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James J. Braddock - Guestbook

James J. Braddock, World Heavy-Weight Champion

Welcome to the official guestbook of the James J Braddock website. Due to spam, we have been forced stop guestbook entries.

Thanks for a great site honoring your grandfather's life. I am honored to be able to share a small part of it.
Kim Hill - Richmond, Texas USA [2006-07-16 14:19:39]
i never got into boxing...thought it was pointless. The research I have done because of the movie changed my mind.
people are passionate of this sport, James J. Braddock has changed my view. He was awesome in the ring but his real success was the love of his wife and children....thanks jimmie...annabelle
Annabelle - Aberdeen, Sd USA [2006-07-16 13:17:50]
I am speaking for myself & my family when I say that story of the Braddock Family, with the way they endured strife in the most trying time in country's history, was an inspiration in how to handle difficult times. I have always been a Rocky fan but the reality of this movie just hit home for me. I just wanted to say how proud I am to know that there are Americans, like that Braddock family, who represent everything that is possible when the human spirit is tested. Thanks for sharing your story and allowing it to be portrayed in a movie. It is my all-time favorite movie. Thanks, Alix Babaie & Family
Alixander Babaie - San Antonio, Tx USA [2006-07-16 13:09:56]
Our forefathers endured a lot of strife and showed us how good Americans should overcome hard times. It appears James Braddock was one of those examples of what every American should strive to emulate. I am honored to be a part of keeping a memory of his life alive.

Leonard Cox
Leonard Cox - Seabrook, Texas USA [2006-07-16 12:49:53]
My daughter gave birth on July 15, 2006 to Braddock Richard Lusher....she said that James Braddock reminded her of her dad, Richard T. Scott, who passed away 3 yrs., 1 month and 10 days ago. I thank James Braddock's son for sending her a signed photo of his dad that my daughter has on the wall in her son's room. He will hear from her soon - w/a picture. Thank u for such a special name w/such a special meaning to us....:-) What a great day it was and how wonderful my daughter and her hubby did to bring such a fine little man into this world. Connie Scott
Connie Scott - Canal Winchester, Ohio USA [2006-07-16 03:32:12]
My father, who has been somewhat of an enigma throughout my whole life, just celebrated his 90th birthday this year, and he never fails to surprise me with stories of his life.

After watching the movie "Cinderella Man," my father casually informed me that in 1936 he won the southern state Golden Glove Championship Title. This acheivement landed him an invitation to the training camp in the Catskills used by Braddock in preparation for his fight against Louis. My father was a sparring partner for Braddock until the camp disbanded due to a hand injury sufferred by Braddock, and the fight with Louis was consequently postponed.
My father had great things to say about Braddock inside and outside of the ring.
I feel so priviledged that my humble and mysterious father shared this story. It is 1st person accounts like his that add rich detail and personal connection to what seems like a fairytale from long, long ago.

Here's to your Father and Mine for making the "Cinderella Man" more than a fairytale!
Chelly Williams - Long Beach, Ca Us [2006-07-15 20:31:46]
Men like James J. Braddock do not come along that often. He is a true hero and an inspiration to many. His story is timeless and the movie does a good job of capturing the essence of this truly great man. I highly reccomend the movie to anyone seeking to be inspired or moved, especially if you happen to be down on your luck.
Stuart Livingston - Foley, Al U.s. [2006-07-15 17:17:56]
Your Granddad was an inspiration,more for how he lived his life and his family ethic than his ring accomplishments.He was a true hero in every sense of the word...May God bless you
Shane Garrard - Savannah, Tn. USA [2006-07-15 14:06:29]
Keep up the good work
Catherine - Nyc, Ny USA [2006-07-15 09:28:42]
there is nothing more courageous than stepping in between the ropes. being the man in the arena, covered by sweat and blood, risking everything and doing it alone. his story of overcoming adversity and injury should inspire the rest of us to keep on fighting for what we believe in, and never quit!!!!
Allen W. - Manhasset, New York Usa [2006-07-15 09:27:40]
Because of the title, I did not see Cinderella Man @ the theatre. Watched on Dish and have re-watched 4 times. What a great movie and depiction of what the underdog can do when he sets his mind to winning. JJB must have been a remarkable man and it is now my pleasure to know him through Cinderella Man.
Donald Simmons - Syracuse, Indiana USA [2006-07-15 08:09:44]
I shall begin to say that english isnīt my first language so there may be som gramatic problems. I just sat in my sofa and looked at "Cinderella Man" with Russell Crowe. What a movie! It touched me very much and is one of the best movies of all times in my Hall Of Fame. I hardly canīt write because i have a tears in my heart. A lot of people sat that the greatest fighter of all times is either Muhammed Ali, Floyd Patterson or Mike Tyson. Fron now on i will tell them wrong, The Greatest fighter is James J. Braddock.
Johan Svensson - Sundsvall, Up North Sweden [2006-07-14 21:53:09]
I live in Sullivan County, NY. I grew up in the hamlet of Hurleyville, NY, a few miles from Loch Sheldrake, NY.

My Mother is 83 years young...and often speaks of Jimmy Braddock attending mass at ST. Marys Church on Main Street in Hurleyville. She often states that Jim use to be friendly w/ our family preist Father Wilkens. Jim use to sit in front of my Mom in church and he always made time after services for the local town children. He was greatly admired by my Mom's family the Tooheys. I believe Jim also helped out my Uncles (Mom's side) with some boxing advice. Both my Uncles Bill and George Toohey were boxers that would put on fundraising fights for the church.

My Mom reflects fondly on Jim, and how he was such a down to earth person, who inspired so many with his demeanor and never quit attitude.
Always making it a point to stop and chat with the towns people. And encourage the youngsters to do the right thing as well.

My Mom often tells how Jim would be doing his roadwork and run by their home...they would yell to him and he would always give a big wave! And just as if in a movie....soon Jim would have a bunch of young fans running behind him.

When Jim won the Heavyweight Title from Max Baer...the TOOHEY house celebrated for days!!

I am fortunate enough to have in my possession an autographed, small photo, taken of Jim while he was in training at the EVANS Hotel in Loch Sheldrake, NY. He was nice enough to sign the photo for my grandfather. I will treasure it forever.

Jim was OUR FIGHTER(being an Irishman...he easily won the hearts of the Toohey Clan) ....our common man....who loved God, his Family and Country. He knew right from wrong and never waivered...with a heart steadfast.

I'll have to ask my Mom where Jim stayed while Sullivan County. I see where you have referenced the Braddock Home in Sullivan County in the family photo gallery? Any idea where the family home was located in Sullivan County? I'd love to try and locate it. My guess is it was either in Loch Sheldrake or Hurleyville. Any idea?

Cinderella Man was a great film and inspiring story. I purchased the DVD for my Mom so she can see it. She will LOVE IT!

I wish I could turn back the hands of time, so I could watch Jim train and be able to shake his hand and meet him in person.

Great website and thanks for making it available.

Arthur J. Hussey, Jr. - Liberty, Ny USA [2006-07-14 12:18:20]
I have watched the movie about 6 times- but beyond the great class of James Braddock was to see my 83 year old mother watch the movie and for hours tell how she was a little girl at Madison Square Garden on the night of the Baer fight selling lemonade outside the stadium. She really perked up and I thank you for a wonderful american hero.
Rick Hirtzel - Glenmoore, Pa Usa [2006-07-14 12:10:21]
In this era of Barry Bonds and the other drug using "sports heroes", it is truly inspiring to see a movie done on this true hero. Not only was he a wonderful husband, father, dock worker, and fighter, he went on to serve his Country in WWII. A true man among men. How times have changed....for the worse!! Thanks so much for allowing this wonderful story to be told. All sports figures should use Mr. Braddock as the epitome of what a true sports hero should be.
Gene Ardis - Holly Hill, Sc USA [2006-07-14 11:36:17]
Thanks for providing this very informational website. It is a very nice dedication to Braddock--he deserves to be remembered for his tenacity and determination. The story is a great inspiration!
Leslie - Olathe, Ks USA [2006-07-14 10:19:26]
Just watched the movie and researched the net on JJB. I grew up in the 60's and 70's with many heroes on TV to look up to; John Wayne, The Lone Ranger, Superman, The Rifleman, Chyanne, etc. As I got older, I had a few real life heroes to look up to, but they all faded away and let me down. I have just added James J. Braddock the my short list of heroes of the past. He was a good man, a good husband, a good father and a good son. Along with that, he was honest, had great courage, humility, integrity, compassion, and he threw a mean right. What else could we ask for in a heroe; a mortal heroe.
Joe Morrash - Columbia, Sc USA [2006-07-14 02:37:10]
The movie was incredibly inspirational. I bawled at the touching private scenes between James and Mae and also the final fight. If it is anything close the the true story, James and Mae Braddock were incredible people. I think I admired his wife as much as him as they were both people of outstanding character. My hat is off to Mr. Braddock for his dedication to and sense of obligation for his family. I admire and respect Mae Braddock for allowing and supporting (but maybe not always understanding) her husband in his quest to fulfill this sense of duty in the way he felt was right.

It is a rare woman, especially today, that accepts and loves her man for who he is, and gives him the space (without resentment) to do his duty and fulfill his obligations in the way he knows how and is comfortable with. The way she stuck by him (as hard as it was for fear of his chance of dying in the fight) and believed in him regardless of the situation was very moving.

The couples patience, fortitude, dedication to each other and their children through the hard times is truly a testament of how great humans can be.

I can only strive to follow their example. Thank you James and Mae Braddock for your example.
John Matthews - Huxley, Iowa USA [2006-07-14 02:16:59]
Just saw the movie, Jim was a good man, awsome fighter and loved his family. they don't make too many of those lately.

P.S. I was born 35 years later on the date he won the Max Baer fight june 13
Terry-lin Branco - Honolulu, Hawaii Usa [2006-07-14 01:38:36]
I have ordered the original fight on netflix. I seen the fight on super 8 film back in the 70's but at the time I did not recognize the significance of the fight. I just seen cinderella man and hope to watch the fight with new found insight on such a great man.
Dan Uselton - Salem, Oregon Usa [2006-07-14 01:25:18]
I just saw the movie. I googled J.J.
Wow! Helluva guy! We are all very proud! Bless you and yours. He was awesome .
Tim Harris - Thomasville, North Carolina USA [2006-07-14 00:15:28]
Wow... what a tribute to a great man. I too find myself watching this terrific movie more than once. Too bad my NJ born and raised grandfathers aren't around to talk about what they remember, and I'm sure they followed his career big time! I'm so glad Cinderella Man was made to educate us all who weren't around during his lifetime career of boxing.
Lori Mcauley - Fredericksburg, Virginia USA [2006-07-13 23:15:26]
To the daer loved ones of JJBraddock, I also have watched the movie. And as I am watching the movie that JJ Braddock was a beautiful family man that cared for his family with such passion and conviction. He did whatever it took to keep them together. He knows humility and courage to do what was right. No matter how bad it got. So Thankyou Braddock Family for sharing a story that everyone can learn from. God Bless You.
Michelle Rhodenizer - Midlothian, Virginia USA [2006-07-13 23:03:50]
What a fantastic man your grandfather was - and what a terrific movie! I've seen it several times and I'm looking forward to seeing it again. I didn't know too much about James J, but my dad did. I only wish he had had the opportunity to see this wonderful portrayal of this great man. Thanks for a terrific job on this website.
Sean M. Daly - Midlothian, Va USA [2006-07-13 23:02:16]
this man is a hero to be remembered everyday.......he is special
Jennifer Smih - New York, N Y Usa [2006-07-13 22:53:12]