James J. Braddock Official Site Logo

James J. Braddock - Guestbook

James J. Braddock, World Heavy-Weight Champion

Welcome to the official guestbook of the James J Braddock website. Due to spam, we have been forced stop guestbook entries.

So much time has passed since the release of Cinderella Man, I hope you still check these post occasionally. I have to say that I can only hope to be the man and father that your grandfather was. What an inspiring life.
Bill - Scranton, Pa USA [2006-02-17 02:03:56]
This is my second entry because I watched the movie again for a second time. Other than my father, I never found anyone else worthy enough to call my hero. Add Mr. Braddock to that short list. It goes to show that you don't have to be famous and well known to be a hero. I only wish I could have met the man. I salute Ron Howard and Russel Crow for making such a fine movie.
Bob Knueppel - Auburn, Washington USA [2006-02-17 01:13:29]
I have just watched the movie Cinderella man..It is the most touching story I've ever watched it made me scream with the crowd..It made me cry in each moment he and his family suffered from..James J. Braddock has touched my life..seeing how he was suffering made me feel that what i am suffering from is nothing..He gave me hope and inspiration and NEVER GIVE UP (be patient)..He is amazing...Where can we find a man like that these days?? hahaaaa NEVER...lol
Dd - Jeddah, Ksa Saudi Arabia [2006-02-16 23:16:37]
Just watched the film. It unlocked many memories of my youth when I would sit with my father every Friday night to watch the weekly televised bouts. My dad, a native of Ireland, listed your grandfather among his favorites and enjoyed telling me about his win over Max Baer. James J. Braddock was a true champion and an inspiration to millions. May he rest in peace.
Frank Lynch - Bel Air, Maryland USA [2006-02-16 22:57:21]
Just watched the film. It unlocked many memories of my youth when I would sit with my father every Friday night to watch the weekly televised bouts. My dad, a native of Ireland, listed your grandfather among his favorites and enjoyed telling my about his win over Max Baer. James J. Braddock was a true champion and an inspiration to millions. May he rest in peace.
Frank Lynch - Bel Air, Maryland USA [2006-02-16 22:55:15]
Saw the movie last night. And i must say that it was one of the best movies I've ever seen... Thank You
Per - Olofstrom, Blekinge Sweden [2006-02-16 20:02:00]
Of course it was the movie that motivated me to check out the site. I'm glad you are here. Your father was a good man. I appreciate his contribution to bot his family and the sport of boxing. However I am most impressed by his impact on the downtrowden of his time.That's the mark of a real Champion! Peace.
Sheila Kingsberry-burt - Prattville, Al USA [2006-02-16 14:55:44]
I watched this movie last night and have to say it's one of the best movies I have ever seen. I cried and was on my edge of my seat doing every fight cheering Jim on. Being African American my boxing hero was always Ali, but now I'm adding Jim Bradford to the list. His story is so inspirational, God Bless his soul. This was truly a great boxer and man.
Louise - Nashville, Tn USA [2006-02-16 12:24:27]
I watched this movie today and it has given me inspiration to be a better person like Jimmy. Though I do not have money I feel blessed to live the life I have today...Thank you James Braddock.
Brad Klawon - Rochester, Ny USA [2006-02-16 12:03:23]
seen the movie last night what a inspiration this man is. a great film a great man.
Robert - Liverpool, Merseyside England [2006-02-16 06:14:36]
Just saw Cindarella Man the other night. Loved it!! I just can't explain what I am grateful for today and how hard times James and his family went thru during the Depression!!
Jessica Sanders - Ruthven, Iowa USA [2006-02-16 05:12:45]
Excellent site and an inspiring man.
I watched the film on the way to a valentinees day concert I was playing in and it made me give everything I got...thanks James J Braddock
Matthew Sear - London, Kent England [2006-02-16 04:06:12]
I am not up on my boxing, however my husband brought home the movie and it has been an inspiration. We both wanted to learn more about James Braddock. Thank you for sharing....we enjoyed this website very much. God Bless!
Tori - Fairbanks, Alaska USA [2006-02-16 03:45:40]
Great movie. A great man with or without the ring. An inspiration to us all. Appreciate all we have and remember to focus on goals we want to reach.
Tim - Long Beach, Ny USA [2006-02-16 01:21:21]
I just finished watching this the movie and I went right for the internet.
I am touched by the greatness of this man. He is an insperation for all. A great husband, father and American. The Braddock family should be VERY proud of him. I wish I could have met him and told him this.
Mark - Glen Oaks, Ny USA [2006-02-15 23:21:14]
Once i saw this movie, i had to look him up on the internet, and found this site. He is truely and inspiration to me and all alike. He is a true champion and even better hero.
Randall Volkmar - Bolivar, Missouri USA [2006-02-15 21:34:10]
when i seen the movie i was totally inspired what a great man.
Dcollins - Sydney, Nsw Australia [2006-02-15 19:37:58]
I real enjoyed the movie, and had to check up on the life and history of James J Braddock, he was a true champion, in Life, as well as in the ring.
Alan Greenberg - Phoenix, Az USA [2006-02-15 18:35:09]
Super Seite über einen wirklich tollen Boxer. Habe den Film gesehen und bin tief beeindruckt, welches Kämpferherz James trug. Grüße aus Deutschland!!! Arnd
Arnd - Oer-erkenschwick, Nordrhein-westfalen Deutschland [2006-02-15 12:59:14]
I tell you there have been a hand full of heros in this world but none like this champion James Braddock. I can totally relate to his life having starved as a child in poverty, now struggling as a father to pay my bills. After seeing the movie, I have hope again. He is a living legend that gives us all hope, for compassion and survival.


Alan Lee - Hercules, California USA [2006-02-15 12:29:39]
E' solo l'incredibile esistenza di alcuni uomini che rendono meno terrena questa vita. Grazie James J. Braddock.
Alfonso - Teramo, Abruzzo Italia [2006-02-15 05:28:44]
Watched the movie the other night and really enjoyed it. As Braddock is not a common name in the UK, the story of Jim caught my eye. He really was a true inspiration and i'm please to see this website devoted to his legacy.
James Braddock - Manchester, Greater Manchester England [2006-02-15 03:49:07]
Finally rented the movie. I could have used the inspiration more a couple of months ago but the lessons taught by the way James Braddock lived his life are timeless and I will think of him again when enduring tough situations in the future. I often pass by the home that was used as the Braddock's in the movie during the time before the depression and saw much of the activity as it was being filmed so I have a daily reminder of this inspirational person. Congratulations on your family heritage. I'm very glad to say from personal experience that Its nice to have such a symbol of hope and courage to draw from in your own family.


Rob Wallace - Toronto, Ontario Canada [2006-02-15 01:37:35]
I loved this movie. James Braddock is still, in my mind, a great Champion.He was the people"s champion. He has inspired me to continue in the struggle I am dealing with right now with integrity and determination. What a movie!
Neil Cameron - Cornwall, Ontario Canada [2006-02-14 21:15:58]
after watching the movie, i went straight to this sight and read about the legioned. what an inspiration to all
Michael Mcrae - Stanley, Stanley Falkland Islands [2006-02-14 19:43:34]