James J. Braddock - Guestbook
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Very insperational!
Chris - Dallas, Tx USA [2006-01-30 21:06:32]
Hey Fred....its true they didn't ask Ali. They asked a man calledAngelo Dundee instead.
He was the consultant and he's in the movie as a cornerman.
But I guess you know a lot more about boxing than that guy does.
Robert Holdcroft - Manchester, England England [2006-01-30 12:29:17]
It's unfortunate that Hollywood, Ron Howard, can't match the attitude, courage and character to the characters they play. Nice movie and non-fictional story, but Russell Crowe is as far from a great general of the Roman Empire, a gladiator, a beautiful mind .. as Opie is a James Braddock. .. or was it " Opey or Opee " ? Also, seems like the makers of movies like " Rocky " and others would hire some boxing consultants ... in real life boxing, nobody can withstand so many violent blows to the head in a bout . Ask Muhammad Ali ....
Fred Mattlage - Hewitt, Tx USA [2006-01-30 08:25:46]
James you are a TRUE champion and a inspiration.....I will remember you when I need some light to get threw and above....
Thanks YOU james!
Chris Wakeford - Sydney, Nsw Australia [2006-01-30 06:16:24]
Little things in the movie make you appreciate the abundance we have in 2006. Inspiring story of a gutsy Irish American whose honesty and ethics are admirable. What a lovely husband and Father and most of all what a fighter. Bravo James J. Braddock
Elizabeth Best - Calgary, Alberta Canada [2006-01-30 03:29:32]
Thanks for having this website here. I saw Cinderella Man tonight and found it to be a very inspirational story. A great family, a great man. I believe we should all do the same.
Dorothy Lenz - Los Angeles,, Ca USA [2006-01-30 02:35:29]
We just watched Cinderella Man. What a great movie in all ways. It was great to see a man and his family with love and support for each other. To go through whatever they had to for the family. We love everything about the movie.....Thanks for giving the young people something to think about and something to strive for.
God Bless your family...
Joe & Gloria Harris - Manassas, Va USA [2006-01-30 02:09:01]
Just watched Cinderella Man. What an inspiration. It's refreshing to watch a movie about a genuine sports hero and a good man.
Bob Wenger - Milliken, Co USA [2006-01-30 01:54:40]
I wish I could say that I had personal memories during Mr. Braddocks fight years.
My Grandmother passed away 3 years ago, and she was born in 1920. When I was a little girl, I remember her mentioning his name a few times while we were watching a fight on TV.
I kept seeing the Cinderella Man being advertised on tv and I finally watched it. I know Hollywood can blow things up a bit, but I must say it was quite an inspiring movie.
The movie inspired me to look up the real Jimmy Braddock, and see some real photos.
It is too bad that more people don't have the heart that Mr. Braddock had. It takes a lot to endure what he and his family had too.
I am now interested in finding out how his children are doing.
Thank you,
Michelle Cushman - Citrus Heights, California USA [2006-01-30 00:55:21]
Inspirational. Didn't know a thing about this man. The movie caused me to look up more information on the web and I was happy to find this site!
Scott Anderson - Grantsville, Utah USA [2006-01-29 23:50:26]
What a courageous man. What a wonderful story. What a close and loving family. Mae and the children are what every man should have. I so enjoyed seeing the authentic photos of this great and good man. His whole life is an inspiration to all.
Abbey Adelman - Mt. Sinai, Ny Usa [2006-01-29 23:36:17]
Wow, what a movie and what a man. Cried from start to finish and got up and swung some for James while the last fight was on. Well done
Rene - Tamworth, Nsw Australia [2006-01-29 23:33:25]
Just watched Cinderella Man and was blown away. This man's heart was bigger than the gloves he wore on his hands. What a respectable man to bad more aren't like him. An inspiration his life was truly what fairytales are made of.
Ronelle Heatherly - Hendersonville, Tn USA [2006-01-29 23:18:45]
I saw the movie and read the official website bio. Mr. Braddock is an inspiration to us all. He is a living role model as a fine father, husband, and citizen. It is people like this who make this country the best on earth.
Phil Lawson - West Chester, Pa USA [2006-01-29 22:47:19]
James J Braddock Real Champ -Respect !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kristafo - Choroszcz, Podlaskie Poland [2006-01-29 22:32:17]
Thanks for sharing the story. James had a big heart, and bigger balls. Todays athletes couldn't carry his jock strap. Inspiration at its finest. God Bless You James !!
Wesley - Van Bruggen, In USA [2006-01-29 21:13:13]
I was eight years old when Jim won
the heavweight championship against
Max Baer in 1935. Vividly remember
sitting around the living room with the
family as we listened to the fight on
the radio. What a thrilling night and
what champ, not only in the ring,
but in life as well! Really enjoyed the
movie, which we saw for the first time
last night on DVD.
Howard A. Tolley - Akron, Ohio USA [2006-01-29 21:00:27]
What a courageous story, I wish everyone had a heart as big as he did! Thank you James for making us believe that we can still have a hero.
Brian & Dawn - Lorain, Ohio USA [2006-01-29 20:58:58]
James is a very good man and I look up to him and admire him. He went from nothing to everything and I really like that. He also cared about his kids and wife.
Kailyn - Weiser, Idaho United States [2006-01-29 20:36:48]
Wow! What a great man with an incredible story of hope and courage. It gives me a much different perspective on people's lives and what they may have had to endure in this life. Thank you for sharing your story with us.
Brooklyn - Slc, Ut USA [2006-01-29 20:33:22]
Wow!! Great movie. It really brings you down to Earth and reminds you of what is really important in Life!! Thank's for sharing a part of history that needed to be shown.
Brian Naquin - Bunkie, Louisiana USA [2006-01-29 20:09:15]
My husband, son and I have watched "Cinderella Man", twice, today. It really touched my heart to be reminded of the "Great Depression" and how families had to survive. I am so thankful for the bounty our Father in Heaven has given us.
D.moore - Centreville, Al USA [2006-01-29 20:00:48]
Every man needs to watch this movie about his life he is a role model for all.
Willie Ann - Oakley, Ca Usa [2006-01-29 19:51:51]
James Braddock is the true meaning of "never giving up".
I find it interesting that this was an Irish man that never gave up just like another Irish man who played Notre Dame football...."Rudy".
Always give 100%!
Steven Pietrangelo - Windsor, Ontario Canada [2006-01-29 19:12:05]
for the power,the honor,the way to survive that you gave to us
Gregory - Athens, Attika Greece [2006-01-29 18:08:33]