James J. Braddock Official Site Logo

James J. Braddock - Guestbook

James J. Braddock, World Heavy-Weight Champion

Welcome to the official guestbook of the James J Braddock website. Due to spam, we have been forced stop guestbook entries.

Amazing Man!

My thanks goes out to Ron Howard for telling me about a fantastic piece of history I was not aware of and this website (webmaster) for filling me in further.

This man's life is the kind of "family values" example we need in this country. I will strive be as good a parent and person as he.
Kevin Harmon - Grapevine, Texas Us [2006-02-01 00:55:49]
I just watched Cinderella man and as much as I wanted to dislike Russell Crowe he did a great job of playing James Braddock in this movie. But I reserve my praise for a man who must have been a wonderful inspiration to everyone he touched, James Braddock.
May his lesson of love live on!
Linda - Ridgway, Co USA [2006-01-31 22:17:02]
Just saw the movie and had to learn more about this larger than life personality. I was very happy to see it all ended up more or less happy and successful for him and his family. They don't make 'em like they used to, do they?
Hans Matthes - Glendale, Ca USA [2006-01-31 22:15:37]
I watched the movie for a school project and have become extremely inspired! I would recommend this movie to anyone and already have told all of my friends!! :-)
Nolan Smith - Modesto, California USA [2006-01-31 21:41:17]
is still jim alive pls
Steven Bezzina - Bugibba, St Pauls Bay Malta [2006-01-31 20:44:31]
This man must have changed many peoples lives back in the 1930's, As he still inspires so many people today.
Pierce - Cork City, ----- Ireland [2006-01-31 18:59:58]
I have just watched cinderella man, a great movie about a guy that inspires all. It has really moved me and I'd love to be half the man Jim Braddock was.

Truly a great man!
Greg Williams - Folkestone, Kent Uk [2006-01-31 18:44:54]
Thanks for using this website to inform the world more about a special human who lived in a very difficult time.

I echo the previous email in being curious to know what direction the Braddock children took.

Thanks for an informative site.
R. Aaron Whitham - Claremont, Ca USA [2006-01-31 17:30:34]
wspaniala opowiesc i piękna kariera , wielki człowiek
Kowale - Golub-dobrzyn, Kujawsko - Pomorskie Poland [2006-01-31 17:25:49]
James J. Braddock the greastest boxer that ever lived
Mitch Jarvis - Langley, B.c. Canada [2006-01-31 15:36:38]
Corey V. Lee - Waterford, New Jersey USA [2006-01-31 14:47:22]
Amazing human being, amazing human being!
Natalie - Aurora, Il Usa [2006-01-31 14:04:00]
What a great movie and a real good hearted human being. It seems Jimmy was "Good People". My dad grew up in Mount Vernon, NY and to see one of Jimmy's fights their was pretty neat. Dont make fighters like that anymore!
Chris - St.james, Ny U.s. [2006-01-31 13:56:45]
A truly touching movie and great peice of American History. Hats off to the late James J. Braddock he is an inspiration.
Troy Johnson - Grinnell, Iowa USA [2006-01-31 13:51:04]
Wonderful movie!, Wonderful human being! He should be a role model to many people around the world, especially parents
Carmen Gil - Santo Domingo, New York Dominican Republic [2006-01-31 13:34:05]
great story of courage. excellent movie.boxers were real fighters back then.
Mick Lynch - Drogheda, Louth Ireland [2006-01-31 13:19:20]
A wonderfull personality, James J. Braddock was a great fighter and a great man. A real hero!
Kostas Mermis - Athens, Attiki Greece [2006-01-31 13:01:52]
Cinderella Man - One of the best , no, the best boxing movie ever made.
Dave C - Yonkers, New York USA [2006-01-31 11:40:22]
This is a great website that maintains the wonderful history of a true American hero. This is the type of hero we all need and should admire.
Greg G. - Winston-salem, Nc USA [2006-01-31 08:56:29]
It is stories like this that remind us all that we can be more than what we are. For every hero like James Braddock, there are men and women who struggled in the quiet corners to find the courage and strength to survive. The Braddock story tells us those people are there and they must not be forgotten. It also reminds us of what we can become.
C. - Spokane, Washington USA [2006-01-31 03:13:04]
after watching the movie 'Cinderella Man' (2 nights ago), i found it was really a heartbreaking triumph for a man who fought with passion and love for his family that leads him to be the champ... a GREAT CHAMP... and the reason why i have searched for the website of James J Braddock... i admire Mr. James 'Jim', 'Jimmy' J. Braddock not because of being the World Heavyweight Champion, but because how he live his life in love, courage and hope.
Fritzie Ramos - Quezon City, Manila Philippines [2006-01-31 01:33:53]
it's a great site!
Alex - Malta, Al USA [2006-01-31 01:17:43]
I'm not a boxing fan, but I purchased Cinderella Man (without seeing it first).
The movie made me cry, it was so gripping that I had to read more about this great Man! Your website it wonderful... very informative.
Christine Bonner - Rochester, Mn U.s.a. [2006-01-30 23:49:11]
My father was a boxer ,he was irish and is now 87 years old he has spoke of James Braddock many many times. The great depression and how the eleven childern in his familly had to struggle to live . I know the courage my father has an how he raised his familly and how James J.Braddock was a folk hero to the people of the great depresion an how his story has lived on . They should have made the move twenty years ago ,what a great man
Bill Guinan - Peru, Indiana United States [2006-01-30 22:47:55]
Cinderella Man, one of the best movies I have seen in years......James J Braddock, what a true American Hero.
Jeremy W. - Lehi, Ut USA [2006-01-30 22:47:43]