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James J. Braddock - Guestbook

James J. Braddock, World Heavy-Weight Champion

Welcome to the official guestbook of the James J Braddock website. Due to spam, we have been forced stop guestbook entries.

I just watched the movie.What a great man this james braddock must have been.And it made me so happy to see a movie without all this material things,and vanity etc.And many thanks to the director and all the others who were involved in this movie,Crowe and Zellweger.It might sound a bit odd to here these words from a 14-year old swedish girl,but I couldn't help getting touched by this movie so I just had to say thank you. R.I.P James Braddock
Susanne Månthèn - Östersund, Östersund Sweden [2006-03-04 18:41:45]
I have been meaning to watch Cinderella man for some time and tonight finally did. INSPIRING, I only wish I had watched it sooner. I really like boxing and hope Calzaghe wins later this evening and Jim is a new legend I was unaware of. THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES JIM + FAMILY.
Nathan - Malvern, Worcestershire Uk [2006-03-04 16:30:51]
Great true story about a great american family like the Braddock's. To bad the acadamy could'nt reconize this great film
Evan - Levittown, New York United States [2006-03-04 16:15:26]
Fantastic story of family values, dedication and devotion !! Very uplifting to see a truely good guy make it without compromising this personal beliefs...

I insisted my kids watch to get some appreciation of what is really important in life. Not the material things, but values, devotion and drive.
Bob Marini - Phoenixville, Pa USA [2006-03-04 11:01:13]
It is a real shame that such an emotionally moving an inspiring film such as Cinderella Man was only nominated for 3 Academy Awards and was completely overlooked in the major categories such as best picture, best actor, best director etc.

However for the three awards that the movie is up for, Best Supporting Actor for Paul Giamatti, Best Make-Up and Best Editing, I hope that if the movie can't win all three of those awards, at least it can win one of those awards, the movie deserves at least one academy award.

Either way win or lose, I think Jim Braddock would be looking down on this and smiling. I dont think he could have realised that just over 70 years on from his remarkable win against Max Baer, that people would still be talking about him and being inspired by him, and that Hollywood would have made his life story into a film.

Rest in peace Jimmy.
Bmm - Manchester., Greater Manchester. U.k. [2006-03-04 06:01:16]
james, you are a great soul.You have shown me that anything is possiable.Thankyou.
Ian Davies - Broadway, Worestershire Uk [2006-03-04 05:25:24]
I am an old street fighter who has settled down and had kids and a wife I adore.I came up hard in beantown and I want to thank Russell and Ron and all for keeping it real.As real as it can be.This is a wonderfulllll job by all and it gives hope that movies can be great still.
Bill Tompkins - Denmark, Maine Usa [2006-03-04 02:44:03]
NO one can underestimate the will of a man that would not allow his children to suffer under any circumstances and would risk his own being for a chance to make a better living for his family... I salute Mr. Braddock for that with my heart.
Marcelino S. - San Salvador, San Salvador El Salvador [2006-03-04 02:09:40]
I just watched Cinderella Man.....what an AWESOME movie about an AWESOME man!
Heather - Mesquite, Nv USA [2006-03-04 01:07:31]
What a fabuous movie with a true message. Thank you to the Braddock family for sharing so many of their memories with us. After viewing this movie I wanted to learn more of the man Jim Braddock. I showed this movie to my 87 year old mom, she loved it and could really relate to the struggles the Braddock family faced during the depression.
Ggrieco - Montvale, Nj United States [2006-03-04 01:04:20]
Great movie. A very uplifting story with a great message.
Mike - Forest Hill, Md Usa [2006-03-04 00:20:14]
Mr. Braddock gives the world a lesson in what a real man is. A faithful Catholic,humble husband and loving father who puts everyone else's interest above his own. His is the story of America.
Rob - Plainfield, Illinois United States Of America [2006-03-03 19:33:22]
The film was amazing. I admire the legend of James J. Braddock. He gave new meaning what family is and what power of wil can do.
Marijana Jenkac - Daruvar, Croatia Croatia [2006-03-03 19:24:45]
Bravo et merci pour cette leçon de courage JJB.
Christophe - Nancy, France Nancy [2006-03-03 17:55:17]
James you are a gift of god a true inspiration to all who have to struggle hard in life. Thanks a lot
Jos - Zwolle, Overijsel Holland [2006-03-03 15:29:23]
Not since Braveheart have i been moved by such courage of an individual.....truly humbling.
Ben Browne - Redruth, Cornwall United Kingdom [2006-03-03 15:27:25]
Kevin Mc Mahon - Jersey, Nj Hudson [2006-03-03 12:11:06]
Kevin Mc Mahon - Union City, Nj Hudson [2006-03-03 12:08:49]
I have just watch the movie Cinderella Man and was moved by the guts and dertimenation Off JJ Braddock, a truly great boxing movie
Bob Wiggins - Altrincham, Cheshire England [2006-03-03 11:27:35]
I like the sport champions and i liko also the uman history, The Braddock history it's a perfect mix of this things, a greatful example of sports life.
Thank you
Andrea Frugoni - Rome, Italy Italy [2006-03-03 08:29:02]
A legend. A true inspiration to us all.
Gp - Peterborough, Cambridgeshire U.k [2006-03-02 21:51:56]
When did James get married and to Who?
Steven - Pritchered, Kentucky U.s.a [2006-03-02 21:07:02]
seems to me that the Braddock family touched all the people in here =) wouldnt bother to do any research if it didnt..positive or negative ; )
It moved me very much and reminded me to think about and remember what our familys went through in the early days!
Anne - Oslo, Oslo Norway [2006-03-02 19:07:42]
Our entire family watched Cinderella Man on DVD here at home on Monday evening, 20060228.

This is a wonderful, life-changing, life-affirming movie. Such hope! Such faith! Such wonder! Such a gift to the world.

Thank you for sharing the energy, light, truth and love behind the life and memory of James Braddock alive!

Peace and God Bless!!

PS. I got my rosary out and was praying along with the rest of the parishoners during the final fight scene!

PSS. My wife is by no means a violent person, but she sure was yelling out exclamation points anytime Russell got a piece of Max Baer.
Frederick Smart - Evanston, Il USA [2006-03-02 11:44:06]
I watched the movie yesterday and I was just crying with the beauty of that man. His character and devotion to everything are incredible. He is alive in our hearts and blessed his family. There are no words that can truly express how incredible is the feeling in my heart after watching that movie. Thanks :)
Rocio - Houston, Texas USA [2006-03-01 10:11:22]