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James J. Braddock - Guestbook

James J. Braddock, World Heavy-Weight Champion

Welcome to the official guestbook of the James J Braddock website. Due to spam, we have been forced stop guestbook entries.

Braddock is a hero and inspiration in every way for everyone. Not a bad boxer either!
Doug - Narberth, Pa USA [2006-02-25 23:37:09]
Watched it tonight for the first time. Braddock and his family are an inspiration.
Jay Peirano - Tampa, Fl USA [2006-02-25 23:35:35]
Hoje dia 25/02/2006, pude conhecer, uma pouco da historia desse Homen chamado James J. Braddock.
Confesso, que chorei de emoção, em saber e percerber o quanto podemos aprender com o mesmo. Sua dignidade, perssistência, sabedoria, amor e parciência, são fatores que nos inspira a continuar lutando por dias melhores e uma vida mais digna.
Se todos os seres humanos seguissem o seu exemplo de vida, o planeta terra seria duas vezes mais jardim do Éden.
Parabéns a essa família extraordinária que os EUA tiveram o previlégio de ter.
Peço desculpas, por não saber escrever em inglês. Mas com o meu portugues, expresso-me a emoção que sinto e conhecer um pouquinho da História desse cara!!!!!
José Tavares - Curitiba, Paraná Brasil [2006-02-25 19:32:01]
I just watched the movie Cinderella Man; I believe Jim Braddock was one of the greatest fighters that ever lived.
I believe that he was and will always be an American inspiration; we need more people like him!!!
Joe Stewart - Asheville, Nc USA [2006-02-25 19:17:12]
Having a Father who fought poverty working in the sugar cane fields in Puerto Rico to overcome many barriers & live out the American dream. I am inspired & greatly appreciative of a man that served as a inspiration & hope for our future generations!! God Bless to all that uphold old fashion values!!!
Jorge Santiago - Alsip, Illinois U.s. [2006-02-25 18:56:42]
what a great story of triumph - it moved me and motivated me.
Chris Lewis - Dallas, Texas USA [2006-02-25 17:57:06]
My wife and I watched Cinderella Man last night. We were touched by James Braddock's dedication to his family through good times and bad. If men's values today were more like James Braddocks, we would certainly have fewer domestic problems. Thank you for sharing his inspirational story.
Marlowe Sharp - Fergus, On Canada [2006-02-25 17:19:41]
Just watched the film, five minutes later, you're on line and looking for information about the man. Guess that's what it's all about.Passion!
Michael Sellers - Malmö, Skane Sweden [2006-02-25 16:06:59]
I just saw the movie and I remember my Father talking about "Mr James J. Braddock". My father had great reverence him. I am 70 years old and my father lived through the depresion.
Lester F Clayton - Boynton Beach, Florida U S A [2006-02-25 15:40:58]
I think you need to be more of a man returning the welfare benefits he received than winning the world title. truly extraordinary.
Jerry Suh - Ridgefield, Nj USA [2006-02-25 14:59:53]
Cinderella Man rules.
Rich - Vallejo, Ca USA [2006-02-25 14:28:48]
What a inspirational man and story. The best movie I have seen in years.
Mike - Vernal, Utah USA [2006-02-25 13:43:54]
a truly amazing story and man. i will never forget watching the movie in his memory
Chris Chappell - Newcastle, Nsw Australia [2006-02-25 08:58:33]
his story of battling against all the odds should be an inspiration to everyone.If you want something bad enough anything is possible
John Lee Brelsford - Sheffield, South Yorkshire England [2006-02-25 08:01:06]
I admit I had never heard of this man until I saw the film last night, but what an incredible story. Its easy to pass off amazing feats of determination when you so often see them in fictitious movies and books etc. but this was real life which truly makes it remarkable.
Riddik - Dublin, Leinster Ireland [2006-02-25 07:21:42]
I was shocked by the great courage of James Bradock after seeing the movie. It shows the turn around of destiny that happened in real life and not only in fairy tale. I will definitely recommend this movie and Mr. Bradock the Superstar to my Chinese friends.
Kenny Yeung - Hong Kong, Hong Kong China [2006-02-25 03:15:03]
James Bradock was definetly a man of courage and faith. Kind of guy you would like to tell your kids about and hope they turn out half as good.
Thank you for telling Jim's story to us all.
Kyn Anthony - Grapevine, Tx USA [2006-02-25 02:26:01]
Scott Mcneely - Evansville, In USA [2006-02-25 02:15:13]
My dad worked on the same docks as Jimmy Braddock. He told me about him. He told me no matter how many times life knocks you down, keep getting up because the Good Lord has something in store for you better than you could have ever imagined.
Irish Mike Meenan - Manorville, New York United States [2006-02-25 02:08:42]
No One will or could ever know if this story displaying this mans character and his morals are as he really was (truly) but.....He was this man and this character to (someone) to be betrayed this way. I myself wether the movie was true or not, I found myself overwhelming impressed!! If by nothing else, his personal accomplishments, (not Just boxing)!!!
Melissa Barrs - Ellabell, Georgia USA [2006-02-24 22:50:53]
great movie
Jack Rudd - Glasford, Il Usa [2006-02-24 22:27:37]
Incredible Movie! More incredible Man!

Braddock Lives
Bob - Seattle, Wa USA [2006-02-24 20:50:32]
Russell, brilliant! Mr Ron Howard, Thank You. Mr Braddock, words are not enough to express what you did to inspire ordinary people and what you are still now doing. Pslams:37:23
Ted Allon - Melbourne, Victoria Australia [2006-02-24 18:02:13]
That was an amazing movie! Very inspirational and such a good story. What a wonderful life to have lived! This is what sports and life are all about, the victories and how you deal with loss. Thank you!
Meghan - Ogden, Ut USA [2006-02-24 17:10:30]
Great and entertaining movie, which said alot about Mr. Braddock in tough times. Thank you for sharing it with me as well as this web site
Mark - Hamilton, Ontario Canada [2006-02-24 16:07:23]