James J. Braddock - Guestbook
Welcome to the official guestbook of the James J Braddock website. Due to spam, we have been forced stop guestbook entries.
I am originally from North Bergen, NJ myself, and I never knew about Jim's story until this movie. Thank you. I am proud of my fellow New Jersian.
Dave - San Diego, Ca San Diego [2006-05-23 05:03:48]
I would like to pay respect to a man of honor and valor and yet so closely bound to the roots of family values.
Howard & Crowe have really done justice to the strature of James' persona.
An most of all congratulations to James III & Jhon for keeping James' presence alive.
God bless his soul.....
Param - Chandigarh, Chd India [2006-05-23 04:17:24]
Una historia, pero sobre todo una vida inspiradora la de J.J.Braddock, honestamente sabia muy poco sobre la vida de él, hasta que tuve la oportunidad de ver la pelicula. Ha sido motivante e inspirador conocer mas sobre él, su vida y sus valores. En pocas palabras de lo mejor. Un cariñosos saludo desde México
Arturo Mendoza - Celaya, Guanajuato México [2006-05-22 15:37:16]
Wow! What a movie, huh? I have just finished watching the movie, and I cried with tears of joy. I had to know more about this man. Thanks for keeping up the website.
Minerva Samayoa - Lakewood, California Usa [2006-05-22 15:20:59]
I can honestly say the life of James J. Braddock is an insperation and only if people were more like him.
Joseph Canha - Troutman, Nc United States [2006-05-22 10:12:54]
I just want to say what an inspiration James Braddock has been to myself & my partner. We are just getting through a hard time & this film( And this family's story) has made getting up and facing the world so much easier. I just wish I could have met this Hero!
Natalie - Derbyshire, Derbyshire England [2006-05-22 10:06:15]
james has given me great inspiration and motivation to carry on with my dreams i would like to thank you for giving me a chance to hear about his story.
Peter Cairns - New Plymouth, Taranaki New Zealand [2006-05-22 01:02:57]
We are such good fans of him!
The movie is are favorite!!
thank you much!
Emma & Katie - Milton, Fl USA [2006-05-21 21:54:25]
I would like to start by stating happy I am to have had the pleasure of watching the movie 'Cinderella Man.' I am huge fan of the great white man. thankyou
Gregory Gonzalés - London, Uncle Bens England [2006-05-21 20:25:07]
What a man, a true hero who will live on through time............I would have loved to have met him for 10 seconds or watched him slog punches with Max Baer. Great and Gracious... and the website is excellent. Thankyou.
Michael Mccool - Lifford, Donegal Ireland [2006-05-21 13:40:01]
James ha sido el boxeador por excelencia de mi familia desde mi abuelo, pasando por mi padre y por mi. Lo tenia todo, honor, fuerza interior, familia y mucho amor propio. Nunca habrá otro como el. Con todo nuestro cariño desde España.
Joss - Cádiz, Cádiz Spain [2006-05-21 12:41:51]
A great movie. It highlights how his love of family, humility and determination took him to the apex of phenomenal success. He was a real man of honor and a sublime example of faith and courage !!! A self-made history !!!
Edith Smith - San Jose, Ca USA [2006-05-21 04:07:27]
I have a picture of Jim taped on my mirror and I look at it every day. It makes me work harder, exercise harder, and live life to the fullest. If you’re feeling down and depressed, watch the movie. You’ll realize he is a real life legend.
Josh Sparks - Holland, Ohio USA [2006-05-20 23:29:05]
Although I had heard of James J. Braddock, I never knew his story until the movie came out. His story should be taught to school children everywhere. I live near the park named for him and now when I pass it, it will have even more significance.
Mary Lawlor - Fairview, Nj USA [2006-05-20 22:48:36]
What an outstanding story and movie. Inspirations like James Braddock and Mae to each other gives hope to everyone. It's a lesson learned.
Matt Abraham - Marion, Oh USA [2006-05-20 17:51:09]
We need more films about real heros like James Braddock, his family and friends, who show courage, honesty, character, good manners, kindness and hard honest work. In the movie, "Cinderella Man", Braddock makes his son take back the stolen goods to the store and make his son promise never to steal, never to take what is not his. How many movies have we seen where criminals, drug dealers, prostitutes, pimps, and killers are applauded?! Here's a story about a man who loves his family and acts as a responsible provider, husband and dad, and in addition to working hard on his craft and realizing his dreams. Also, Mae Braddock is portrayed as an equally good wife and mother who backs her man and doesn't whine and blame him for their troubles. I was never a big boxing fan and hated to watch the sport but I loved "The Cinderella Man". So many arrogant boxers of the recent past, as many "spoiled" athletes behave rudely, never gave me pause to think kindly of them. But after seeing the movie and reading up on J.J. Braddock, it is heartening to know there were gentlemen in sports and I hope this movie and more movies like this will be made to give examples, especially to our young people, how to live honest, productive lives with integrity, like how JJ Braddock, Mae Braddock, Joe Gould, etc. did. Did you notice how that generation of people, who lived through the depression and were so poor, still took care to dress decently and still press on to try and live their lives the best they could? No whining, no blaming just pressing on. That's the American spirit and this story tells it well. Thank you for a great website!
Susie - Olney, Md USA [2006-05-19 08:10:52]
What a boxer what a man what a movie!!! More boxers and promoters we need like that today not these people who don't care about the fans James J Bradock was a peoples chams and lets hope his name lives on!!! Waht a champ.
Rockett Man - Ferryside, Wales Uk [2006-05-19 07:18:42]
After watching the awesome movie, I had to do some research on Jim Braddock. I now have a new hero! What a man! His family has every reason to be proud!
Jo - Youngsville, La United States [2006-05-18 12:25:50]
Great movie, great boxer, great family man, great website. I salute to ya'll.
Alden - Houston, Tx USA [2006-05-18 12:05:30]
How did I grow up and live 40 years in NJ without ever hearing about James J Braddock? This is a true "Man's man". He is the benchmark that husbands and fathers alike should measure their own integrity.
On the movie, my Mom was born in 1930 in NJ and I can't tell you how times I had to hear about eating fried bologna and watered down milk. I took this movie very personally.
Thanks for the pictures and website.
Bill - Raleigh, Nc USA [2006-05-17 07:52:08]
I just saw the movie and it was wonderful. That was a terrible period to live in and it just goes to show if you work hard enough, you can succeed (probably not a heavy weight Champion:).) I just fell in love with James Braddock and the family
Theresa LYnn
Theresa Lynn - Maumelle, Ar USA [2006-05-16 12:58:11]
I finally got to watch this movie. The cord it hits is universal I think. My husband and I were once "down on our luck" after having a nice life. THis movie proves my point I tell everyone- believe and you shall see- the mind is extremely strong and can give a will which one doesn't know is there. THis movie shows what a man, or person, can accomplish with support from family and friends and a desire to win- by the way- we made it out also... God bless!!
Kathleen - Owings Mills, Md USA [2006-05-14 18:24:44]
I just saw the movie. What an inspiration. I have a great deal of respect for this man and his wife for maintaining unbelievable intregrity while going through very difficult times.
Cathy Ivory - Cody, Wy USA [2006-05-14 17:05:51]
just seen the movie what a movie what a man. wow
Robert Lindsay - Scunthorpe, Humberside England [2006-05-14 15:45:16]
Emmanuel Matos Torres - San Juan, Puerto Rico Puerto Rico [2006-05-14 13:26:43]