James J. Braddock - Guestbook
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James J Braddock was a GREAT man. I justed watched the movie "Cinderella Man", and it left me feeling great about the person he was, and wanted his children to become. He is truely remarkable.
Dana Reece - Stillwater, Oklahoma USA [2006-07-02 19:38:55]
A favorite uncle, one Ed Paitl, went to the Louis/Braddock fought here in Chgo. in 1937. I always wondered why this uncle, not a boxing fan, so admired Braddock. Having just viewed CINDERELLA MAN, I found out (@age 77). Ed faced similar issues.
Bob Soukup - Stickney, Il USA [2006-07-02 19:36:53]
Simply put, Jim was one tough son of a gun, who gave his all each time he stepped into the ring!
Herb Holroyd - Mt. Laurel, Nj USA [2006-07-02 19:21:00]
I finally saw the movie Cinderella Man and had to search the web for information about James Braddock. This is a great site. I've lived in Saddle Brook since 1983; I wish I had known that his son lived in town. I would have loved to talk with him about his dad and his accomplishments.
Again, a great web site.
Glenn - Saddle Brook, Nj USA [2006-07-02 19:18:28]
what a movie ,i was born in jersey city nj ,so was my mother, and she and my grandfather would tell me stories as a child about jim braddock brings tears to my eyes what a movie what a man.....................
Beth Cumming - Spring Hill, Fl Usa [2006-07-02 17:26:39]
Just an absolute wonderful story and movie.
One of the best stories I've ever seen in my 54 years.
Rick - Blue Springs, Mo Us [2006-07-02 17:19:35]
Of course the film, Cinderella Man prompted my 'seek and search' of your website. Excellent film and I would believe, a remarkable man. You must be so proud in the Braddock family. I remember my mom, born in the 1920's, telling me of Braddock's 'great fight' to become the Champ. I've watched boxing for many years and wish I had could take a step back in time. Thank you so much for this site and history.
Ann - Chicago, Il USA [2006-07-02 17:07:23]
Some things are sooo worth seeing again and again. This movie is one of them. What beautiful examples of how adult people, spouses, parents are supposed to behave. What wonderful models to emulate, and what a truly fine legacy. BEAUTIFUL!!!
And learning of it's accuracy is icing on the cake! We've lost count of the # of times we've watched this story. A family favorite. Wish my father was like Mr. Braddock.
Vicki Williams - Hanford, Ca America [2006-07-02 16:40:29]
Great family story of hard work and dedication.
Julio Nieves - Littlerock, Ca USA [2006-07-02 16:05:42]
I've just finished watching "Cinderella Man" for the 10+ times. This movie is a must for my DVD library.
Russell Crowe's portrayal of James J. Braddock was so inspiring. Renee Zellweger's performance of Mae. the every loving, protective, and patient mother and wife was so moving. Ron Howard tells a wonderful story of a very courageous man, fighting to feed his family and keep them all together during the horrific "Depression."
Tugs the heart strings and makes your heart sing at the same time!
Never would have thought that I would be watching a movie about boxing.
Once I started watching, I was mesmerized by what James J.Braddock's life was about. The "Bulldog," reminded me of what is important in LIFE! Family- hold on to them, no matter what life throws your way. Never let ANYONE tell you that "you can't go on" or "you can't do that." To hold steadfast to your dreams and what is in your heart. Also not to be too proud to ask for help when you need it. Everybody needs help, at least once or twice in their lives.
This movie should be shown in our High Schools, in order to aid our children, our future, to prove that you can achieve your dreams with the love of your family.
What a wonderful piece of history this story and film is!
The world needs more people like James J. Braddock!
I stand in awe of this man, JJB and his wife Mae.
Kimberly - Las Vegas, Nevada USA [2006-07-02 15:56:02]
Keith - St Cloud, Fl USA [2006-07-02 15:55:23]
Thank You Jmmy for living such an inspirational life, it proves if you want something bad enough you can get it if you don't quit..... Thanks again......
Len Digiulio - The Great Fight Town - Ph, Pa USA [2006-07-02 15:53:09]
Thank You Jmmy for living such an inspirational life, it proves if you want something bad enough you can get it if you don't quit..... Thanks again......
Len Digiulio - Philly, Pa USA [2006-07-02 15:49:27]
My english is to bad, i say my opinion about james j Braddock in spanish.
El ha servido de inpiracion y creo seguira siendo la cenicienta de la nueva era despues de casi 80 anos lo sigue y seguira siendo.
Thanks James
Connie & Carlos Garcia - Hialeah, Florida United State [2006-07-02 14:59:25]
Thank you for helping to spread Jimmy's story.
Jim, if you're up there reading this... this world needs someone like you again. God Bless.
Peter - Glen Rock, Nj USA [2006-07-02 14:45:31]
I love the work IMAGINE produces because they make movies that are inspiring. Its the middle-class guy, the guy who loves his family and does right by them - that's the core of this movie. I loved the idea of what James J Braddock stood for so much so, that I am here, at his website. My dad mentioned that name many times when I was growing up as he too was a fighter; he was a child in Newark when Braddock was boxing. Those simpler times are something long gone now.. but we're all still fighting to live in this world somehow. What I've learned from this movie, is that just because I'm a middle-class Jersey mom, doesn't mean I'm ever going to throw in the towel for something I belive in.. especially when that something is my family. Now I'll never forget the name "Braddock" .... another great IMAGINE movie.
Donna Manzi - West Paterson, Nj USA [2006-07-02 14:39:22]
I did not see Cinderella Man on the big screen, I am not even a fan of boxing. I am a history student and watched it on dvd just to learn something of the man. In a day where many base love upon easiness and possession as a scale for happiness it was refreshing to see the love that James and Mae had despite the hardships of the times and of circumstance. James J Braddock is and always will be an inspiration to me and I hope many will come to understand his greatness. Not only as a boxer but as a husband and father. He truly is an American Icon.
Peter Lico - West Babylon, New York USA [2006-07-02 14:33:17]
I watched Cinderella Man yesterday, and then I watched it again ten minutes later with my husband. I can't express how moved we both were by the story of JJB. I love boxing, and appreciate what courage it took to accomplish what JJB did in the ring...but the real story, the real heroism comes in what he did for his family. And, it is a tribute to how much Mae and James loved each other that they were able to weather such extremes of fortune.
Congrats to Russell Crowe for his excellent portrayal of this man, and to Ron Howard for once again striking a chord within people's hearts and minds.
I had to google JJB today as soon as I could tolearn more about him. It is a terrific story that should have been told long ago...
Marian - Westford, Ma USA [2006-07-02 12:37:07]
after seeing cinderella man i have such a great appreciation for what people went through during the great depression as did the braddock family. that scene when jim braddock had to go into the madison square garden lounge and had to ask for money, you could feel what he was going through. my grandmother met jim braddock many years ago and she was so happy to hear that a movie was made about him, she too lives in north bergenand its nice to see jim braddock is a part of hudson county history.
Tom Worsley - Cedar Grove, New Jersey Usa [2006-07-02 11:13:50]
I have watched the movie about your dad/granddad several times now and finally got around to Google to find out more about the man and his family. Each time I see that movie I am moved and touched all over again. My parents were born in 1914 and 1922 and I see so much of them in Mae and Jim Braddock. I never got how bad the Great Depression was (my parents rarely spoke of it) until I saw this movie. I was delighted to find this website and astounded that it is run by the Champ's descendents!! I think JJB should have also been known as "The Family Man" and that your generation are every bit as great as the Champ himself was. I wish I could have known him personally. Thanks for sharing so much of him with me.
Sincerely, Karen Soester
Karen Soester - Coral Springs, Florida USA [2006-07-02 10:37:32]
I have just finished watching Cinderella Man and was so moved by the story of this exceptional man and his devoted wife and children, I immediately had to google more information.
I am not a fight fan and found it very hard to watch some of those brutal scenes, but the overall message of the movie and the great portrayal by Russell Crowe along with the rest of his cast mates made the experience very worthwhile.
James Braddock was a loving family man who possessed such great courage and humility. He brought hope to so many during such hard times and left a lasting, inspiring legacy.
I couldn't help noting that his fight with Max Baer was June, 13th, 1939. That day I turned 3 months old and here I am just finding out about him now. I'm certainly glad I did. Definitely better late then never.
Rosalie - Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada [2006-07-02 03:09:48]
Never seen a man with the such brains brawns and balls
Nitin - Birmingham, Al USA [2006-07-02 01:55:06]
Truly an inspiration... I just watched "Cinderella Man" and immediately went online to "Google" James Braddock... That led me to this site... What an inspiration and what a great and lasting testimony to all fathers... I think we all see a little of our selves in this determined man... It's either something we are or want to be... Either way thanks for the inspiration during some tough times for myself...
Michael Marseglia - Churchville, New York USA [2006-07-02 01:54:51]
What a great story. His manager must have had some vision to get the deal with the promoters of the " Brown Bomber "
Chris - Abbotsford, Bc Canada [2006-07-02 01:12:35]
What an inspiration to see a world champion perform!
Just saw the movie.
What a legacy to leave to his children .
Ron Bostrom - Surrey, British Columbia Canada [2006-07-02 00:39:22]