James J. Braddock Official Site Logo

James J. Braddock - Guestbook

James J. Braddock, World Heavy-Weight Champion

Welcome to the official guestbook of the James J Braddock website. Due to spam, we have been forced stop guestbook entries.

Loved the movie, wanted to learn more of this heroic man I had never heard about, and this website was just what I needed. My whole family's favorite new movie is "Cinderella Man!" What an inspiration! Jim Braddock was an awesome man!
Angela - Vernal, Ut USA [2006-01-17 18:33:50]
Just saw the movie last night... It was fantastic! James Braddock is an inspiration for all underdogs. It would have been an honor to meet him.
Mike - Columbia, Sc USA [2006-01-17 17:25:21]
Just saw the movie and was very impressed. Then I looked up a bio of him. Every thing in that movie was told exaclly as it said in the bio. He truly was a man of honor and courage,and just when it was needed in the Depression
Chyck Moffet - Beachwood, Nj Usa [2006-01-17 17:00:55]
i am a 24 year old woman and when i saw the movie all i could think about is how much he really truely loved and supported his family. i know i would be proud to call him a father !!!!!!!!
Darcy - Marion, Oh Usa [2006-01-17 15:59:21]
go bulldog! need more of these guys!
Dan - Stuttgart, Schwaben Germany [2006-01-17 15:56:41]
Hey James J. Braddock,
I am one of your biggest fans who really likes you as a actor. My question is for you What made you want to be in a movie?
Claire - Toronto, Ontario Canada [2006-01-17 15:06:53]
Dear Mr. Braddock,

Last night I watched the movie Cinderella Man, and fell as I am sure with millions of others in love with the story of your family. Thank you for making the website, it was hard to find out family facts. Your grandfather was a step above the rest and was fascinated of all the trials he over came. Thank you again for posting this site. Take care and God Bless your family. Cindy Cross, Irmo,SC.
Cynthia Cross - Irmo, Sc United States Of America [2006-01-17 13:20:47]
Jim Braddock is an inspiration to all Americans. He made our nation a better place. His courage and dedication to his family and his profession serves as an example for all.

Thanks for keeping his memory alive.
Alex Rodriguez - Dallas, Tx USA [2006-01-17 12:36:46]
I just wanted to say that I was inspired by the movie, Cinderella Man, to research James J Braddock. I wanted to get more information about his life outside of the ring. From what I have read and seen, he was a good man and deserves to be remembered in an honorable way. I feel that the movie did that.
I just want to say, that as a soldier serving in Afghanistan, James J Braddock can still inspire me to move and keep the other guy guessing. I enjoyed your site, God bless.

Ben Sargeant
Ben Sargeant - Mazar-i-sharif, Missouri Afghanistan [2006-01-17 12:15:29]
WOW!.....I was moved by the determination of one man for the love of his family and the ring that let him back in...........
Chuck - Drawdy, Ga Usa [2006-01-17 12:13:51]
The man James braddock is truly inspirational to me. His spirit lives on in all of us of the American Spirit. He fights and beats the odds. He sacrificed himself for his family and left us a legacy . What more could you ask for from an American Icon? Thanks Jim Bradock and May.
Laurence Tetreault - Rancho Cucamonga, Ca USA [2006-01-17 03:30:32]
Thanks to the whole Braddock family for offering such an inspirational story...the human spirit simply cannot be stopped...Be well!
Allison - San Francisco, Ca USA [2006-01-17 02:40:46]
That was sucha wonderful movie... I have to be honest, I never heard of James Braddock before this movie, but he was an amazing man and the movie was very well done. Thank you for having this website for us to read more about him!
Shannon - Chilliwack, B.c Canada [2006-01-17 02:07:47]
My wife watched this before me and after she saw it she said that Russell Crowe was the greatest actor in the world. After I saw it, I agreed. Great casting and an even greater movie. James Braddock is a true American Hero.
Rob M - Mendon, Vt USA [2006-01-17 00:18:04]
What a superb movie about a wonderful man and hero! Generally I do not care for "sports" movies but this was in a whole other league. As was the case with a lot of other folks, I wanted to learn more about Mr. Braddock after watching the movie, so thanks for this great website.
Maureen - Ada, Michigan USA [2006-01-16 23:58:34]
As a child my parents used to talk about boxers. Many names were tossed around with stories of fights they had seen. I remember the name James J Braddock coming up often. My parents are both gone now but I still have the fascination of the true fighters from long ago. My husband bought the DVD 'Cinderella Man' for my Christmas gift. It is a fabulous story that I will enjoy for years to come with my children as I pass on the stories my parents past to me. Thank you so much for this wonderful website!
Joan White - Des Moines, Iowa USA [2006-01-16 23:53:34]
Isn't it amazing how so many people, after seeing this movie, have all searched for the same images and real life story outside of the hollywood movie; all finding their way to this extrodinary website! Thank you to the Braddock family for keeping this story so much alive in your hearts that it is able to bring us each to a familiar place of respect in our souls!
Shannon Casey - Bristol, Tn Us [2006-01-16 23:29:54]
What can i say????Best movie i have ever seen......so inspirational, heart touching, really brings a tear to my eye.....I belive James J Braddock may be the most repsectable man in history.
Tim Johannsen - Westville, Indiana USA [2006-01-16 21:56:49]
I enjoyed the movie so much I wanted to read up more on this wonderful family. The struggle they had during the depression made them truly an insperation. I always watched boxing but never knew much about this man untill the movie. Thanks so much for sharing this with us.
Connie Barbey - Desoto, Mo. Usa [2006-01-16 21:18:02]
I just watched the movie. What a wonderful story, and what a great family. Thank you for sharing.
James Boyd - Carmichael, California USA [2006-01-16 20:59:39]
Super Film und Darsteller.
Super Braddock, riesen Respekt !!!
Harry - Reutlingen, Baden Württemberg Germany [2006-01-16 14:40:18]
I watched "Cinderella Man" yesterday, and it was a truly moving film. Although I abhor football because it is so brutal in game play, I have always enjoyed watching prize fights. It stems from sneaking out of bed as a small child and being found asleep behind the couch where my dad was watching the Gillette sponsored late-night fights. I don't think either of my parents really believed that I enjoyed those fights! I've been spurred on to read more about James J. Braddock and Max Baer (who I already knew was the father of "Jethro Bodine" of Beverly Hillbillies fame). That famed fight took place on my mother's 3rd birthday! This is the only history I've ever been interested in... the history of "real" people and how we are all tied together through our humanity. The Cinderella story of James J. Braddock is a monument to the human spirit and how anyone can defeat the odds if their will and determination are strong enough. What could be more important in a person's life than that of protecting and providing for one's family. I wish there were more men with that kind of true caring and love in our society today!
Nikki - Morton, Tx USA [2006-01-16 12:01:13]
Being a fighter myself, i was totally inspired by Jim Braddock. After watching the movie, and of course crying at certain parts, one can fully understand the power of determination.
Jim - Chicago, Il USA [2006-01-16 11:14:42]
Great man,great movie. With so many hollywood movies today it's refreshing so see a story of the family man brought to the big screen. Mr Braddock did what he could to keep food on the table and I admire that.
Ron Sinks - South Dakota, South Dakota USA [2006-01-16 10:15:57]
Great man, great movie. I grew up watching the fights with my old man and never new the story. I'm glad Ron Howard did it perfect.
Tony - Brooksville, Florida Us Army In Korea [2006-01-16 06:26:45]