James J. Braddock Official Site Logo

James J. Braddock - Guestbook

James J. Braddock, World Heavy-Weight Champion

Welcome to the official guestbook of the James J Braddock website. Due to spam, we have been forced stop guestbook entries.

A great website tribute to a great fighter and a great man! My dad who is eighty-eight years old remebers the Baer fight and knew a lot of the history of Braddock! What a story!
John Carapella - Yorba Linda, Ca. USA [2006-07-18 03:29:45]
Rob - Calgary, Alberta Canada [2006-07-17 21:26:28]
The similarity of this honorable man touches home with the hard times of my early life. I can appreciate this great man and I do mean great man.He is a hero to me and the picture was great to. Thanks mr. braddock for your life story
James L. (jim) Dilley - Muncie, Indiana USA [2006-07-17 20:12:48]
After seeing Cinderella Man it reminded me of what is important in life.James Braddock is a true inspiration and redefines what the word man really means.
Mike - Cleveland, Oh Usa [2006-07-17 19:34:59]
the movie was great and jim was the man of men and i'm sure that he didn't mean for baer to be portrayed that way as the film has him as a beast ,boxing is a sport first,and it is what it is fighting ,and both jim and baer did what was ask of them as prize fighters and as gentlemen
Burger - Dorchester, Massachusetts Usa [2006-07-17 15:30:24]
While I am sure the movie took some liberties with things, Jim Braddock's story of grit and perseverance is one that was worth telling.
Tom - Saint Petersburg, Florida USA [2006-07-17 13:47:33]
While I am happy for your family and the notoriety it gained you, I am very upset at the portrayal of Max Baer in same movie.

A well like, decent man, was turned into Clubber Lang for dramatic purpose.

Baer felt horrible he was responcible for the death of a man in the ring. He gave the family his purses after. He put
the mans kids through college. He was likeable, and friendly. He hung out with your dad! He was considered a hero in his own right.

Its fine to build your dad up, but not by tearing somebody elses dad down.
Douglas Mcconnell - Syracuse, Ny Untited States [2006-07-17 12:40:46]
Having grown up in Bergen County, NJ, and being very proud of my home state, i was very moved by "The Cinderella Man" and it intrigued me to further investigate the history of the real Jim Braddock. An amazing man in my opinion, strong like the bulldog he was and ever supportive of his family. Im proud to be a native of Bergen Co, NJ, and admire the spirit of Jim Braddock that carried him through the Great Depression, and the sweet ups and downs of his career. Thanks for keeping his memory and legacy alive.
Christian Macchio - Dumont, New Jersey USA [2006-07-17 07:54:43]
I enjoyed this site very much. I watched the movie and then came here. BRADDOCK was ALL heart and he shined when he was supposed to. I wish I was alive to see him first hand.
Kenneth W. Larrabee - Ellsowrth, Maine United Tates [2006-07-17 04:54:26]
great site, thanks for sharing it with the world. wonderful inspiration!
Stephanie H - Vancouver, Bc Canada [2006-07-17 03:44:27]
A truley inspirational man with buckets of integrity. Would that we all had such character!!
Randy Jarry - Langley, British Columbia Canada [2006-07-17 03:35:26]
The film was great and so was the character of Mr. Braddock. He is what a champion is supposed to be and he was not only an excellent fighter, but a man of character.
Mark Norris - Hollywood, California USA [2006-07-17 01:39:09]
I have to admit that after watching the movie I can remember my mother mentioning that the actor Max Baer, of the Beverly Hillibillies, had a father that was a boxer/fighter. She said he was a champion, but the man who beat him and won the champsionship, was more of a champion out of the ring than in it. I couldn't remember his name, just the "actor's dad". What a shame that my mother had passed away before the movie came out. I love movies like Gone With the Wind, Wizard of Oz, Dances with Wolves and Cinderella Man. I know that movies are sometimes "spiced up" a little to make it more interesting. It is so nice to have a movie that the whole family can enjoy and hopefully learn from. The hardships of the Depression alone are a challenge that "us" younger generation have never even thought of today. I do believe in the pictures you have allowed us to view, shows a great love between your mother and father and the love for the children. The love and pride your father had in keeping his word and at the same time keeping his family together. I have purchased the movie and even watch in on cable over and over, learning new things. We are so lucky to have been allowed to love your family, and to cherish the little things we have taken for granted through easy times, ratherless the trying times.

Again, thank you for sharing the life of your family and the Pride of Jersey. I wish we all good "fight" for milk, the whole world would be such a better place.
Nancy - Brandon, Florida USA [2006-07-16 23:49:42]
seventy years later james j.braddock is still an inspiration. extraordinary life and inspirational and fantastic man.
one of a kind.
p.s. sorry for any grammar mistakes
Dejan Nenkovic - Belgrade, Serbia Serbia [2006-07-16 21:24:45]
liked the movie about mr. bradock the man had good hands and a lot of heart wish i could have met him.
Roger Campbell - Toccoa, Ga. Us [2006-07-16 18:17:40]
Watched the film and thought it was fantastic! What an amazing story and what courage - inspirational!
Sacha Serfaty - London, London Uk [2006-07-16 17:12:03]
I just wanted to thank the entire Braddock family, specifically James & Mae who are an inspiration to everyone and are the greatest example of the honest, hard-working, never give up American spirit. I am proud to live in a country where examples such as the Braddocks light the way for my generation and those to come! God Bless!
Bryan Kneiding - Los Angeles, California USA [2006-07-16 17:11:26]
Great movie and real life story, although missing Bernard(Barney) Doyle, his manager later in his boxing life, and family member of mine, it makes me proud to see it over and over.
Keith Hermann - Manville, Nj USA [2006-07-16 17:09:47]
7/16/06 We just watched the movie and thoroughly enjoyed it. Your family was so beautifully portrayed - the love and loyalty have to an inspiration to all who see this film. You three should be so very proud! Sandy and Dale Weaver
Sandy And Dale Weaver - East Wenatchee, Washington 98802 USA [2006-07-16 17:04:25]
Our family really enjoyed the movie and story of the entire Braddock Family overcoming adversity during the tough times of the Depression!

Thanks, The Mc Carthy's
Brian P. Mc Carthy - Lenexa, Kansas USA [2006-07-16 17:01:00]
Love the movie and the web site. Awesome!
P. Clark - Deatsville, Alabama USA [2006-07-16 16:36:00]
Acabei de assistir ao filme e de conhecer a história de Jim Braddock. O filme é excelente e retrata o exemplo de vida deixado por Braddock, onde mostra que independente de nossa idade, devemos ser persistentes, acreditar e buscar aquilo que almejamos. Pois sempre é possível, desde que se tenha esperança e dedicação à causa.
Edson Tavares - Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais Brasil [2006-07-16 16:32:53]
thanks for reminding all of us what it takes to believe in yourself and fight for what's most important
Coco - Los Angeles, California Usa [2006-07-16 16:20:10]
I just want to say that the story of James J. Braddock is a great one. It shows us that when times are down you should not give up. Thanks for the movie. It is a classic.
Ed Ramos - Orlando, Florida USA [2006-07-16 15:18:37]
I finally had the chance to watch what in my mind is now the greatest movie of all time. I had tears in my eyes from start to finish, and felt the same fear, desperation, faith, love and triumph the family experienced through the entire movie. Thank you for entering my life Braddock family, your family will never be forgotten!
Lauren Ray-warnke - Columbia, Missouri USA [2006-07-16 14:33:52]