James J. Braddock Official Site Logo
On this day in 1932, Braddock fought Baxter Calmes in a 10 round Loss

James J. Braddock - Guestbook

James J. Braddock, World Heavy-Weight Champion

Welcome to the official guestbook of the James J Braddock website. Due to spam, we have been forced stop guestbook entries.

WOW ! What an awesome American story. I can only hope that there are a few good people left out there like James J. Braddock. He exemplifies what all of us should aspire to do and be. I hope his story can inspire at least a few people to not be such deadbeats and quit taking the American life for granted. Thank you Ron Howard and Mr. Crowe for your well put efforts . To the Braddock family - thank you for sharing James' history with us all.
Travis Messner - Acton, California United States [2006-07-04 00:33:15]
I've seen the movie about three times now and still get teary eyed after each viewing. Having been up, down, and up again myself, the film touched me very emotionally. It is a movie for everyone of all ages and walks of life to see. It teaches the virtues of having a strong family, faith, and will to overcome any obstacle.

My thoughts and prayers go to Jim's family and the man himself.
Jack K Riashi, Jr - Grosse Pointe Woods, M USA [2006-07-03 23:49:33]
I, too, just watched the Cinderella Man on HBO and it was a wonderful, inspirational movie. I'm so glad someone tapped into this incredible man's life and shared the story for present and future generations to see.
Darla - Coshocton, Oh USA [2006-07-03 23:30:59]
I TIVO'd "Cinderella Man" a couple weeks ago and just got around to watching it today. This is one of greatest stories of triumph from adversity I've ever seen. I cried like a baby watching when he unanimously beat Max Baer. A true underdog story. Jim Braddock is my new hero. He inspires me the same way as Odysseus from the Iliad-another great hero of mine. Something else. This guy's will transcended everyday humanity.
Rob - San Diego, California USA [2006-07-03 23:11:07]
I am a wimp when it comes to any movie that has fighting in it. I have a difficult time watching...however, I loved Cinderella Man! I am impressed with Russell Crowe's portrayal of James Braddock. I'm sure, though, that he barely touched upon the courage, dignity and beauty that James and his family exhibited during such a difficult time in America. Great job, Jim, with this website. I'm sure you're proud to be his family.
Terry S - Indianapolis, In United States [2006-07-03 22:30:30]
After watching Cinderella Man, I was very interested to learn more about James Braddock. The movie just touched on a few things that Mr. Braddock did. I would encourage you if you haven't done so already to watch the movie and read the information provided on this website. James Braddock gave people hope, which so many lack today.
Janara - Atlanta, Ga Us [2006-07-03 21:53:59]
I saw the movied "Cinderilla Man" for for the first time on June 24, 2006. It was such an inspiring and emotional movie. The people of the United States need to remember where our country came from and the kind of people with morals that bilt it. I believe the problem with our liberal government need to watch and learn from transpired in Mr. Braddocks life and go back to traditional values in this country.
Diane - Houston, Texas United States [2006-07-03 20:47:29]
About 30 years, I was on a picket line at the George Washington Bridge for Local 164 IBEW. There were non union laborers doing our work. James Braddock Jr. showed up and gave us his time and support. Being a good union man, his courage came from his parents who raised his family with honesty and good convictions. Even though the movie is a Hollywood creation, the boxing life of Braddock Senior showed a determination to be the best at what he did. There was a quote that struck me when he said "It's my profession". Hard working people who truly care about there families are the true champions. My hats off to the entire Braddock Family.
David - Bergen/hudson County, Nj USA [2006-07-03 20:14:11]
Wonderful and informative web site.I used information from that site its great.
Shirley - Nyc, Ny USA [2006-07-03 19:15:34]
I would like to say that I enjoyed the movie alot Braddock was a very good fighter and the movie and his legacy is inspirational. I dont like how baer was portrayed in the movie because unlike most people who arnt boxing fans and just watch a movie and believe what was put onto the screen baer was a very generous man as well. Loved the movie pretty acurate but I guess in this day and age movies need villians.
Chris - Fg, Oregon USA [2006-07-03 19:04:26]
i just want to say i wish there were more fighters like Mr. Bradduck i have a lot of respect for him.
John Perales - East Los Angeles, Ca Usa [2006-07-03 17:35:39]
Last nite 7/1/06 I saw the movie on HBO Cinderella Man. It was very late but I could not stop from watching such a great human being, such beautiful family. What gut's he had. Even today he still inspires people!!! God bless.
Hector - Elizabeth, Nj USA [2006-07-03 17:16:44]
I enjoyed reading about him and his Family . I enjoyed the pics of his family
Barbara - San Angelo, Texas United States [2006-07-03 16:44:00]
I saw Cinderella Man for the first time a week ago - I had never heard of Jim Braddock - I had heard of Max Baer Jr and had always wondered why he was a Jr. After watching the first time, I wanted to see it again to get more into the story as I was up and about the first time. What a tremendous man Mr Braddock was - Loyal and Honorable - apparantly a wonderful husband and father - What an inspiration he still can be to us today. He never gave up his dignity. Thank You Mr Braddock!
Andrea - Hurst, Tx USA [2006-07-03 15:01:50]
How this man wasn't credited more for helping New York and Jersey get out of the depression I will never know..I am glad somebody like ron howard finally did him some more justice though..More men like him would help now too
Gabe Massie - Hinton, Wv U.s. [2006-07-03 15:00:38]
I just finished seeing Cinderella Man. What an inspirational man in a time where very few like him existed. Every now a then a movie like this pops up and still to this date not that many people get it. I think he's a true testament to man's desire to endure no matter what life throws at you. Truly an inspiration to all, in society all we think about is ourselves, who has the bigger paycheck, who has the better car, better clothes, etc. Here we have a man who dedicated his life to his family at all costs. Words like inspiration, leadership, admiration, strong, humble, caring, loving, respect, courageous all of the qualities that are found in the word “FATHER”. And that's who James J Braddock truly was. Live in Peace JJB. We miss you.
Andre R - Queens, Ny USA [2006-07-03 14:21:16]
James J Braddock was a bona fide Captain America. He embodied the true American man, and his family must be so proud of him.
George Nicolai - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA [2006-07-03 14:10:53]
My husband has tried to get me to watch this movie since it came out on DVD, but I had been reluctant because I was afraid it was too sad. Last night I relented and sat down with my husband and my 12 and 13 year old daughters and watched the movie. We were on the edge of our seats. I was even pacing during the Baer fight. I did not know what the outcome would be so it felt like it was happening right then. Jim and Mae were wonderful courageous people who defined the meaning of family and never giving up.
Tania Tate - Gulf Breeze, Florida USA [2006-07-03 12:45:20]
What an inspiration this man is, I saw the movie just yesterday and really was moved by his struggle. He was not only a great boxer but also a great human being. My uncle was a boxing announcer later at madison square garden the one and only Johnny Addie, I am sure that he knew him, but I am not sure how well. I couls read this man's story all day for inspiration and courage, especially how he handled Max Baer!!!
Rick Addie - Stone Ridge, Virginia USA [2006-07-03 12:01:55]
Quintessential American hero. The standard by which all men can meaure one's self. Truely one of the greatest American stories.
Michael - Omaha, Ne United States [2006-07-03 10:59:09]
This guy is what the American dream is all about. It is fantastic that web sites like this exsits to keep his memory alive. What an inspiration. Thank you Braddock!
Rik Emmick - Syracuse, Ny USA [2006-07-03 10:49:07]
Thanks for thr inspiration Jimmy.
Jeff Wilke - Omaha, Ne USA [2006-07-03 08:38:34]
James Braddock is the bestest boxer of all time. A real champion of the ring.
Gary Buchanan
Gary Buchanan - Belchertown, Ma USA [2006-07-03 06:53:20]
Just being excellent at what you do is not enough to be called great. This man's greatness has everything to do what who he was. He was a man to be admired, regardless of his boxing record. His record was his icing on the cake.
Portia - New Orleans, Louisiana USA [2006-07-03 05:41:56]
I watched the movie Cinderalla Man for the first time today, I had never heard of Jim Braddock. As you see I took an interest in him, as I am on this site. I have not been a fight man, but this movie has made look into his life. I really think he was a great man, after all he beat Max Baer. Thank you for you'r time.
Jack Hawkins - Sulphur Springs, Texas USA [2006-07-02 23:51:15]