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James J. Braddock - Guestbook

James J. Braddock, World Heavy-Weight Champion

Welcome to the official guestbook of the James J Braddock website. Due to spam, we have been forced stop guestbook entries.

Just saw the film. What a wonderful story. Very inspiring. The film is more a tribute to that "never say die" spirit than anything else. The greatest title Braddock could ever claim...family man.
Kevin - Huntersville, Nc USA [2006-02-19 00:11:09]
After watching the movie, and seeing the true man he is,It makes me feel good, that all the fighting and strugling i have endured is not in vain. I have been boxing all my life--
Life that is, and i know, "My title" is not far away.. It brings me great joy to know, that is good to be a "True Man". As ironic as it seems. I recently, started boxing-"The sport". If i can win at life, then i have already won the fight. Thank you for such, a great movie...
Ron - San Antonio, Tx Us [2006-02-18 23:10:35]
Totally amazing movie. We'd never heard of James before but after watching this movie tonight we found your website. He truly was a man who would do anything for his family. What a motivating and inspirational movie.
Steve & Jenn Hewitt - Kitchener, Ontario Canada [2006-02-18 22:26:40]
I saw the movie "Cinderella Man", and understanding that Hollywood's sensationalism sometimes distorts, or at the very least embellishes historical fact for financial gains, I did my own research. The film is extremely accurate, and is a tribute to an extremely remarkable man. It is an inspiration. I'm going to make my kids watch it, whether they want to or not. You have a great site, and must be bery proud.
Dave Krahl - Shrewsbury, Pennsylvania USA [2006-02-18 21:04:12]
Great movie and a great man. es una pelicula increible.. no pareciera que fuera de la vida real, el fue un gran hombre para que muchos los admiren
Olivia - Guayaquil, Guayas Ecuador [2006-02-18 20:54:52]
A truly inspirational film - you must all be very proud.
Lyndon Farnham - St Ouen, Jersey Jersey, Channel Islands. [2006-02-18 20:22:40]
The most powerful movie we have ever seen.

Thank you :o)
The Dawes Family - Pearl River, Ny USA [2006-02-18 20:03:43]
What a fantastic movie! James J. Braddock should be an example to us all to never give up no matter how hard life seems.
Adam Walker - Leeds, West Yorkshire England [2006-02-18 19:32:46]
While watching the movie "Cinderella Man", i saw how privileged we are now compared in those days. That's why James J. Braddock is an example for many people in the world.
God bless his soul.
Mike Hoff - Ermelo, None The Netherlands [2006-02-18 18:05:12]
Amazing, moving, inspirational ......Jim Braddock.....What a man
Kevin Larkin - Athlone, Westmeath Ireland [2006-02-18 16:10:15]
I just watched the movie.

I had never heard of Jim before. What a guy.
Scott Allen - Brentwood, Essex Britain [2006-02-18 15:36:50]
I watched the movie for the third time , I think it is the best boxing movie made.
Gary - Crestwood, Ky Usa [2006-02-18 14:28:10]
saw this movie last nite and it is definitely one of the best movies ever. I did not know who Jim Braddock was, but now I do. He was a great person!
Diane Jones - Haughton, Louisiana Usa [2006-02-18 11:39:26]
Jim is a true inspiration to this day.A true human being that defied odds in the hardset of times.His story and how he lived,makes me strive for a life as fulfilling as his.God Bless his family and we know Jim is smiling down on us all.
Chris M - Brookfield, Ct USA [2006-02-18 10:53:59]
Wow! Transcendant of every prejudice,
That's how one should live.
We don't get everything we deserve, but we do get a lot of what we fight for!
Kevin V. - Houston, Texas U.s.a. [2006-02-18 00:32:44]
Too often we complain about things we don't have. We need more people to be thankful for the things we DO have.
Like family. Health. Food and Shelter. It's good to see good things happen to good people. Subsequently, Jim Braddock's family as well. Even at our and the country's nadir, Jim Braddock's humility reminded us of the important things in life. God bless you and God bless everyone.
Craig - Suffield, Ct USA [2006-02-18 00:20:05]
An inspiration to me, I played in James J. Braddock park all my life and never knew who he was. I always wondered why the park was named that. This movie told me the story. Thanks..
Jude - North Bergen, New Jersey Uniteed States [2006-02-17 22:53:05]
We watched this movie at our Fire Station and it was truely an inspiration. James Braddock was not only a great fighter but a great man. He never let his family down. Its to bad more people aren't like him in todays world.
Dennis Medeiros - San Antonio, Texas USA [2006-02-17 22:31:40]
a really true hero of the people..a life story that really moved me.. what a man..
Mark Taylor - Manchester, Cheshire England [2006-02-17 21:39:23]
David Mcginnes - County Durham, County Durham England [2006-02-17 20:38:12]
I just saw the movie with my Dad...I could not hold the tears at the movie's end...Moving, breath-taking, touching - inspiring...This man is an icon, an idol and a true hero, I am sure the story of his life will be told through out many generations to come. I will tell my children about him - you can be sure bout that...
Jennifer Hoffmann - Potsdam, Brandenburg Germany [2006-02-17 16:48:37]
My husband recently bought the DVD, it has been a real inspiration to him during this rough time in our lives. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in May 05 and he lost his job in Nov 05. We are struggling to make ends meet, provide for our 3 children, and with insurance issues. Life has been rough lately, but we know this is temporary, and the story of James J Braddock helped to remind us that hard times don't last forever. Thanks!
Barbara - Michiana, Indiana USA [2006-02-17 13:33:27]
Have a news paper cliping of my father in the ring in the late thirties golden gloves in NC Mr. Braddock referee. Never knew how much it meant untill the movie Thanks.
Eddie Edwards - Durham, N C USA [2006-02-17 13:13:57]
By far one of the most moving story's I've ever had the privledge to watch. I only wished I could have met him. I do however work right next to the Verazanno Bridge where I understand your grandfather helped build. I look at that bridge and it reminds me of him every day. What an awesome individual. RIP
Mark Hillanbrand - Staten Island, Ny USA [2006-02-17 11:32:33]
Just watched the movie. Whilst I am not a boxing fan in any way the story of your grandfather's determination, courage and love for his wife and children touched me deeply. His wife, Mae, must have been an incredible woman to have survived such terrible conditions, during the depression, especially with three small children to care for. She is also a hero in my eyes. I guess all said and done LOVE really does conquer all! Wonderful real-life story!
Linda - Adelaide, South Australia Australia [2006-02-17 06:55:35]