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James J. Braddock - Guestbook

James J. Braddock, World Heavy-Weight Champion

Welcome to the official guestbook of the James J Braddock website. Due to spam, we have been forced stop guestbook entries.

Amazing, James Braddock and his story were so inspirational I also had to come to this web site and do more research on this great Irish American Hero. Thank you to the family members who provided this site, it is great and I love the photos too. It blew my mind when I found out he also served our country in world war 2! That is what real heros are made of.
Everyone could learn something from this story it was so good.
John Francesconi - Detroit, Michigan USA [2006-01-29 17:15:20]
I just saw the movie. I think this is a very great movie and the portrayal of James Braddock was so real. It has shown me you can be down in the dumps one minute and high as akite the next.
Rebecca - Oshawa, Ontario Canada [2006-01-29 15:57:47]
Welden L Daines - Bountiful, Ut USA [2006-01-29 15:10:23]
Great movie without a doubt; however, it lead me to research this website for more info on Mr. Braddock. Thank you to the Braddock family for sharing this with the world. It has lead me to another person and era I knew hardly anything about.
J Russell - Laurel, Md USA [2006-01-29 13:33:27]
A great man made for a great movie. It prompted me to learn more James J. Braddock. The "Fighting Irish!"
Greg Zuleger - Cincinnati, Ohio United States [2006-01-29 12:21:39]
as a child i lived right next to braddock park in north bergen nj. I asked a neighbor who was james braddock . i pestered him about it. one day he took me to a house in north bergen. he stopped the car and said that james braddock lived in that house and that he once was the heavyweight champion of the world. i knew right than and there that he was a name to be respected. but when i saw the cinderella man is when i truly learned about james braddock. what a life!!! what a story!!! i am proud to say i shared the city of north bergen and played in the park that was named for james j braddock. sincerely george dambrosio
George Dambrosio - Westwood Nj, Nj Usa [2006-01-29 11:49:22]
James J. Braddock remains an inspiration to Irish-America. In good times and bad, Braddock lived his Roman Catholic faith with purpose. His humility for the sake of his family teaches us the meaning of "riches."

His remarkable come back from the uin during the Great Depression teaches us to use our God-given talents for the betterment of all who touch us. And, that in our finest hour we are no better than the least of us who are all made in God's image. we are all champions.
Edmond J. O'neill - Hatfield, Pa Us [2006-01-29 10:37:10]
Inspiring story and an inspiration. A most unique individual and the movie definately portrays him as the website. Both are well done.
William A. Rodriguez - Cedar Falls, Iowa USA [2006-01-29 10:18:13]
Great movie, Braddock was a Bulldog, great piece of history of one man's life, well told story.
Mts - Galt, Ca USA [2006-01-29 03:24:16]
Such a man of integrity. This film was beautifully done. It captured the essence of Braddock's soul. Russell Crowe was outstanding. I personally believe this is Crowe's greatest performance. Thank you Ron Howard, Penny Marshall etc...for bringing to life a man who was a true American hero.
Vivian Gross - Fresno, Ca USA [2006-01-29 03:14:59]
I am another individual that visited this website from the DVD "Cinderella Man". Russell Crowe's performance was amazing. Thank you Ron Howard for bringing this touching story to the public. This story has touched my heart in a way that few do. God bless James Braddock.
Bruce Rivington - Fredericton, N.b. Canada [2006-01-29 01:58:26]
Having not known of This wonderful Husband, Father and human being until I saw this film. It leaves me in awe of what an awesome American and hero to look up to James was. Mr. Braddock used a gift God gave him to put bread and milk on the table for his family. Mae Braddock was a passionate, strong woman for believing in her husband and fighting hard also for love, and her families future. What a joy to see a special true story such as "Cinderella Man". We should all be as proud to be Americans as the Braddocks were. God Bless!!
Paul - Valrico, Florida USA [2006-01-29 01:55:51]
Having just watched the wonderful story and movie about Mr. Braddock, I had to do more research into this man's life. Obviously he was a man of great courage and determination. Thanks to Ron Howard and the cast he assembled, this part of history was retold in a manner that depicted his greatness. Let's hope that we will have more men that have the qualities of Mr. Braddock.
Bill - Memphis, Tn USA [2006-01-29 01:19:42]
amazing story/life.
Cary - Lincoln, Ne USA [2006-01-29 01:11:47]
After seeing "Cinderella Man" I immediately began research on the story of James J Braddock and his life. I am amazed by his struggles, his carrer, and his love for his family. He has left an incredible legacy and quite an impact on me. I am thrilled that it has been respectfully honored, and I'm excited about learning more about him. May God bless his family and their mission of keeping his spirit and story alive.
Ajrhodes - Fort Worth, Texas USA [2006-01-29 01:04:57]
Thank you for the useful and interesting website. I thought the movie "Cinderella Man" was one of the best I've seen in a long while, and really made me appreciate the story of Champ Braddock just that much more. I truly enjoyed it, and you have a great bit of American heritage working here! Thanks again!
Dlc - Denton, Tx USA [2006-01-29 00:38:40]
As a breath of fresh air, the inspiration of of James Braddock as husband, father, citizen and professional allows us to experience how great we really can be. Thank you for this wonderful website and movie.
Marybeth Seligmann - Houston, Texas USA [2006-01-29 00:17:06]
I loved the movie "cinderella man" james j braddock was really something special and his story should be heard by all. great website too really enjoyed it, and glad his legacy still lives on!
Michelle - Adelaide, South Australia Australia [2006-01-29 00:02:44]
What an inspiring movie? My family made it through the depression as well. It put everything into perspective. The good guy’s do come on top sometimes. What a great man.
Jeff Jamieson - Memphis, Tn USA [2006-01-29 00:02:16]
What a Wonderful person he was. I really enjoyed the movie. When he gave that money back that was really something. Not many people would even think of that. he kept on ticking! I hope this Movie and life story of james Wins an award. Laura Kent
Laura Kent - Houston, Tx USA [2006-01-28 23:50:16]
Awesome movie, and inspiration to myself to never quit when down. Was a great man, husband, and father. Only if there were more like him.
Dennis Mazza - Mount Clare, West Virginia USA [2006-01-28 23:34:56]
James J. Braddock was and will always be an inspiration. The greatest manifestation of honour, courage, strength and determination came to Earth in the shape of this man. God bless him and may he forever rest in peace.
Sindy Abreu - Santo Domingo, Sto. Dgo. Dominican Republic [2006-01-28 23:33:51]
James Braddock...A fighter in every sense of the word. A true American hero whos life story now inspires the world.
Maura Flynn - New York, New York USA [2006-01-28 23:23:30]
A wonderful movie and an inspiring story of courage and determination in the face of adversity.
Carl Waldrep - Jacksonville, Florida USA [2006-01-28 23:10:03]
great movie,great acting by russel and james braddock made me proud.If more people would live by his example this would be a better world
Sam Shepherd - St Peters, Mo Usa [2006-01-28 22:53:01]