James J. Braddock - Guestbook
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I only wish there were more people like James J. Braddock in this world.
Leonard Bune - Flower Mound, Tx USA [2006-06-29 23:11:32]
My husband and I watched the movie as televised on HBO. We thought it a thoughtful and wonderful portrayal of James J Braddock. Obviously Mr. Braddock possessed a strong sense of family, pride in himself and an unwavering spirit. He truly represented the common man and was a hero of his era. Also, my husband and I had a particular interest in the movie as Angelo Dundee and his son, Jimmy Dundee are friends of ours.
Stacie And Jeff - Belleair, Florida USA [2006-06-29 23:09:54]
I watched Cinderella Man upon the persistence of my 15 year year old son that had watched it earlier in the day and was impacted by the the story, the perservarence of Jim Braddock, I believe that this story is inspirational to all even to the young people of today such as my son. Thank you for sharing this story with all of us who watched it. I am sure that Jim and Mae are watching and keeping over you guys from heaven. They left you a legacy that you can share with the world. What a story, what a life, utterly inspirational. Millie Rivera, San Juan Puerto Rico
Millie Rivera - San Juan, Puerto Rico USA [2006-06-29 23:01:16]
I fell in love with Mr. Braddock, his family, and his story. I just watched the movie, and it is absolutely the best movie ever. I live in North Bergen, and my children and I spend a lot of time at the park that was named after him. I thank you for this website and praise you for a wonderful job! Mr. JJ Braddock was definitely a very special individual...an inspirational life. God Bless!
Ginna Cristian - North Bergen, Nj Us [2006-06-29 22:28:58]
I hope everyone in America knows of James J. Braddock. What an inspiration. I am proud to even know his story. Now that is the definition of a man.
Vita Florio - Ashburn, Va USA [2006-06-29 22:15:52]
What a MAN! Courageous, honest, loyal and with 10 times the guts of some of the prima donnas paraded as fighters today. God bless you and keep you, Jimmy Braddock. Erin Go Bragh.
Les Easterling, Jr. - Jackson, Mississippi USA [2006-06-29 22:12:40]
What a wonderful role model!
Thank you for sharing your family with us.
Awesome story, awesome movie, awesome class act of a gentleman!!!!!!
Mr And Mrs James Gallaghe - Franklin, Ma USA [2006-06-29 21:55:15]
The movie is inspirational. Russel Crowe was the perfect choice to play the champ!
Pat Braun - Whitewater, Wisconsin USA [2006-06-29 21:52:37]
I would just like to salute a man who never gave up, and his story told through the film gives many hope and inspiration!
Billy - Glasgow, Strathclyde Scotland [2006-06-29 21:36:52]
A brilliant and poingiant portrayal of an honerable man in a time of great dispair. I would have been honered if given the oppertunity to call this man father and his devoted partner mother. You who run this site and your siblings were truly blessed.
Peter Buttigliri - Phoenix, Arizona USA [2006-06-29 21:12:38]
I just watched the movie for the first time today. What an amazing story of both struggle and triumph! I was touched to tears and planted to my seat the in anticipation of the next sequence of action in the Max Baer fight. Ron Howard is one of the best directors in the business. Russel Crowe does a magnificant job as JJB.
Ken - Birmingham, Al USA [2006-06-29 16:41:34]
Amazing Story....it made me feel that there is nothing impossible in life and gave me hope to acheive the impossible.....
thanks JJB
E-hab - Lorton, Va USA [2006-06-29 13:55:29]
I had an uncle who grew up in West New York and spoke fondly of his memory of James Braddock. Our family is from Pompton Plains, NJ and had never been to that part of the state until my Uncle, Walter Luckhardt, asked us to take him back one more time. He was born in 1919 and passed away just this year. His family owned a monument business there and has many beautiful headstones in the cemeteries of that area. He pointed out where he lived and went to school as well as the home of James Braddock. He mentioned as we drove along the Hudson River his excitement listening to the championship fight on the radio. My only regret is that he didn't get to see the wonderful movie by Ron Howard.
My dad grew up in Pompton Lakes and knew where Joe Lewis trained (shown in one of your pictures). When Mr. Lewis went back to that area in his later years my sister was able to get a picture sitting on his lap.
Thank you for the pictures and a chance to know a truly inspiring man.
Bonnie Kish - Brookfield, Connecticut USA [2006-06-29 13:33:01]
Should be required viewing for history class.......
H Kim - San Rafael, Ca Usa [2006-06-29 12:31:37]
I am truly amazed by the story of James Braddock. He was a truly amazing fighter, father, and husband. I am impressed at what a devoted wife and mother Mrs. Braddock was as well. I truly enjoyed the movie and my 11 year old son won't get off the couch because he has to see the whole thing!
Daisy - Meriden, Ct USA [2006-06-29 12:30:55]
I am a huge boxing fan and was very interested in the real life tale of J. Braddock. After convincing my wife that she would probably enjoy the movie (even though she does not care for boxing!), we watched it twice back to back! After catching a left hook and 2 right jabs from my wife during one of the fight scenes, we both wept. An absolutely incredible story of the strength, fortitude, love and hope of the human spirit! A story whose telling was so desperately needed in these days of uncertainty and struggle. Thank you so much for sharing this amazing story!
Rob & Sherri - Floresville, Tx USA [2006-06-29 07:10:34]
My husband & I just watched
"Cinderella Man" for the second time. We are great boxing fans. What a story! This movie touched my heart in so many ways. What a great boxer! What a great husband, father and man the movie showed him to be. What a great wife he had. He had so much talent, skill & charisma.
What an inspiration. It makes me even more proud to be Irish.
He truly was "The Cinderella Man!".
Deb - Pensacola, Fl. USA [2006-06-29 03:37:59]
JJB's story makes me appreciate my own dad's humble beginnings. Thanks to JJB, the author of the book, and Ron Howard for wanting to tell the story on the big screen.
Randall Palada - Edmonds, Wa USA [2006-06-29 01:00:52]
Great website with a great deal of info. on an incredible champion. Jim should be an inspiration to everyone, especially Irish-Americans like myself.
Tom - New York, Ny USA [2006-06-28 21:14:42]
I just watched the movie. What a great story...great guy.
Vince - Malvern, Pa Us [2006-06-28 20:54:39]
Just a post script (after reading the 'warning', I don't want to create any conflict by adding something we forgot in our initial posting).
What needs to be said (at least we think so) at this point, is we had no idea there were 200 pages of commentary; no idea we would read over and over, how Mr. Braddock seemed to remind the 'men' about the importance of 'family'. We also noticed both men and women felt he exemplified the American Dream - and seemed to be the man who not only filled the shoes of a solid and caring person, but actually 'created' those shoes others could deem 'impossible to fill'!
It's clear we've all been inspired by the movie, and what makes the experience so complete, is having this websiteso we can see the added history and photos!
When Ken Norton (boxer) and I became friends back in 1988, I was also plesantly surprised to notice his devotion to his wife and family; she plays/played an active part in his business as well as his life. I had the pleasure of spending time with both of them; again, humble beginnings. Ken Norton told me that the likes of Joe Lewis, had empowered him (as an Afro-American) so he never felt he couldn't explore his love and desire to become a professional boxer.
I told my son about your grandfather and the movie. My son also met Mr. Norton. I told my son: "What most would call an obstacle - it was clear both Mr. Braddock and Ken Norton viewed as an opportunity". "When one knows what's inside their heart and is filled with courage and commitment, these men are examples of what makes a real champion!"
I think the 'Fighting Irish' (the school slogan for Notre Dame) aptly fits JJB. I know all of us writing here experience a certain elusiveness when we try to 'tag' JJB with the many superlatives available to us - it's not easy summing up such a magnificent person in a few words.
I often read and hear stories about the 'hardships' that wind up as 'excuses' for failing in life's struggles. It's obvious Mr. Braddock seems to have seen only an 'excuse' to do better; do more, and would probably be genuinely surprised to find these same 200 pages bearing nothing but admiration for he and his entire family. I wish JJB had lived long enough to read these pages as we have!
Again, thanks for letting us learn even more about a fine family that continues to show us what 'Grandpa JJB' would surely agree, does the name 'Braddock' proud!
Thx - Rick & Diane
Diane - Las Vegas, Nevada USA [2006-06-28 18:13:58]
Thanks to the wonderful movie; a superb production by Ron Howard, our family got to feel as if they 'met' Mr. Braddock; his wife - the beautiful children...and were particularly impressed when we returned the $326.23 (plus/minus) to the state and the charity he'd rec'd when it was needed so badly.
I think we can measure the depth of the person when Mr. Braddock was obviously not compelled to return this money - yet, he obviously knew there were others who might be suffering in a similar way, which shows the tremendous compassion and love he held for everyone.
It was a great visit on this website - we hope it will be added to as possible; more photos would be great -and we're definitely happy that thanks to the integrity of Mr. Braddock; the entire family, inspired Ron Howard enough to realize how necessary it was to tell the story of a fine man and terrific family. Keep that Irish persistance and commitment going - it would appear your grandfather has truly set the pace. Thx. Diane & Rick
Diane - Las Vegas, Nevada USA [2006-06-28 17:31:28]
I saw the movie "Cinderella Man" for the first time last night and was very impressed by the person not just the fighter. This man set a wonderful example for his family. I can understand how his story would have been a tremendous inspiration to anyone who knew it.
Sharon - Lexington, Ky USA [2006-06-28 17:26:03]
As a kid my grandfather always spoke of how he and his father loved James J. Braddock. I was always amazed that one would never hear a word about him. Until the movie, which I am thankful for. I now have a closer connection to my grandfather because of it. What could be more important? Thanks Jim.
Larry Mullins - Bethpage, Ny USA [2006-06-28 17:12:13]
I have just watched Cinderella Man and was so impressed with it that I had to come on the computer and look up the website for Mr. Braddock. I have to tell you how inspired I am by the movie. He was such a gentleman with a great deal of humiliation, dignity, love, and strength. I can only hope my sons grow to be such a wonderful wonderful man.
Luann - Billings, Montana USA [2006-06-28 16:45:04]