James J. Braddock - Guestbook
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An absolutely incredible story of courage, and humility. It may be one of the best movies I have every seen. We must all remember that there is a little bit of James J Braddock in all of us. It is up to us to bring it out. May God bless Him & all his family he was a true example of sacrifice and unselfishness. His story will be remembered forever.
Stephen Mann - Miami, Florida Usa [2006-01-25 23:20:52]
Great story, just saw the movie "Cinderella Man" that paid a great tribute to James. A good honest working family man with a great life.....and a hard punch.
Justin Wooster - Lawrence, Ma USA [2006-01-25 18:00:52]
I watched a movie today, which is about a man from the otherside of the world and I had no idea about him. He is a good family man and a good boxer . this is the life which shows us that hopes never die and we shoulndt never ever give up. I really jealous Amerikan people, cos they have a hero like James J Braddock.
Murat Keskin - Istanbul, Turkey Turkey [2006-01-25 17:22:05]
One of the best movies of all time. An inspiration to all. Mr. Braddock was the kind of father and husband we should all strive to be. A man's man. That was part of a boxing era that will never be seen again. Thanks for bringing it to us.
Ron Martino - Geneva, New York Usa [2006-01-25 15:41:40]
This troubled world needs stories like this to serve as a beacon for all men to monitor their life by. The decendants of Jim are very fortunate, indeed, to have his history to honor. I thank Ron Howard for a very calibered story of a great man's life story...what an inspiration for all to share.
Ron Smith - Laguna Niguel, California USA [2006-01-25 14:21:12]
What town does Howard live in? What are his recollections? Can I contact him?
Bob Newman - Erma, Nj Usa [2006-01-25 14:17:42]
Wow, he was so wonderful. I have never knew him before until I saw the movie Cinderella Man last year. I found out some of amazement in the life of this boxer. I have cried for this movie, you know. Just knew that his grand-daughter was acting in this movie. I love him, although I don't know him. But he gave me courage to fight all the sadness. Thank you Braddock!
Tontaan - Bangkok, None Thailand [2006-01-25 10:31:12]
As a Christian man, working everyday to raise a family and be a good husband, the movie of James J. Braddock (The Cindrella Man), was the most inspiring movie and true story that I have ever seen. I rented on demand and watched it 3 times in a row! What Mr. Braddock did and accomplished all for the love of family is amazing. Every father and husband should watch this movie once a month or when the going gets tough to give them hope and commitment in their lives. I know I will. God Bless you James J. Braddock!
Zane Blocker - Jacksonville, Fl USA [2006-01-25 09:16:40]
Yesterday I saw the movie, it´s the best movie end story I´ll heard about. I have never heard about Mr James Braddock, I very fine and gentleman i every way. I have recommended the ´movie Cinderella man for all my friends and I hope they will se ut very soon. Thanks for a very nice experience !!
Johan Carlsson - Lerberget, Höganäs Sweden [2006-01-25 08:37:04]
Last night I watched Cinderella Man and 8 am the next morning I went looking for a website like this to know more ....I can honestly say that above all that this man did, the one thing that touched me the most is the way he loved his family. You don't see that kind of love that much anymore. That family was blessed in so many ways...and I am sure that the love continues to this day with all the grandchildren. God Bless such a beautiful family.
Dina Rizzo - Brooklyn, New York USA [2006-01-25 08:34:37]
His story brought me to tears. Stand up man, all heart.
Josh Eva - Salem, Ohio Usa [2006-01-25 05:51:37]
I am just amazed. Everyone knows who Joe Louis is, everyone who ever watched old movies knows who Max Baer was, but until the movine I did not know Jim Braddock. What an amazing story. What a great man and his story deserves to be known far and wide. He knew what he was fighting for. I will never forget him.
Tex Hunter - Oak Harbor, Whidbey Islan, Washington USA [2006-01-25 04:19:15]
Cinderella man story is one of the greatest movie i've ever watched. I cant stop my tears to fell, Mr James Braddock story is very inspiring especially to those person who wanted to helped their family from poverty.And willing to risk everything.
Jhaki David - Makati City, Metro Manila Philippines [2006-01-25 01:01:21]
Just saw Ron Howard movie, Cinderella Man and it was so wonderful. Russell Crowe should get on OSCAR for his portrayal-it was warm, touching, and deeply moving.
Jim Braddock and his family are the kind of decent people everyone should look up too!
Jan - Burke, Virginia United States Of America [2006-01-25 00:45:29]
WOW! I have been in the boxing game as boxer, trainer and mgr, and had no idea what a great man he was and still is. Thanx for hollywood letting us know about him, you all must be very proud
James Reynolds - Brinnon, Washington America [2006-01-25 00:21:36]
En este momento acabo de ver la pelicula de "Cindirella man" y no pude evitar entrar a internet y buscaruna fotografía de ese gran hombre que fué James, yo también peleo, pero es muy diferente, yo practico Karate y el ver la pelicula y leer la bibliografía de Jimmy me a ayudado a mantener la fuerza y seguir haciendo lo que me gusta luchando por mis sueños...
Hoy me enseñaste algo James, sin importar lo lluvioso que este el día, seguramente pronto brillara un sol que secara y hara renacer todo lo que la lluvia destruyo..
Kary - Villa De Ãlvarez, Colima México [2006-01-24 23:28:29]
Thank you for sharing such an inspirational story....one that will inspire for generations.
Paul - Hudson, Fl USA [2006-01-24 23:12:27]
I thought the movie about boxer James J. Braddock "Cinderella Man" was an excellent film and it showed what this country was built upon. Courage and determination, and making the most of what you don't have. He was hailed as the new "Heavyweight Champion" after defeating Max Baer but, he was a champion when he never gave up on his family and that he kept his promise to his son to not send him away! If America could somehow go back to those kind of value's I think would all be better off!
Kyle Morris - Aubrey, Texas U.s.a. [2006-01-24 22:23:25]
great man, great wife,great kids and grandsons, great movie and a great website. Thanks. The fact that it is a true story shows everyone of us we can beat all odds. we can all fight for the milk. let just not forget it.
Serdar Kuru - Izmir, Turkey Turkey [2006-01-24 21:38:43]
I simply loved this movie! It was so touchy most of the time, I could see how much he loved his family and how hard he fought for them. I could easily notice James´ ethics and values, especially when it came to facing poverty. And besides, his wife´s love for him made me understand that love is all we need when going through hard times. This movie is a great example for us, who nowadays get crazy and complain because we cannot buy the latest cellphone model in the market. Many thanks to the movie makers, for giving me and my boyfriend the chance to learn about such an important sports star, and best human being.
Silvina Paglovec - Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Argentina [2006-01-24 20:10:56]
What a compelling movie! This is truly an instant classic. More specifically this movie makes me think of how blessed I am, how many times I have had to sell my things to make the rent, electric, water, etc. I want to think this didn’t actually happen, but it did. James Jay Braddock is a real time hero, a real father, and a real inspiration for that generation going through such hard times. I believe this movie instills in viewers the mentality that it isn’t how hard you fight, it is what you are fighting for, James was fighting for “milk”, I would like to think I am fighting for a just and fair way of life, one free of prejudice and would like to say I admire James Jay Braddock for his courage to put it on the line for his family, he kept his promises and I will keep mine.
Justin Kittelson-burke - Albertville, Minnesota USA [2006-01-24 17:54:23]
Rented the movie on DVD last night, did not like it as it was done hollywood style. The movie did not live up to the actual story of James J. Braddock. He fought Max Baer when Baer had 2 bad hands and hardly trained for the fight.
After Jim won he was scared to fight anyone for 2 years as he knew he was really not a good fighter. When he fought Louis it was all over. A real champ should have fought within the 2 years. So i think Braddock was a coward.
Sander King - Dixon, Illinois U.s.a. [2006-01-24 15:48:17]
Great movie. Russell Crowe was great. Thanks Ron Howard.
Rj Reagan - Elmira, Ny USA [2006-01-24 15:34:25]
Wielki cz³owiek z niesamowitym sercem do walki. Szacunek...
Maciek - Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie Poland [2006-01-24 15:03:16]
Jimmy nos muestra como ante la adversidad hay que caminar firme, integro, sin miedo a los retos y con el corazon en la mano.
Bernie - Monterrey, N.l. Mexico [2006-01-24 13:57:14]