cape South Africa [2006-04-17 19:10:05]
Cinderella man was a great inspiration to me. If Jim's courage was not enough to make him a legend then his humanity was. I need some Braddock courage right now.
Arthur Case - Cape Town, Western Cape South Africa [2006-04-17 18:14:11]
My wife and i watced the movie last night, And though we are struggling with bills and taking care of our daughter i relized how lucky i am, and thank god i will never have to go thru what mr. Braddock went thru. We looked at each other after the movie and said "We can make it" Thanks to James for being such an insperation, Blair Hansen
Blair Hansen - Fairbanks, Ak USA [2006-04-17 12:56:15]
Wow! This was totally intense to me. Tough and tender at the same time. A wonderfully done movie. I just watched it at the urging of my husband after he had watched it several time. He thought I would love it and I DID!!! Russell Crow did a marvelous job of portraying this most wonderful man. I love the website giving more information about his life and family. Guys...not only was this a man's movie...it was a chick flick as they say...I cried through most of it!
Jo-anne Anderson - Fremont, Nc USA [2006-04-17 11:52:13]
What a great film. Cinderella Man was insparational, motivating, and to a young boxer/martial artist as myself..it gave me that fuel that I have been searching for! Simply superb! James J. Braddock R.I.P.

For his spirit will shine with me when I fight!
Peter - Orange County, Ca USA [2006-04-17 04:16:30]
the movie was very good!!!! we were 3 persons who rally liked it. and we wanted to find out more about james and rest of the family.
Tim Nerdal - Mo I Rana, Rana Norway [2006-04-16 19:29:14]
Jim Braddock was a man that can inspire us all. There need to be more films about men of courage like him!
Keith Bakker - Amsterdam, Amsterdam Holland [2006-04-16 14:57:46]
My purpose in life is to teach my students to become "curious learners.� If I can do that, I have succeeded in preparing them for life. The movie Cinderella Man has, indeed, created a nation of "curious learners." To read a book that leaves one questioning, or to watch a movie that sends viewers to the internet to gather more information is the ultimate journey of a life-long learner. Critics may argue about details, but in literature, we call that poet license, author's purpose, perspective, and theme. Even in non-fiction, truth lies in the mind of the one who perceives it. This movie has opened minds about the integrity of man, materialism, family values and love and fidelity in marriage.

One particular New York Times reviewer admitted to being drawn in by the movie, but apparently felt in retrospect that his emotions had been manipulated. Consequently, he felt obligated to write a rather vitriolic review condemning Ron Howard's vision as "sappy." I very seldom cry at movies. I know when my emotions are being manipulated, but if the movie has a worthwhile premise and a solid plot, I see no reason to berate myself later for giving in to those emotions. This was not one of those movies. I cried for all of the people who stood in those bread lines. I cried for our homeless people of today. I thanked God for my home and my profession.

There was so much more to contemplate in this movie than the life of James J. Braddock. He was a man who was powerfully used in his lifetime to give hope to a struggling nation. And, now, thanks to his family and Ron Howard, we can all reflect on a time past and consider where we might have been and where we would like to be.
Cmc - St. Louis, Mo USA [2006-04-16 13:22:14]
What an inspiration Mr Braddock is to all men in the world. There are so much that men can take out of Mr Braddock's life as a example for their own. The most insiprational life story I have had the privilege to see.
Chris - Wolmaransstad, North West South Africa [2006-04-16 03:02:22]