James J. Braddock - Guestbook
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Really great man and boxer...
Kamil Sokolowski - Pomiechowek, Warsow Poland [2006-02-04 09:02:47]
In these troubled times of war and terrorism, the whole world could use a Hero. If only James J. Braddock was fighting now. What an insperation to the our fighting men and women in the coalition armed forces he would be.
David Gillard - Flagstaff Hill, South Australia Australia [2006-02-04 08:30:15]
What a beautiful website! Just viewed Cindarella Man for the first time - couldn't get to the computer fast enough to find out more info & some photos of Jim Braddock. Jim & Mae thanks for the inspiration. Ron Howard, Russell Crowe & Renee Zwellager did a fabulous job in re-telling the Braddock family story.
Corey Brennan Walton - Naples, Fl USA [2006-02-04 08:29:48]
As soon as I saw the movie, I sat at the computer and entered his name in the searching engine. I wanted to know more about the man whose life and career inspires me.
Boris Lukic - Sydney/nsw, New South Wales Australia [2006-02-04 06:55:02]
a truly great man, a great american, a real hero. his story is most inspirational. whether we knew him back in the day, know of him by his exploits or just saw the movie or read his biography, we've been blessed by his presence among us.
Casey Mccloskey - Kirkwood, Mo Usa [2006-02-04 01:44:55]
I just saw Cinderalla Man and was so moved by the story that I had to research the man that the fabulous movie had been based on. I was right...great movie, great man.
Stephanie - Ottawa, Ontario Canada [2006-02-03 23:23:45]
What an inspiration JJB was, and still is, to so many people. A great family man with passion, and the will to provide all for his family at all costs. It makes you appreciate a true sportman in every sense of the word. Well done to all with the movie, especially our Aussie boy Russell Crowe.
Allan Sharpe - Surfers Paradise, Queensland Australia [2006-02-03 23:14:40]
In this age in which we live the term hero is given so many times without the real substance being there for the receiver of the accolade. In the case of Mr. Braddock it is absolutely deserved. Not only a great athlete, but a defender of our freedoms, a fine father, and husband, and a hard working individual. What a slendid role model.
Jeff Lambert - Birmingham, Alabama U.s.a. [2006-02-03 22:48:47]
How awesome was this man. Loyal, humble, tough, precious, soft, family orientated and above all a true HERO.
and Legend. I cannot believe his story was kept so QUIET. In Australia, all you hear about is Ali, Joe Louis, Dempsey etc. This "JJB" guy is an ABSOLUTELY TREMENDOUS....
Great website too...... re, JS
Keep them coming.........
Joe - Sydney, Nsw Australia [2006-02-03 20:58:18]
I had never realised how humble this James J Braddock was. A magnificent movie and true credit must go to Russell Crowe and Ron Howard. This has inspired me and I have just seen the movie 3 times. Long Live the "JJB LENGEND".
A note: how good is Russell Crowe? Go the aussies?
Tony - Sydney, Nsw Australia [2006-02-03 20:47:31]
Great Website. I own the Movie and Love it. This week I am using this story in my sermon for Sunday. The title of sermon will be '"What Are You Fighting For?". This will help deliver the meassage.
Rev. James Davis - Owensville, In U.s. [2006-02-03 16:58:11]
It was such a great movie I ever saw. And Cinderalla man truly touched my heart. Such a Great Movie And I thank You Mr. James Braddock.....
Shella Del Mundo-principe - Centreville, Va Usa [2006-02-03 16:16:49]
What a wonderful opportunity to learn about a true American hero. We borrowed “Cinderella Man” from a friend and watched it twice that weekend. Never has a movie affected to me so powerfully and so deeply. Then I bought the collector’s edition and watched the bonus features including the deleted scenes. It’s too bad that time constraints didn’t allow all of the scenes to make it into the finished cut. They were so powerful and shed even more light on the plight of Americans during that desperate era. They also shared even greater poignant details and examples of the beautiful caring spirit of this great man and his love and devotion to his family as well as his gratitude and belief in this great country. I am now beginning to read the books by Hague and Schaap to learn all I can about the Champ's life. Whether the Academy acknowledged it or not, this was one of the greatest films ever made about a man who truly personified the determination and spirit of America. Thank you to the Braddock family and to all who were involved in presenting this wholesome inspiring story to the world when we need it the most (again). Certainly the Lord has great blessings in store for James J. (Walter) Braddock and his family.
Rob Archer - Indianapolis, Indiana United States [2006-02-03 15:24:15]
what a fine man james was to care for his family through those hard years, a true husband and father.what a remarkable film one that should not have missed an oscar.russell crowe played james braddock like he knew the man personally his remaining family must be very proud of him.
Patricia Foy - Earby, Lancashire England [2006-02-03 15:20:15]
I have to admited that my heart was bleeding for Jim for the hard times that he had been through but on the other hand I admired the guy for his big heart to survive and to excel on what he blelieves can lift him and his family up from hardship. Not only I considered him as one of the best but one of the most courageous and tough fighter in boxing history.
Jojo - Toronto, Ontario Canada [2006-02-03 14:37:37]
I really love the movie,and i didn't know anything about James Braddock until I saw the movie, and now i visited the site and i know who he was.
Hugo Ordaz - Buhl, Id United States [2006-02-03 12:49:53]
Great Movie, Great Website, Great Example for the Kids, Great Person.
Jane - Iredell, Tx USA [2006-02-03 10:57:22]
My Dad died recently at 98. He learned to box in the British Army with his Dad in India. He loved Jack Dempsey and told me about all the great boxers. He would have loved this film and Braddock's honest, brave character.
Peter Dodd - Perth, Wa Australia [2006-02-03 07:58:59]
I remember my Dad talking about the Braddock/Baer fight. (He must have heard it on the Radio). It must have had an enormous impact on him since it was before I was born, but he remembered it clearly.
Peter Fleming - Collingwood, Ontario Canada [2006-02-03 06:38:22]
Great Website! A true American Story.
William Shawn Walker - Fort Smith, Ar United States [2006-02-03 01:39:57]
The scene where Art Lasky knocks Braddock's mouthpiece out and Braddock grins a bloody grin, picks it up, taps his gloves and heads out to dismantle Lasky is, hands down, the best sports movie scene ever.
Matt - Arlington, Va USA [2006-02-03 00:28:04]
I have never really been a boxing fan. But watching the movie about this great man inspires me so much. I get misty eyed everytime I watch it. I have watch 3 times now and don't think I'll ever get tired of it. I wished I could have met Mr. Braddock. But just as he inspired the people who knew him & watched him fight, now thanks to the movie & Russell Crow a whole new generation & generations to come can be inspired by him.
Rick Fondren - Silsbee, Texas USA [2006-02-02 23:56:26]
Paige Platt - Alton, Mo Usa [2006-02-02 23:44:31]
Just watched the Movie. A true American Legacy is Jim Braddock.
Andy Smith - Jackson, Nj USA [2006-02-02 22:26:40]
When I was a young boy my Mom and Dad took us kids out to eat at Snuffy's Resturant in Scotch Plains. If I had to guess I would say it was in the mid 50's. My Dad was a fight fan and recognized the Champ. He took me over and the Champ gave me his autograph. When I met him I shook his hand and said "Hi Champ". He had a smile from ear to ear. I was thrilled, but not until seeing the movie did I understand the man. It is my honor to have his autograph.
Stephen Allen - Hackettstown, New Jersey USA [2006-02-02 19:45:10]