James J. Braddock - Guestbook
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What a great story. Wish I had been born back then to see him fight. Quite a man.
Steve Landauer - Orlando, Floridea United States [2006-06-28 16:22:31]
I just saw the movie for the 2nd time and had to see what I could find on the net about this Great American Hero. The story was uplifting, and the message was truly insprirational. God Bless this man!
David - Boca Raton, Fl USA [2006-06-28 14:50:04]
I just saw the movie Cinderella Man last night for the first time. Mr. Braddock seemed to be a great man. He was definetly "The People's Champ".
Ericka - Cleveland, Oh USA [2006-06-28 14:01:48]
Just saw the movie for the 2nd time. I knew the outcome of the Baer fight and I still had tears in my eyes. JJB lived next door to my uncle in North Bergen, but what I can remember that as famous as he was, he was still a humble and devoted husband, father & grandfather, and simply the guy next door. It would have been an honor to have a next door neighbor like him. He is a champion in every sense of the word.
Rob Carpentier - Clifton, New Jersey USA [2006-06-28 12:51:59]
This story brings hope that there is at least one man who put the needs of his family first, no matter what the cost, and a woman who knew just that, and supported him every step of the way. A true inspiration and role model. Loved the story!
Linda Lamarca - Taunton, Ma USA [2006-06-28 12:11:38]
I saw "Cinderella Man" last night and what surprised me most of all, was how much I enjoyed the story of his "everyday life" As a big boxing fan I watched to see the fights. But what struck me was how hard it was to live in that era. And even harder to live in that era with DIGNITY, which James and his family did. My grandmother told me stories about how life was at that time, but this movie really hit home with me and made me realize how good I have it, and appreciate not only the material possesions, but my ability to provide a decent life for my family. James had to work very hard at that and never waivered from his responsibility during the hardest of times. Thank you, I very much enjoyed the movie, the story, and looking at your photo albums. You should be very proud, all of you.
Mike - Allen, New York U.s. [2006-06-28 10:54:59]
I saw "Cinderella Man" last night never realizing that this was a true story. It was so inspiring to see what the Braddok family endured during the early days. James J. Braddok is a true American hero. Thank you for sharing his story.
Leslie - Boston, Ma USA [2006-06-28 09:22:36]
Stephen R. Berry - New Paltz, Ny United States [2006-06-28 09:02:56]
The man we all want to be
I W Owen - Bangor, Gwynedd Wales, Uk [2006-06-28 08:58:51]
First of all I would like to say I watched the movie 2 nights ago and it touched me in these dark times for our country. I am a soldier currently serving in Iraq and after watching the movie I realized that I dont have that hard of a life. Just wanted to say I have watched a lot of historical movies but this one touched me. Thank you for your storys of this great man.
Steve - Modesto, Ca USA [2006-06-28 07:43:55]
My wife and I just watched Cinderella Man for the first time. And what a great movie, I had to get on the Internet to see what this great Man looked like To put a Face with the legend. I hope mike Tyson watched it and To see what a real role model is all about , honesty, hard work with minimal pay, and Integrity. Someone for all of us to look up to.
Dan Kuchenmeister - Braham, Minnesota U.s.a. [2006-06-28 03:37:24]
Thank You for including your faith in the story of your father. I am not a fight fan, just a guy who is trying to raise his family catholic and knows a thing or two about missing a meal.
I am glad things worked out good and I thank your father for serving in the pacific during WWII. God Bless.
Catholic John - Visalia, Cal USA [2006-06-28 00:57:35]
I am currently watching the movie.... to live during such a hard time in American history it is inspiring to hear the story of Mr. Braddock......a man with such determination and drive to not only be a great fighter....a great husband and father.........refreshing... yes we do need more people like this especially today.
Ladonna - Crofton, Md USA [2006-06-28 00:41:29]
Having spent the last twenty years claiming to be a great American, I'm ashamed that it took a movie to make me realize how big a man can be. Thanks to Jim I'll never take life for granted. NJ is on my family's summer plans. GO BULLDOG!!
Shawn Murphy - Bath, Maine USA [2006-06-28 00:38:50]
On June 24, 2006 at about 2:00 am, I watched the movie "Cinderella man" and I was so inspired. I realized that this movie was supposed to be a tear jerker, BUT I totally related to Jim Braddocks character (Jim's personal character). He pretty much just had his family and nothing to lose and no where to go but up during the Great Depression! He was fighting for his family each time he entered the ring and any Father or man can relate to that! I am an African American Hip Hop producer and father of two. Jim Braddock's story is the American Dream and I will always draw from it in my life and career! The Braddock family has a powerful legacy! You all should be very proud!
-Teak "Tha Beatsmith"
Hallway Productionz
Teak "tha Beatsmith" - Stockton, Ca United States [2006-06-28 00:34:47]
What America needs now is another James Braddock: Another Cinderella Man. Where have all the heroes gone...long time passing
Duncan Idaho - Los Angeles, California Usa [2006-06-28 00:25:46]
i am a teacher and a boxing trainor for amateur, i admire Mr. Braddock for his courage in love for his family i am using the movie to motivate my boxers to work hard, and we are adopting his name as our team
Marvin - Baguio City, Cordillera Philippines [2006-06-28 00:03:14]
Just watched the movie..what an inspiration! Played baseball in the park named for him in North Bergen.
As a life long New Jersey resident i'm proud that James J Braddock was part of not only New Jersey history but boxing history.
David Larsen - Hackettstown, Nj USA [2006-06-27 23:48:31]
mr. braddock represents the american dream. his story is about hope and love. I for one will learn from his story.
John Clark - Miami, Florida United States [2006-06-27 23:13:59]
I hope everyone writing / reading here & watching the film will truly be motivated to permanently enhance their lives & loved ones forever & forever! It's easy, as I find myself doing, to forget this 'Braddock' message when going about our 'day to day' lives......God bless his family & everyone he touched.
Chris Vecchione - East Boston, Ma USA [2006-06-27 23:04:23]
I also just finished watching Cinderella Man. Mr Braddock must have been a wonderfull Man. I also think that Mr Joe Gould must have been a good frind. That is if the movie showed hin correctly.
Neal Garner - Troup, Texas United States [2006-06-27 22:40:58]
Just watched Cinderella Man for 3rd time. What a man he was. Reminds me of my dad and the times they lived. Joe Gould was an unsung hero in this it appears and they seemed to be good friends. Jim was all that an American of quality character should be.
Michael Cahoon - Bluffton, Sc United States [2006-06-27 22:27:02]
A true hero in and out of the ring.
Mac - Babylon, Ny USA [2006-06-27 22:17:33]
I've seen the movie 'Cinderella Man' numerous times since its release, and I am inspired by it each and every time. The courage and perseverance demonstrated by Jim Braddock is an example for the ages --- timeless and true forever.
Brad Seabourn - Manhattan, Ks USA [2006-06-27 22:09:05]
Your father must have been a great Dad. He was a true American Hero having served in the U.S. Armed Forces, loving his wife Mae until death did them part, raising three productive Americans. But, his most memorable moment for me was when he repaid the public assistance he received when he needed help. He was a grateful and loving American Hero. May Mr. Braddock find his rest in peace. Prayers and love to your entire family. A humbled admirer.
Maria Watts - Nashville, Tn USA [2006-06-27 22:08:23]