James J. Braddock - Guestbook
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WOW!! I just saw the movie. I have no words, he was an amazing example of life. Beautiful man who was and still is a trully inspiration for any human being and for any parent. Beautiful family.
Leyde Pardo - Miramar, Florida USA [2006-07-07 13:11:23]
Just say the movie last night! What a truly inspirational story. James Braddock should be extremely proud of the way he conducted himself as a man and a fighter.
Bob Paslowsky - Cherry Hill, Nj USA [2006-07-07 12:49:41]
I live in Sullivan County, NY. I grew up in the hamlet of Hurleyville, NY, a few miles from Loch Sheldrake, NY.
My Mother is 83 years young...and often speaks of Jimmy Braddock attending mass at ST. Marys Church on Main Street in Hurleyville. She often states that Jim use to be friendly w/ our family preist Father Wilkens. Jim use to sit in front of my Mom in church and he always made time after services for the local town children. He was greatly admired by my Mom's family the Tooheys. I believe Jim also helped out my Uncles (Mom's side) with some boxing advice. Both my Uncles Bill and George Toohey were boxers that would put on fundraising fights for the church.
My Mom reflects fondly on Jim, and how he was such a down to earth person, who inspired so many with his demeanor and never quit attitude.
Always making it a point to stop and chat with the towns people. And encourage the youngsters to do the right thing as well.
My Mom often tells how Jim would be doing his roadwork and run by their home...they would yell to him and he would always give a big wave! And just as if in a movie....soon Jim would have a bunch of young fans running behind him.
When Jim won the Heavyweight Title from Max Baer...the TOOHEY house celebrated for days!!
I am fortunate enough to have in my possession an autographed, small photo, taken of Jim while he was in training at the EVANS Hotel in Loch Sheldrake, NY. He was nice enough to sign the photo for my grandfather. I will treasure it forever. I hope to locate more Jim Braddock original memorabilia. If you can be of assistance in this regard...please write me.
Jim was OUR FIGHTER(being an Irishman...he easily won the hearts of the Toohey Clan) ....our common man....who loved God, his Family and Country. He knew right from wrong and never waivered...with a heart steadfast.
I'll have to ask my Mom where Jim stayed while Sullivan County. I see where you have referenced the Braddock Home in Sullivan County in the family photo gallery? Any idea where the family home was located in Sullivan County? I'd love to try and locate it. My guess is it was either in Loch Sheldrake or Hurleyville. Any idea?
Cinderella Man was a great film and inspiring story. I purchased the DVD for my Mom so she can see it. She will LOVE IT!
I wish I could turn back the hands of time, so I could watch Jim train and be able to shake his hand and meet him in person.
Great website and thanks for making it available. Hoping to hear from you via USPS or email.
Best regards,
Art Hussey, Jr.
419 Airport Road
Liberty, NY 12754
A 42 year old JIM BRADDOCK Fan!
Arthur J. Hussey, Jr. - Liberty, Ny USA [2006-07-07 11:55:19]
I, too, saw Cinderella Man and I immediately wanted to learn more about the man and his journey. Simply amazing and truly inspiring.
R. Abella - Jersey City, Nj!!!!! USA [2006-07-07 06:40:52]
Was sorry to have missed Cinderella Man when the film came out, but have watched it three times this week on HBO. It's a truly inspiring film.
Paul Pharmer - Miami, Fl Us [2006-07-06 23:11:19]
I am enthralled with Mr. Braddock and the movie protrayal of his life after just seeing the "Cindrella Man". He is a true gentleman I can only aspire to be. His descendants should be proud as I imagine they are from a man with such integrity, grit and resolve. Mr. Gould shoud also be commended as their friendship was clearly what we strive for in our relationships. Thanks to Ron Howard for making a fabulous movie of a great man without need to mention his athletic accomplishments to deserve such stature!
Bob Kelso - Scottsdale, Az USA [2006-07-06 20:37:35]
I have watched the movie,Cinderella Man a dozen times and each time you see something in the movie that made James more of a fighter then what he did in the ring, the relation that he had with his wife and children was more than any athelete today can accomplish. If there was some way to make other athletes bcome the man that James was spotrs would be a lot better. I applaude Ron Howard and the
Braddock family for making a movie that portrayed a true athlete. Thank You
William P - Raytown, Mo USA [2006-07-06 17:49:58]
It is such a pleasant surprise to see and read about a great professional athlete that was so honest, family loving and caring about people. Un fortunately it is an exception, but I hope more young people of today read and study about this great man.
Rolland Phillips - Port St. Lucie, Fl. Usa [2006-07-06 17:39:55]
While I am not nor have I ever been a fan of boxing, I found this movie captivating. I especially appreciate the snipetts that portray Mr. Braddock's role as a father ("we don't steal" and "I dreamed I ate a steak"). Mr. Braddock's foundation of moral integrity and the importance of instilling foundational values in his children is inspiring. I love his determination and motivation to overcome the many obstacles he and his family faced. This story should be an encouragement to everyone and challenge each of us to never give up!
Marcia Ramsey - Columbia, Sc USA [2006-07-06 14:39:47]
Dear Braddocks:
I believe you are having a hard time from the family members of Max Baer about the profile of him in the film, "Cinderella Man," but the Baer family members should know that Max Baer, after he lethally punished Campbell in the ring, was charged with manslaughter and his license taken away for a year. (He was later cleared.) He was credited with the death of another boxer, who died after fighting Primo Canera, and who had first taken a terrible beating from Baer. I have heard that Baer was remorseful and haunted years later about these two ring deaths at his hands, but one must remember that Baer eagerly played a role model of himself in the 1957 ring classic film, "The Harder They Fall," playing the part of "Buddy Brannon." I quote a part of my review of this film: "It's all based on fact, author Shulberg rooting his story to the mob-controlled career of one-time heavyweight champion Primo Carnera, a giant with no punch who was promoted into his title, only to lose it to Max Baer in 1934; ironically Baer does a reprise here of his victory, but is portrayed as a vicious, sadistic fighter." Baer relished this role (and certainly never condemned that portrait of himself at any time after that film was released) as a ring thug and is shown in this film as being angered that the death of one man at the hands of the boxer/actor playing Canera (Mike Lane) was not attributed to him, claiming that he (Baer/Brannon) was responsible for that man's death, as if he had been cheated out of receiving this grim credit. I went on to state: "He is so miffed that Lane is credited with Comiskey's death [Comiskey is based upon Ernie Shaaf, the man beaten senseless by Baer before Canera was credited with killing him] that he vows to ravage the tall fighter. The punishment he administers [in the ring against Lane] is the most brutal in film history [in a film appearing long before Martin Scorse's "Raging Bull"]." If, indeed, Baer was truly remorseful about having killed Campbell and contributing to Shaaf's death, why then would he appear two decades later in a role where he brags about killing a man in the ring, and, in fact, viciously covets credit for that death? Well, look at that film and watch Max Baer playing Max Baer and you will know. Baer was known in his day as a man to be feared in the ring, one with a powerful right, but he was also known as a "dirty fighter," who routinely administered low blows and headholds and clubbing to the back of his opponent's head. Many films of his fights are available and one can see that kind of conduct displayed with alacrity. In the case of Braddock, Baer did try to intimidate him, threaten him and insult him and his family because they were Irish. Oddly, Baer wore the Star of David on his trunks when he soundly beat the German boxer Max Schmeling, to signal his opposition to the Hitler regime, but in the 1930s, ethnic factionalism pitted one nationality against another and such unreasonable hatreds were no more widely promoted than in the boxing ring. It was okay for Baer to hate the Nazis and, in that ignorant era, make derogatory remarks about "the Micks," but I have never heard of one antiSemitic word coming from the mouth of Mr. James J. Braddock. As an historian who has studied the careers of both Baer and Braddock, I find only one to be a genuine gentleman and the other, out of his own mouth (in his role as Buddy Brannon in "The Harder They Fall") a thug, an image umbilical to this man's character and one that has nothing at all to do with his ethnic or religious origins.
Lurking within all of us are the ancient evils of prejudice, which our reason and hearts (the heart having reasons of which reason does not know) struggle to discard and banish. I'd like to think that Max Baer, before his death in 1959, struggled to overcome that insidious opponent. I believe that Jimmy Braddock won that fight long before he got into the ring with the "Clown Prince of Boxing."
Jay Robert Nash
Jay Robert Nash - Wilmette, Il USA [2006-07-06 10:11:13]
My wife doesn't care for boxing much, but she loved this movie. I got her to watch it because I told her it was a boxing movie that wasn't about boxing, if that makes sense. A true story of a regular man with tremendous courage, pride, and love for his family is inspiring to anybody who watches it. I thank God for putting people like him on this earth.
Troy Forbes - Chicago, Il United States [2006-07-06 07:19:36]
I have always disliked boxing. So violent it is. But, I just watched this movie and I totally understand what drove him and was so moved by this obviously true story. I'd like to say thank you to all the actors/actress', producers, directors and especially whoever financed this because this will be never forgotten by anyone who sees it. Thanks for making the blockbusters for the money for this magical experience I will never forget.
Ellen - Apple Valley, Mn Usa [2006-07-06 04:28:31]
A truely inspiring man... If we could strive to be our best in the worst of times, maybe we could make a difference in our own lives and others! Great job in telling this story...
Greg Hurt - Yorba Linda, California USA [2006-07-06 01:46:43]
newly married .my husband and I watch cinderella man everytime we come across it..we love these types of movies..what a great story..what a great man..full of pride and honor..god bless your family Karen Everett mass
Karen - Everett, Ma Usa [2006-07-05 23:59:34]
my grandfather was a mans man but he use to say "theres more of a man in one drop of sweet from james braddock then any man he knew" idid not know who mr. braddock was..but now i do and my grandfather was right. thank-you braddock family for sharing your"mans man"with all of us.
Samuel Long - San Diego, Ca Usa [2006-07-05 23:33:35]
K. Somer - Schumacher, Ontario Canada [2006-07-05 22:42:26]
My dad had loved and talked about James J Braddock during my younger years. He was a true fight fan and I always wondered why out of all the great boxers he would single Jimmy Braddock as his favorite. Seeing the movie and reading articles about Mr Braddock in the past few months. I finally understand why my dad loved him so much. My dad would have loved the film and been very proud of the fact that he favored a true champion of boxing and of life in James J Braddock. Thank you for a great site and God Bless All....
Julian J Darmetko - Watervliet, New York U.s.a. [2006-07-05 19:46:24]
The film, which I have seen five times, is excellent. I know what I am talking about since I am the author of the MOTION PICTURE GUIDE, the multi-volume work on film considered to be the definitive work on the subject. Howard did a great job as did Crowe, the cast and crew in showing how it really was in the desperate 1930s, and how James J. Braddock, would not give up on himself, his family or his country, which is why America recovered, like his right hand, and remained "the home of the brave." This is a five star film about a five star human being, and it should be seen by every person in this country to remind them of our true values--and the core of our strength--love. Two years before my birth, my mother (a singer) and my father (a newspaperman) saw the Braddock-Louis fight in Chicago. My mother told me later that she wept when Braddock lost (both were Irish, which may have had something to do with that sorrow), but she, until her dying day. kept three great heroes in her heart, my father (killed in WWII, Pacific), Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and James J. Braddock. I remember going home with a shiner one night as a boy and my mother told me to go back into the street and face the bigger boy who had given it to me, saying--"We don't run--you go back there and be a Braddock!" I did and I did not have any more problems from that bigger boy--but he was no Max Baer, thank God.
Your site is terrific, the film was great, and the man for whom both have been created is an inspiration of courage and decency. Thank you!
Jay Robert Nash
Jay Robert Nash - Wilmette, Ill USA [2006-07-05 18:48:47]
What a wonderful movie and such an inspiration to us all. Thank God he was a jersey boy.
Denise - Lawrenceville, Ga United States [2006-07-05 18:23:47]
What a fantastic movie! And more importantly, a great story about a great man who loved his family, loved his country, and was a credit to his profession. His like will not be seen again..R.I.P. Jim Braddock..you are missed..
John - Jacksonville, Fla USA [2006-07-05 17:55:16]
I just happened on the movie today and absolutely loved it. What a great story. What a great life. What a great man. What a great inspiration! James was exactly what our country and the millions he inspired needed. Truly magical.
Jodi Gelineau - Duluth, Mn Usa [2006-07-05 17:47:41]
My dad was born in 1910, 5 years after your grandfather/great grandfather was born. His parents were also Irish immigrants and he was very proud of his Irish ancestry. My Dad often spoke fondly of the Irish boxers of the 20s & 30s, but James J. Braddock was his favorite or should I say, hero. My Dad always rooted for the underdog or the "little guy"., but James J. came up BIG against Max Baer Jr. The movie, Cinderella Man, which I just saw on HBO, dipicited a wonderful and honorable man. Thank you James Braddock, for being an inspiration to my Dad during the hard times in the 30s.
Richard B Mccann - Port Saint Lucie, Fl USA [2006-07-05 17:34:16]
What an inspiration and a testament to living your life the right way for the right reasons.
This is the kind of spirit our country was founded on and defended with. If only more people could be like James Braddock and understand what life is really about and what is actually worth "fighting" for.
Donald - Covington, Louisiana USA [2006-07-05 17:22:42]
My father was golden glove champ when he was young. He passed in 2002. I grew up in the Jim Braddock era, and I loved watching him fight. The movie is outstanding. My son just commented today that I had watched it 1,000 times!! God bless all the descendants of the Braddock families!!
Dona Ray Brooks - Montgomery, Alabama USA [2006-07-05 16:37:45]
I think Braddock's story is one that should known more to help people in their time of need. It is a story that lets us all know that if we put our minds to something we can doing what want to do and achieve our goals.
Orlando Layes - Allentown, Pa America [2006-07-05 16:10:15]