James J. Braddock - Guestbook
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Great Site - really useful information!
Hond - Pennza, Mo USA [2006-02-14 15:55:02]
I never realized how hard the depression was to all the families. James Braddock was a beacon of hope, to the hopeless. I am glad for the movie because it exposed me to one of the greatest sports stories. God Bless his family, his spirit that says you can do all things. He loved his family!! He did all he could to keep his word to his son. Values we all could use today. Thank-you.
Coach Rob - Seattle, Washington USA [2006-02-14 15:25:46]
He's my inspiration!!!
Brian Castaneda - Dubai City, Dubai United Arab Emirates [2006-02-14 10:50:30]
I love people like James J.Braddock, they know what they want and they get it. Thanks to them I can see that our dreams can come true only if we'll be tough enough and work hard.
Grzegorz - Cracow, Pol Poland [2006-02-13 19:00:14]
What a film, it makes you appreciate the effect of the depression and what proud men did for their family. James Braddcok is an inspiration to us all.
Dave Oakley - Merthyr Tydfil, Wales United Kingdom [2006-02-13 17:21:49]
Being a 15 year old girl I was not pleased when my grandmother wanted to see this movie. But I was so moved and inspired by the movie I went to see it again. Jim Braddock was an acceptional man and always had his family in his heart. His story was the best i've evr heard and I will always remember it .
Kitty - Katy, Texas United States [2006-02-13 16:42:10]
James J. Braddock is an inspiration to us all.
Pj Knudsen - Nesconset, Ny USA [2006-02-13 16:07:36]
My husband and I watched the movie the other night. It was a great movie about a great man. I thought Mr. Crowe did a great job and, of course, Ron Howard was great as always. Everything about the movie made me think of the times that we get down and we don't don't think we are going to make it. Mr. Braddock was down but, as the movie showed, not out.
Thank you so much for this movie.
Carolyn Wachowiak - Orland Hills,, Il USA [2006-02-13 15:50:28]
Great life story. The movie took me back to my childhood as it opened in the year I was born. I remember having listened (as a very young girl) to the Louis-Braddock fight on the radio with my dad at a time when the fight had strong racial overtones. Thanks for this delightful site, a fitting tribut to your granddad.
Elizabeth Vallet - Alicante, Overseas Spain [2006-02-13 15:40:24]
My wife and I watched the movie twice and believe it is a wonderful story, well told, about a great and honorable man. Thank you for maintaining this website as tribute to Jim Braddock.
William Butler - Indio, Ca USA [2006-02-13 13:29:08]
even tho I hate the sport of boxing, i founs the movie Cinderella Man very inspring. It made me want to know about Mr Braddock more, hence I looked up and found this website. He seemed like and excellent dad and husband. He didn't remeind me of most boxers who are SO egotistical. we eatched the movie twice, and even my 18 y.o. daughter (who hates everything), loved the movie.
Thanks for letting us get to know the man.
Linda - Bellmore, Ny USA [2006-02-13 11:52:24]
James Braddock's story is so inspiring. It is a great reminder of the value of being a good, decent person, and it reminds us what you can achieve if you don't give up. Thanks to Ron Howard for making "Cinderella Man" and to Russell Crowe and the rest of the cast for excellent performances.
Veronica - Arlington, Va USA [2006-02-13 11:14:17]
I bought a CD of the movie, Cinderella Man. I've been watching it over and over again since. The life of James J Braddock is one of the most inspiring stories I've ever come across. I'm glad a movie was made about him. It gives hope to those who are dreaming of making it big. Thank you James J Braddock for being truly inspirational.
Abdul Shariff - Singapore, Singapore Singapore [2006-02-13 08:51:13]
hi i am cory braddock and found out a couple of days ago i am related to james j braddockand trying to find out as much about him and any other of my relitives
Cory.l.braddock - Bendigo, Victoria Australia [2006-02-13 08:23:54]
What an inspiring life story and what a wonderful site to keep this brave mans memory alive.
David Nesbitt - Richhill, Ulster Northern Ireland [2006-02-13 08:16:17]
just watched the movie yesterday.it was a great experience.hats off to russell crowe.James J Braddock was such an amazing man.we lack people like James in this day and age.Jimmy,YOU ARE MY INSPIRATION!
Soumya Sengupta - Kolkata, West Bengal India [2006-02-13 05:12:56]
My hat Goes off first to Ron Howard and His incredible Cast and crew...what a movie and the behind the scenes info really lets you know what it takes to make a movie ,This is how a boxing movie should be made !!!
Now for the braddock family ...What a great Man and an inspirational Woman if only everyone loved their Kids like the Braddocks loved theres , our world would be a better place !! This movie shows what hard work and perseverance will do, even when all is hopeless... I am truly inspired !!
I have always loved Boxing and have Mr. Braddocks boxing card on my sports shelf and have had it there way before this movie came out ....but the movie will make me cherish it more then I did before ..
Thank you to The Braddock family and to Ron Howard ..Russell Crowe and to Renee Zellwiger !!
Chris Sumerak - Cleveland, Ohio United States Of America [2006-02-13 05:09:15]
after watching the very moving and inspirational movie cinderella man, i wanted to know more and this website is fantastic, a credit to the braddock family.
thank you.
Earl Brown - Wakefield, Yorkshire England [2006-02-13 03:44:48]
This story tells us that no matter how bad the odds are, if you have a will, faith and love there is a champ in all of us!
Dawn Barnett - San Diego, California USA [2006-02-13 03:06:48]
James J. Braddocks's life is really an inspiration... not to give hope as long as youre breathing...
i think his family is really blessed to have a good heritage from him.. a loving husband and dad... and lastly a citizen of his country....
Cris C. - Manila, Philippines Philippines [2006-02-13 02:52:07]
Mr. Braddock was a hero of humanity. Rest in peace.
The Goksel Family - San Diego, Ca USA [2006-02-13 02:09:38]
What a great movie! Thank you for sharing Mr. Braddock's life. A lot of lessons learned, if I may say. Very warm, heartfelt life he's got. I am very happy of how he's life turned out. For the rest of the family, I hope that you follow his steps.
Rozy - Carteret, Nj USA [2006-02-12 23:20:29]
If the movie was accurate, your father was a wonderful man. A true inspiration. Outstanding movie!
Walt Dawson - Follansbee, Wv Us [2006-02-12 22:49:27]
I just saw the movie. I was touch by Mr Braddock story. What a great man, father, and a wonderful husban. In a time when America needs a champion. I only wish a man like Mr Braddock would come forth. P.S. I think that Max Baer was shown in a bad light, he wasn't that bad of a man.
Tracey Morrow - Atlanta, Ga. USA [2006-02-12 22:43:51]
Great move.... Great story..... Great is to see a move about a man fighting for the rights of his family..
Sonia Defelice - New York, Ny Queens [2006-02-12 22:23:21]