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James J. Braddock - Guestbook

James J. Braddock, World Heavy-Weight Champion

Welcome to the official guestbook of the James J Braddock website. Due to spam, we have been forced stop guestbook entries.

To witness an acurate portrayal of a man who thru diversity never lost sight of his goals. From family to respect ;his accomplishments have great impact and I admire him greatly. I can only pray that I may have just a piece of that drive to accomplish my own goals. God bless you
Jim - Asbury, Nj Us [2006-06-21 18:24:36]
Este filme é uma lição de vida. Adorei do início ao fim....Um filme emocionante, que nos incita a seguir em frente, nos dá esperança de que tudo pode mudar, só depende da gente.
Marcella Rosa - Vitória, Es Brasil [2006-06-20 16:54:17]
I remember the Braddock name but could not remember the significance in the boxing world until I saw the movie. Great pic about a great family man and American......
John Wooldridge - Wilmington, De USA [2006-06-20 08:07:38]
Just watch the film and feel great of such true to life story
Ronald - Manila, Manila Philippines [2006-06-18 16:18:32]
I just finished watching Cinderella Man. What a wonderful movie that portrayed James J. Braddock and family. The struggles they endured. I would have loved to have met him. All the best to his family.
Anita Mcwhinney - Guelph, Ontario Canada [2006-06-18 15:15:12]
My entire family totally loved learning of this amazing experience! It was an amazing story of how a father and mother selflessly work together to take care of their children -- using every talent they have to keep their family together and thriving under the toughest of circumstances. How uplifting!!!
Teresa - Snohomish, Wa USA [2006-06-17 21:10:28]
Sorry my english is bad but i want to say that i saw the film and i love hit.wow ! Iwath a brave man and a wonderfull film tanks.
Chantal - St-marthe-sur-le-lac, Canada Québec [2006-06-16 15:07:41]
Jim is one of the very few men in history I would have felt privileged to have met.
Roy Cushan - Melbourne, Victoria Australia [2006-06-16 01:11:46]
I was born the year JJB became the heavyweight champion of the world. I first learned of him from my Dad and the rebroad casts of the fights on the radio. I always wondered why Dad smiled when he spoke of him. You could tell he really admired him. After seeing the movie I can understand why. What an amzing man! A true champion in every sense of the word.When I get a little down I pop in the DVD and it is like magic for the spirit. James J Braddock lives on in the hearts and souls of people who seek for real inspiration. Long live the spirit of James J Braddock. Please keep this web site on the internet.
Arthur Deloach - Daytona Beach, Fl USA [2006-06-15 05:00:47]
Amazing man displayed in the movie. I wish I was more like him today. Thank you for putting this website together. Kudos to Jim Braddock and his wife for how they raied their kids.
John - Lexington, Ky Us [2006-06-14 20:46:42]
Have just watched the Film "Cinderella Man" A man of integrity a quality sadly missing in todays boxing hirarchy.
JJB is a legend. Thanks for this website.
John Bennett-collins - March, Cambridgeshire England [2006-06-14 11:14:27]
Hello friends of boxing great James Braddock. Today is Tuesday June 12, 2006 and it was 71 years ago today that James Braddock claimed the title of world heavyweight boxing champion from max baer in a 15 round fight in Long Island City, New York.
Mike Sullivan - Somerville, Massachusetts U.s.a. [2006-06-13 09:47:40]
Just finished reading Jeremy Schaap's Cinderella Man. Great read for boxing fans and non fans also. Really has sparked an interest for me with the earlier days of boxing. While reading the book and understanding the people in the book, its hard to believe it takes place in the days of the silent films. Another words, the book is very effective in bringing you back to the moment. Despite current boxings awful reputation (or lack of), I am back to being a boxing fan. Thanks, Ken
Kenneth Mcintyre - Charlotte, Nc USA [2006-06-10 03:39:21]
Just watched Cinderella Man on DVD-- what a wonderful story about a great man. My parents talk about life during the Great Depression but this movie really brought it to life. What a great tribute to your father and grandfather. I really enjoyed looking at the photographs and reading the stories on this web site. Thank you for keeping James' story alive.
Kelly - Chandler, Az USA [2006-06-10 01:04:34]
After watching the movie I was so inspired I searched the net for information in order to confirm that this great boxer actually achieved these feats as portrayed. I amgrateful to this site for confirming that this moving tale is factual. J J was indeed a tremendous hero and I trust that his family are justifiably proud to be related to him.
Many regards
Mick Lamport
Mick Lamport - Orpington, Kent England [2006-06-09 09:15:31]
What a story! after seeing the movie cinderella man, just goes to show what the human spirit can do! Trully an inspirational story not only about a boxing or sport but for life!
Mat Morrow - Brisbane, Queensland Australia [2006-06-08 06:03:56]
What I liked the most about Mr Braddock and his story was the love he showed for his family and the manner in which he carried himself. That to me, is truly something to be honored. Thank you for sharing your story.
Patricia Guerrero - Altadena, Ca USA [2006-06-07 01:04:01]
....I am not a great fight fan, however, in the 50's we were forced to watch the Gillette Fri fights....I did get enthused somewhat at that time and I cannot say I don't enjoy a bout of good fistacuffs.
However, I had never heard of Mr. Braddock until I saw the movie. He was born 40 years before me, but he empitimizes what the spirit of man can do when faces with overhwhelming odds...He is and always will be a great champion among champions. RR
Ron Rigell - Houston, Texas USA [2006-06-05 10:45:45]
I had the great honour to meet the great man in Edinburgh in the mid sixties.I found out that he was the guest of honour at a club in the city, and waited patiently outside ( too young to get in ! ) to meet him and get his autograph , he was a true legend
Tom Lawrie - Edinburgh, Midlothian Scotland [2006-06-04 12:41:45]
I watched Cinderella Man last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. James was not only a great man but his wife was a wonderful woman. He had the heart a lion. It was also great to see the love that both he and his wife had for their children. What a great example they both presented for all of us.

As a footnote to my comments, I once had a letter signed by James J Braddock that was a promotional letter for what I remember to be a Board Game that was being sold around 1936.
Rich F - Rochester, Ny Us [2006-06-04 09:30:10]
What a great movie!!! I loved it!!!
Mr. Braddock was a great man, in and out of the ring and I feel Russell Crowe and Ron Howard did an absolutely awesome job of bringing this man's story to life in The Cinderella Man. I would be so proud of him as I'm sure his son and grandchildren are.
Sue Horn - Wenonah, Nj USA [2006-06-03 23:48:52]
I just watched the movie Cinderella Man with my Dad and thought it was a good story. I asked to know more about Mr. Braddock and we fond this website. Thank you for filling in more about the legendary man. We enjoyed the photos.
Eric Pichalski - Succasunna, Nj USA [2006-06-03 21:13:41]
two thumbs up to Rusell Crow..Ron Howard and Penny Marshal..great movie...great story..a true insparation..thankyou Mr. James J. Braddock
Tommy - Royal Palm Beach, Fl Usa [2006-06-02 23:00:22]
Great movie. I know that James was a great man, great fighter and great family man. That became evident when I had the pleasure of working with Jay in the Saddle Brook Kiwanis. What a class guy from a class family!
Jim Lesko - Round Rock, Tx USA [2006-06-02 21:03:44]
I just saw the movie and was very touched and inspired.Its so beautiful to see the love for his family....his perseverance inspite of being an older boxer,his courage even when he is badly hurt and his unassuming smile at the end of a fight.
Poonam Narang - Ambala, Haryana India [2006-06-02 13:35:01]