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James J. Braddock - Guestbook

James J. Braddock, World Heavy-Weight Champion

Welcome to the official guestbook of the James J Braddock website. Due to spam, we have been forced stop guestbook entries.

Saw the movie last night, as far as Jim Braddock character as being a good family man and couregous i agree. But the rest of the movie is PURE FICTION. First of all Braddock was a terrible fighter, when he fought Baer. Baer in reality went into the fight with bad hands and did not want to fight. If Baer really wanted to fight it would have been over in 1 round. Braddock was afraid to fight anyone for 2 years until he was forced to fight Joe Louis and the rest is history. THE MOVIE IS PURE FICTION.
George Witherspoon - St. Louis, Mo U.s.a. [2006-01-21 05:34:19]
It was awsome for me and my girlfriend saw a movie of this great man.
David Silva - Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico [2006-01-21 04:43:40]
Funny so many people have seen the movie at a smiliar time and posted. Great story and a great man.

Hope the family all the best :-)
Tony - Miami, Fl USA [2006-01-21 04:32:04]
Just watched the movie. I had no idea. What an interesting true story. So dedicated to his family! A wonderful man! I wanted to find more 'stuff' about him so i came here.

The Braddock family must be sooooo proud of him! A hero in every sense. Got back into the Army to serve during war.

An All- American Hero!
Michael - Virginia Beach, Va USA [2006-01-21 03:28:10]
Just watched movie.Went straight to your website during the 12th round,to find out outcome. Awesome movie,story,site,and life. Great job!
Mark Demory - Long Beach, Wa USA [2006-01-21 03:11:53]
My husband and I just watched the movie, and have two small children ourselves, and were so moved by his dedication to his family and the love between he and Mae. I wish his family well, they have so much to be proud of.
Ami Carroll - Anchorage, Alaska USA [2006-01-21 03:02:07]
My wife and I just watched the movie. I was so moved by James life story, I had to read more...........and came to this site. He is truly an American hero.
Tim Davis Jr - Orangevale, California USA [2006-01-21 02:44:37]
i just watch the movie and i have to say that it was very inspirational. i wish the figthers now a days would fight with such passion. nuff respect to the cinderella man.
Ingrid Morgan - Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Usa [2006-01-21 02:21:33]
"Truely a man with a golden glove and a golden heart a legend to be remembered"
John C - Naples, Florida USA [2006-01-21 02:02:49]
My son and I just watched the movie. It was great. It is a reminder for the current generation about what it's like to have true adversity. I hope that at the end of my life I can say that I was as good and couragous as Jim.
Tim Grielmaier - Shorewood, Wisconsin Usa [2006-01-21 01:48:55]
our family loves the movie...jim braddock is a real hero, he rocks!!!
Reina - Cagayan De Oro, Misamis Oriental Philippines [2006-01-21 01:33:48]
This is and was one heck of a man, when I think of the word tough I will forever think of James Braddock.
Brent Hastings - Waterloo, Iowa United States [2006-01-21 01:24:46]
This is an awesome movie told of a true hero-he was truly an inspiration to others-thank you for sharing a piece of history and the picures make this site truly personal--
Kathleen Vantine - Cabot, Pa USA [2006-01-21 00:47:39]
Truly an inspiration. A real life hero when many in our country needed one.
Doug - Metamora, Il USA [2006-01-21 00:43:41]
Wonderful movie. Inspirational story. I would have like to met Jim.
Mark - Grizzard, Georgia USA [2006-01-21 00:31:26]
Great movie, A great man and a inspiration for all. Thanks for sharing the story.
Steve Garland - Puyallup, Washington USA [2006-01-21 00:06:50]
Just watched the movie on Mr. braddock. The movie was well done and does a great job depicting a great American Hero. Thank you to the family of Mr. Braddock for sharing their story as we learned a piece of history through the life of Mr. Braddock.
Gary Thorpe - Fond Du Lac, Wi USA [2006-01-20 23:14:11]
I just watched the movie and am always happy to see an irishman win. It gave me hope.
Billie Glendinning - San Francisco, Ca Usa [2006-01-20 22:59:37]
what an inspirational story ! A hero to ignite all lost hope during the depression. Kudos
John Mason - Ancaster, Ontario Canada [2006-01-20 22:30:32]
Just watched this movie on Pay Per View. I can't believe that I didn't see this on the big screen. Ron Howard did an incredible job with this story about a man that I wished that I had met. Great performances and a great history lesson. What a legacy.......
Barry Bell - Forsyth, Il USA [2006-01-20 22:29:16]
Mr. Braddock is the "Sea Biscuit" of boxing & more than that, a great American patriot, not just for boxing, but for service to his country.
Mary - Palm Beach, Fl USA [2006-01-20 22:28:24]
I just saw the movie. How cool was THAT?!!!! Came right up here to look for "stuff" on James J. Braddock. A great fighter....but an even better person and man; the embodiment of the American spirit and soul. I have a wall of framed photos of people I admire and try to be like. The faces on the wall change from time to time. Each person on my wall represents a particular character trait or traits. Many are on my wall -- my dad, John Paul II, Thomas Jefferson, Willie Mays, Joshua Chamberlain, Mother Teresa, Woodrow Wilson/Teddy Roosevelt etc... and many others. I may have to move Joshua (my portrait of courage) with Jimmy Braddock.... Maybe I'll move Joshua and put Jimmy up there for a while -- courage, humility, honesty etc...... AWESOME!
John - Williamsburg, Va USA [2006-01-20 22:22:17]
Really was inspired by his story. (Great movie too!)
Jeff - Raleigh, North Carolina USA [2006-01-20 22:19:27]
Just saw the movie...finally. I am a 34 year old single male....and am assamed. I could never be half the man as JB. Great story, holywood or not!
Dan - Pompano, Fl USA [2006-01-20 22:17:52]
Jersey girl here! I'm so proud of that Jersey boy Braddock, I just wish I been alive to see him in action, what a man!!
Lynn - Bergen County, New Jersey USA [2006-01-20 21:45:58]