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James J. Braddock - Guestbook

James J. Braddock, World Heavy-Weight Champion

Welcome to the official guestbook of the James J Braddock website. Due to spam, we have been forced stop guestbook entries.

As a child I was told the story of The Cinderella Man by my father who was a student of Boxing history. After seeing the movie I am so inspired by the spirit of this great man. He was truly an American Hero.
Randy Stone - Hickory, Nc Usa [2006-03-12 00:20:56]
He was and is a true inspiration.
Undoubtedly one of my heroes!
Link Berlyak - Akron, Ohio USA [2006-03-11 23:57:53]
I just finished the Cinderella Man and I just am in awe of the man. He had all the tools to succeed ,and when it seemed that he wasn't going to do it because of the bad breaks, depression etc. he fought through it and did what he had to do. My parents lived right through the depression and the meaning of those times were never forgotten nor would they allow their children to not understand what it meant to be poor. I ached when Jim and Mae had to decide what would they do without next. My dad had many a story of that time growing up in the so. Bronx. Moving month to month because they couldn't pay the rent or whichever brother got out 1st. got the socks to wear. This story told so much on so many levels most importantly that of family and survival . I pray that by some miracle a renaissance of the human emotion of moral code,family values,standard of ethics in business and life will prevail as was so poinantly and lovingly shown in this story.Thank you for your family and their story.neil Dwyer
Neil Dwyer - Monroe, Ny Usa [2006-03-11 23:22:44]
After seeing last night,Mar.11,2006, the movie CINDERILLA MAN, I got curous and searched in the internet the name JAMES BRADDOCK. Immediately, I got fascinated with his life. FANTASTIC. VERY INSPIRING!!!His life has all the elements of courage, will power and strong determination to survive and win all odds - very similar to that of the UNCROWNED WORLD SUPERFEATHERWEIGHT CHAMPION MANNY PACMAN THE SHARK THE PACIFIC STORM PACQUIAO!!!!!! LONG LIVE THE JAMES BRODDOCK TRADITION!!!!
Alberto M. Madrilejos - Bacoor, Cavite Philippines [2006-03-11 20:34:24]
The life of James J. Braddock is an inspiration to me and many others. Thank you for helping me realize that even when things get rough you have to keep punching. GOD BLESS YOU!!!
Shaun - Boston, Massachusetts United States [2006-03-11 19:51:41]
James J. Braddock, sera un ejemplo de moral y lucha a seguir de ahora en adelante...
James J. Braddock, will be a moral ang fighting reference to follow...
Alexander Gonzalez - Ciudad Bolivar, Bolivar Venezuela [2006-03-11 19:35:16]
I was born in Jersey City 5 12 37
My family was from North Bergen NJ
Papa worked on the docks and I can
remember him telling me about
James J A true american hero.
People were tough back then.
Family meant something. How I wish
for just a little of those days.
God bless your family.
James J Braddock. An insperation.. .
Walter J Huffman - Seattle, Wa USA [2006-03-11 16:36:51]
What a great movie about a truly inspirational man. These people of the Great Depression are like James Braddock, fighters, with a strong will and constitution. The stories that reflect the morals and work ethics of the people of "The Greatest Generation" should be inspiration for todays and future generations on how to live, work, and take care of each other. Today's showboating in major league sports have casted a dark shadow over professional sports. Thank God for Jerome Bettis, the late Roger Maris, Kirby Pucket, and James J Braddock for their inspirational behavior both in and out of the respective sports arenas.
John Winslow - Larkspur, Colorado USA [2006-03-11 12:39:01]
I just wanted to say that the Braddock family is lucky to have had such an honest man to lead them in the toughest time in American history. He was and still is a true American hero. God Bless the Braddock family!
Mary - Lexington, South Carolina USA [2006-03-11 08:56:11]
Joseph Pata Bavaro - West Haverstraw, New York United States [2006-03-11 03:08:26]
Lorraine Pata - West Haverstraw, New York United States [2006-03-11 02:59:38]
By the way, if there is anyone who wants to go fight club style, or in a less benevolent manor, I am up for the brawl, as long as my old lady allows an appropriately pre-determined level of confrontation. Seriosly. I'm not kidding. By the way: Bergen County is in NJ (not NY). I know that; I was born within minutes of the afforementioned geography - Is there a spell check on this, or what?
Edmund - Chandler, Nj USA [2006-03-11 01:37:44]
I am an Irishman from Union County, NJ with over 15 cousins from Bergen County, NY spanjning a mere 2 families, and I have to say - this movie/revelation explains alot! Seriously: Why do you have to make a grown man cry? It's not cool; just ask my kids! Anyway, an extremely inspirational story, and words really just seem to demean it - thanks for your honesty, and generosity in sharing the story. Right now, most of me wants to kick someone's ass. - EJO
Edmund - Chanlder, Az USA [2006-03-11 01:30:59]
We just watched the movie for a second time and enjoyed it very much. It is nice to know that there are people out there that keep family names alive. The movie was great but this website is truly an awesome thing to do for your family! Keep up the good work!
Michelle Shelton - Gilbert, Arizona Us [2006-03-11 01:07:31]
what an inspirational family. God truly blessed jim and his family. thanks for having this websight available. cinderella man was way overdue
Jz - Senatobia, Ms Usa [2006-03-10 22:10:07]
A great film for a wonderfull american hero
Arturo Campos - La Ceiba, Atlantida Honduras [2006-03-10 19:53:50]
I just watched the movie, "Cinderella Man", it was so inspirational! I had heard of "The Great Depression" in school but I never knew what it really was until now.
Sonia Alfaro Rejino - Muleshoe, Tx. USA [2006-03-10 18:44:09]
Not giving up is the hardest thing for humans. Suffering from an illness which I fight for more than 8 years now, I now best. Sometimes you feel week and think about giving up, but then you decide to fight. Fighting is the most important thing you can learn. JJ Braddock was a fighter. A fighter with his fists and more important with his heart. Thanks for the movie, I think it gives hope to the people like JJ did. It gave hope to me.
Bastian - Nuremberg, Bavaria Germany [2006-03-10 15:53:15]
I have just recently been introduced to the world of boxing and must say that the story of your grandfather was truly inspirational! I'm sure he makes you proud and my only regret is that I didn't learn about him earlier!
Ashley - Dekalb, Il USA [2006-03-10 15:28:05]
What a great site and a great story, although I am female I love everything about boxing and this story is so inspirational and wonderful. I also thought the movie was one of the best I have EVER seen.
Pam - Whitehouse Station, Nj USA [2006-03-10 14:43:13]
I loved the story of your grandfather. It inspired me and for sure, many other people all over the world.
Thanks and wish you and your family the best.
Jose Mauro Wasserfirer - Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo Brazil [2006-03-10 14:22:29]
Hi Jay III ,
Today I saw for the 2nd time the movie Cinderella man, made after the story of your grandfather. I hope you had the chance to to meet him lots of times in your youth, because the way he was portrayed by Russel Crow in the movie he must have been a wonderful person for you and your father. I made a sports education and I had to choose a sport, which was not my own favorite active sport for a study project. I choose Boxing and since than I know what it means to become the best in this discipline.
Great site by the way, keep it on for the memory of your grandfather and mother
Albert Van Elst - Rethymno, Crete Greece [2006-03-10 11:52:33]
This story has simply made me feel that heart and spirit live in man; and it is the limitations of others that cause us issues; yet one man showed us that the human spirit cannot be broken, a lesson for us all. Thank You James J. Braddock, for even after your passing you continue to inspire.
Mark Powell - Singapore, Singapore Singapore [2006-03-10 11:32:14]
It's such a shame that it took a movie based on a real man, from 75 years ago to make my heart cry. James 'Bulldog' Braddock was a real inspiration and a real hero. People now need courage like he had.
Mick - Goulburn, Nsw Australia [2006-03-09 23:08:31]
It is a shame that people have to watch a movie to finally appreciate James Braddock.
Phil Graham - Rocky Face, Ga USA [2006-03-09 21:41:42]