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James J. Braddock - Guestbook

James J. Braddock, World Heavy-Weight Champion

Welcome to the official guestbook of the James J Braddock website. Due to spam, we have been forced stop guestbook entries.

an amazing man, and an insperational story.samurai soul
Brett - Nagano, Nagano Japan [2006-03-19 08:41:15]
I just saw the movie "Cinderella Men"...wow!!!
What a story...
I wanted to know how the real champ looked like and so I stared to search the internet and stumbled on this site full of pictures.
I've enjoyed the movie so much especially the last part when he fought against Max Bear...how exciting.
I see that many of his relatives have posted here and I would like to say, you have all the reasons in the world to be so proud of James J Braddock!!!

Take care everybody...and don't let his
name fade away!!!

With frendly regards,

Joyce Leemans Coutinho
Holland, The Netherlands
Joyce Coutinho - Hilversum, Holland The Netherlands [2006-03-19 05:11:58]
I just finished watching the DVD for the third time. I rented it first for my husband but he didn't get the chance to watch it so I did. Surprisingly I loved it. My father was born in 1930 and I grew up listening to his tales of the great depression. The rationing and such. To see it is another thing all together. We take so much for granted these days. After watching it for a 2nd time I just had to go out and buy it. My kids watched it and my dad was crying because it brought back some pretty tough memories for him. He remembers hearing my grandpa talking about JJ Braddock. They couldn't afford a radio so they would go to the neighbours and listen. I was very impressed with the closness of the family unit and the message it shows us all, that nomatter how bad things get at least you have each other. Thanks to you all and God bless.
Karen Murphy - Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia Canada [2006-03-19 03:39:43]
I just finished watching the movie for the first time and I am awestruck on how such a person like James Braddock gives me the inspiration that there are no obstacles that cannot be beat with determination and just plain guts can overcome - what a wonderful man It would have been a great honor to know this man.
Victor Ramirez - 1640 Third St, Laverne, Ca 91750 Usa [2006-03-19 02:27:30]
I also just got done watching the movie, and had to find out more about this guy. Hes a wonderful figure over all and an inspiration to everyone. The movie, and the man, touched me deeply. Braddock will always be the real champ.
Kyle - Fort Worth, Texas United States [2006-03-19 01:19:35]
I just got through watching Cinderella Man and had to find out more about this person. All I can say is "WHAT A MAN". What an inspiration- we should all learn something from James J Braddock.
Chris - Auburn, Al USA [2006-03-19 00:23:54]
Thank you for sharing this awesome story. I watched the movie Cinderella Man tonight with my family, and had to look up this site. God Bless!!
Katherine - Woodstock, Ga USA [2006-03-18 23:21:02]
I saw the movie and now I am doing a speech on his life. Way to go J.J. Braddock.
Melody - Garrison, Mn United States [2006-03-18 22:59:22]
I saw the movie tonight and found the web page after watching the move. Impressive is the best work to describe this great American Hero. The true spirit of the Fighting Irish.

Morris Ramsey - Griffithville, Arkansas Us Of A [2006-03-18 22:49:36]
I saw the movie tonight and found the web page after watching the move. Impressive is the best work to describe this great American Hero. The true spirit of the Fighting Irish.

Morris Ramsey - Griffithville, Arkansas Us Of A [2006-03-18 22:48:08]
Worlds greatest, no boxer or man ever like him.
Steve Borcic - Hamilton, Ontario Canada [2006-03-18 22:37:01]
Watched the movie tonight with my husband, after my daughter recommended it to us. A family of principle.
Laura - Deltona, Fl USA [2006-03-18 21:56:02]
heres' to ya champ!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tom Mabry - Dewey, Az. U.s.a [2006-03-18 20:51:51]
Ricardo Pieri - Franca, Saint Paul Brazil [2006-03-18 19:35:56]
Excellent website, very well put together. Also thoroughly enjoyed the film, and while I didn't agree with the portrayal of Max Baer, it still represents an excellent tribute to the Cinderella Man.
Andrew Neill - Belfast, County Down Northern Ireland [2006-03-18 18:34:15]
Respecting lot! This man can give hope to so many.
Antti Äijälä - Hämeenkyrö, Pirkanmaa Finland [2006-03-18 18:30:52]
I was so inspired by the movie Cinderella Man that I had to read up on Jim Braddock. Nice tribute to a very inspirational man.
John Macdougall - Centreville, Virginia USA [2006-03-18 14:27:28]
a wonderful cinderella man,iwould love to have know him
Lorraine - Welland, Ontario Canada [2006-03-18 09:19:14]
I watched the movie yeterday and was thrilled to see the dedication of this man toward his family. The love that he showed by his actions to provide for them was amazing. I was especially impressed that he paid back to the money he received from the State. I wondered if that was actual truth and was encouraged to see that it was, (thanks to this website).

Inspiriational beyond words was this man's life. It was a great movie about a great man.
William Hill - Norfolk, Va USA [2006-03-18 07:15:06]
What a great man! Just like here in our country today it's like the time of the Great Depression! He inspired me to hang-on during this hard times! He's a GREAT CHAMP!
Opet - Manila, Manila Philippines [2006-03-17 17:30:08]
I just finished watching Cinderalla Man in my school and i thought it was an awesome movie! My classmates and teacher really liked the movie we were going crazy at the end! Its very cool to have such a great person like him to represent us here in North Bergen.
Maria Medina - North Bergen, New Jersey United States [2006-03-17 17:20:13]
I am in the middle of watching the Cinderella man in school. His life story is amazing He looked like a very loyal man!
Natalie - Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia USA [2006-03-17 16:50:02]
I am sorry I didn't get to see this movie in the theater. What a man! I hate the sport of boxing but truly appreciate the physical/ mental training it takes. I have heard stories of the depression many times before but had not heard this one. James Braddock was truly an honerable man and obviously a hero to not only the working man but more importantly to his family. When my sister-in-law told me about this movie she said "that is the kind of man/husband I want my sons to be" I can't think of higher praise! Thanks for sharing more of his story through this web site!
Martha - Pinckney, Michigan USA [2006-03-17 10:02:07]
Having watched the dvd cinderella man. I Felt I needed to know a little more about the amazing life of James J. Braddock, this site gives the information and an insight into one of lifes true heros. Who came back when the chips were down, to shine once more. A TRUE FIGHTER,not only in the ring,but also in life.
Neil - Doncaster, Yorskshire England [2006-03-17 07:15:31]
James J Braddock is the real sport champ ! Respekt
Trojan - Lubañ, Dolnyslask Poland [2006-03-16 13:23:34]