James J. Braddock - Guestbook
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As a former New Yorker, I could put myself right in the middle of the city of NJ. I have watched Cinderella Man at least 20 times and I still cry throughout the movie. I have never seen a man and wife love one another more than Jim and Mae. I never saw parents love their children as much and Jim and Mae Braddock. With no money to eat and no utilities, they still loved. What a wonderful and heartfelt story. I have one question. Was Rosemarie DeWitt the same as the Rose on the Titanic? Maybe just a coincidence? God bless your family and I envy the close family you all had. Russell Crowe and Renee' Zellwigger did steller portrayals. I love "I'm being good, I'm being quiet, I'm being haved"! (smile)
Sue Fisher - Brownsville, Vt USA [2006-03-06 11:09:06]
Great job on this and hope other people love it.....
your #1 student
Bceky - Columbus, Ohio USA [2006-03-06 08:49:35]
I discover this story , watching the movie. A perfect tribute to him. Excellent in my opinion. Thanks Russell Thanks Renne Thanks RON.
From the Pampas Argentinas, the country of CARLOS MONZON... Marcos.
Marcos A. Reynoso - Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires Argentina [2006-03-06 07:56:55]
What a wonderful, moving film. t's not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog. God bless Mr. Braddock. He exemplified the best in this countryl
Patricia Bryant - Greenwood, In USA [2006-03-05 23:35:20]
This movie was the best I've seen in a long time. It was very touching. I believe God took care of James because he took care of his family and always did the right thing. Thanks so much and may God bless all his family.
Sandy Traywick - Foreman, Ar. Usa [2006-03-05 21:42:13]
Our entire family enjoyed the movie "Cinderella Man". Finding out that this was based on a true story made it even more exciting. He had to have tremendous courage to face large fights late in his career. He raised the spirits of his family and the nation during the Depression. Your
family must be so proud of your father, James Braddock.
Joe Magrey - Brooklyn, Ohio USA [2006-03-05 20:01:00]
I watched the movie on him and was amazed at a fighter who had so much heart.
Tyler - None, None Canada [2006-03-05 18:45:28]
I am a fighter as well, and am inspired by the heart and ambition that took Braddock to the top. This inspiration is going to help me reach my dreams.
Daniel - Campbell River, Bc Canada [2006-03-05 16:50:15]
I watched the movie. I thought it was a great movie. I got on the internet to find more about Mr. Braddock and his wife and kids. When I watched the movie it was my first time ever hearing of him. I watched it in my history class. The Cinderella Man is the best movie I have ever seen.
Eisha Bostic - Frankford, Wv U.s. [2006-03-05 16:32:27]
Watched the movie for the first time today too! Absolutely loved it. I also went online to learn more about Mr. Braddock. It's so nice to learn about people such as Jim Braddock----what a great story.
Keefe Family - Acton, Ma USA [2006-03-05 15:16:52]
The Cinderella Man! What a movie. Though I had never heard of James J. Braddock I got online first thing this morning and did a search. It was so heartwarming to hear the complete story of his family. I feel that they had a very happy life despite the Great Depression and James' losses. His comback was extrordinary! Wonderful man and movie. Best wishes to all his children and grandchildren~you have much to be proud of.
Patsy Brachais - Butte Valley, Ca USA [2006-03-05 14:01:34]
Watched the movie for the first time today. If James J. Braddock was half the man he was depicted to be then what an amazing person. His family must be so very proud. If only we had people in our world of the same calibre. What a true hero.
Louise Norris - Airlie Beach, Queensland Australia [2006-03-05 05:46:30]
watched cinderella man today and thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Big Russ was wonderful as James J Braddock. Like so many others, we found Jimmy to be wonderfully inspiring, his love for his beautiful wife, Mae and children is something we should all aspire to, even though we live in these materialistic times. love for ones family is an eternal value. Great website, well done.
Mcmillan Family - Brisbane, Qld Australia [2006-03-05 04:03:53]
hey what an amazing man i cant stop watching cinderella man he was an amazing fighter and a caring father. i am a boxer and i hope to become like him someday... oh and to help me to that my coach is on of the coaches that taught russel crowe how to box for that movie wayne gorden he is even in theat movie at the start of the fight were he looses his commission he has a towel on and it shows a big glimps of his face he should help me to live up to my dreams of my role model James J Baddock best Heavy Weight Champion of the WORLD!!!! well bye everyone and keep this site forever in the memory or the Greatest.
Chris - Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada [2006-03-05 03:17:41]
OMG Cinderella Man is the best Movie I have ever seen... About a great man and a Great Fighter...Ironiclly Max Baer is from my hometown....Luved da film..
Alex - Omaha, Ne USA [2006-03-05 03:01:59]
Awesome movie about a truly great man, and hero! Hats off to you Jim. R.I.P.
Blake - Florence, Sc Usa [2006-03-05 02:25:21]
I was so touched watching Cinderella Man. Thank You.
Sarah - Chicago, Il USA [2006-03-05 00:11:46]
"growing up jamestown" much like the braddock story.live is good we thank the lord for it and all those who add to it....
Boom Street Bombers - Jamestown, Ri Usa [2006-03-04 23:12:56]
what a great film watched it at the uni cinema and im glad i did. The man will now be one of my heros i only wish is that i could have met him. rest in peace you deserve it.
Chris A - Lancaster University, Lancaster Uk [2006-03-04 22:23:32]
Watched the movie yeserday and it was the most inspirational film I have ever seem. It really makes you give yourself a reality check. Sensatonal!!!!
Steve Distant - Gold Coast, Queensland Australia [2006-03-04 22:21:31]
My wife rented this movie and I watched it! I can honestly say that I had some tears throughout the movie, especially the end. Putting it all on the line and doing it because you really had not choice regardless, either get busy living or get busy dying. I gave me some strong inspiration and hope. Great job and many thanks to the Braddock family. All my best.
Samuel Anderson - Stateline, Nevada United States [2006-03-04 21:49:51]
Jimmy is an inspriation to love of family and what it means to stand up and fight for what you dream and believe in forever and day
Tim Webb - Norwalk, Ohio USA [2006-03-04 21:08:35]
The spirit of James J Braddock lives on in every underdog who defies the odds and achieves the ultimate goal.
Bmm - Manchester, Greater Manchester Uk [2006-03-04 20:03:27]
Hi i just saw the amazing film The Cinderella Man and i was stunned by the performence actor R Crowe did. How was it in the real life for James Bradock at these times of depression? What a fantastic man he was and a provider to his family. I have become a big fan of him. Best regards to his family and friends! The Noble Art of Selfdefense...
Peter Lidman - LuleƄ, Norrbotten Sweden [2006-03-04 19:18:49]
i just watched the movie i never seen any thing but great in my life would have been an honor to
have meant him in real life
Michael Longton - Port St Lucie, Fla Martin [2006-03-04 18:52:45]