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James J. Braddock - Guestbook

James J. Braddock, World Heavy-Weight Champion

Welcome to the official guestbook of the James J Braddock website. Due to spam, we have been forced stop guestbook entries.

I recently watched the movie, wound up buying the movie (smile), and have watched it probably 20 times since. Looked into Jim's history online and see that he officiated a fight between Solly Krieger and Al Hostak in 1938.

Al Hostak is my great uncle. He is still alive and lives with one of his sons - Phil and wife Leslie - in Maple Valley, Washington. Al is probably in his late 80's now. I haven't talked directly with him since the last "Francis Family Reunion" in about 1999 ... but he still has all of his faculties. Whenever the Seattle newspapers write about the all time great Washington athletes, Al is usually in the top 5.

I remember many times spending evenings at Al's home for famiily get togethers, and being "forced" as a young boy to watch 8mm films of his fights. didn't have a clue what history I was watching, or the significance of it.

It is amazingly incredible that this watching the movie "Cinderella Man" has brought me full circle into the life of James J. Braddock, although it be in a vicarious nature (smile).

John Farrow
Olympia, WA
(360) 402-5605
John Farrow - Olympia, Wa USA [2006-01-14 11:23:46]
This is a truly inspirational story. A modern day Braveheart. Amazing what a man can accomplish when driven by the right principles ... God, family, and love.
Jeff Thorsen - Monroeville, Pa Us [2006-01-14 10:45:12]
What a truly great story and a job well done in the movie. It is easy to look to the future and forget about the past. It is unreal to think that the great depression took place and how $100.00 is like a $1,000.00 now. I have two young children whom I hope will cherish the history of this country and the men and women that inspired it. Thanks Again
Yannik Phillips - Landisville, Pa USA [2006-01-14 08:40:21]
Just watched the movie with our 3 girls. What a man of integrity James Braddock was! I loved his devotion to his family and how you knew that he knew all would be fine as long as they were together. Thank you for sharing the story of this hero and inspiring man! God bless!
Angela Kingsley - Brightwood, Or USA [2006-01-14 03:04:11]
Just finished the movie and I must say to James III and family you have a proud heritage, I loved the way it showed the working class praying the the church. Did that really take place and is your family still into praying like your great grandmother was?
Michael Bailey - Wilkesboro, Nc USA [2006-01-14 02:10:06]
I watched the movie after much prompting from my brother, Bob. As he has always been, he was right on target in suggesting something I would enjoy. It was great to see how the early pugilists fought in and out of the ring.
Joseph Crum - Nashville, Tennessee USA [2006-01-14 01:02:33]
We just watched the movie and what an inspiration. The more I watched the better it got. I just had to get on the web site to find out mor about this man who inspired this story. Thanks James for the opportunity to know you, your family and your life.
Allen Thomas - Edmond, Oklahoma USA [2006-01-14 00:53:54]
Words fail to express the deep impact this movie has had on me. What a beautiful man - how I envy his family for their memories. Thanks to Ron Howard, JB's courage is now being exposed to a new generation, in a time that it is no less needed than it was during The Great Depression.
Diane Munro - Geelong, Victoria Australia [2006-01-14 00:41:30]
I lived in Saddle Brook in the early 60's and never heard the name Braddock until we saw the movie. I enjoy movies of inspiration and honor. This movie had it all, James Braddock must have been a great man. He withstood all odds and let the world know things can change if you set you mind right.
Anthony N. Barone - Palm Bay, Fl USA [2006-01-14 00:39:28]
We are watching the movie as I type..I just had to make sure he won this fight against Max Baer...Wanted a good ending...Great finish Indeed!!
Wendy & Brian Pickell - Americus, Georgia USA [2006-01-13 23:45:40]
My dad told me about JB when I was a little kid watching the Beverly Hillbillys.
He would say Jethro's dad was Max Baer, and he was upset by James Braddock. My dad is in his 80's now. I can't wait to show him the movie. I'm sure it will touch him.
Chris - Camarillo, Ca USA [2006-01-13 23:23:44]
The Cinderella Man is such an inspiring movie and certainly portrays how wonderful James is. He certainly is a legend. I enjoyed learning about him and his life.

This site is wonderful!
Dana - Toms River, Nj USA [2006-01-13 23:11:18]
My husband and I just watched the movie! He was a great man!
Suzanne - Yorkton, Saskatchewan Canada [2006-01-13 22:54:45]
Just watched the movie and was compelled to learn more. I hope the movie was an accurate portrayal, because we really enjoyed it.
Juergen And Mary Joesting - Duluth, Georgia USA [2006-01-13 22:47:53]
Unreal courage!! Story & Movie Inspired
Newbatt - Miramichi, Nb Canada [2006-01-13 22:22:06]
I have always been a huge boxing fan and I knew about the fight between Braddock and Baer. Seeing the movie really put it all into perspective, and I think Russell Crowe did a fabulous job! Awesome movie about a determined man played by a fantastic actor! A real winner all the way around!
Turfgal01 - Columbia, Sc USA [2006-01-13 20:32:48]
Just watched the DVD and 10/10. Never knew anything about this great story which made it all the better, i really thought they were going to give the victory to Baer and when they didn't it brung tears to my eyes. a truly superb story of bravery and courage.
Nicky Sinclair - Dundee, Tayside Scotland [2006-01-13 18:59:53]
Dieser Film zeigt die Geschichte und das Leben eines bewundernswerten Mannes voller Mut und Einem starken Willen, der die Zuschauer zu Grossem motiviert. Die grossartige Geschichte und guten Schauspieler machen diesen Film zu einem der besten Filme die es je gegeben hat und versetzten den Zuschauer in Extase
Dominik&iris - Weil Am Rhein, Baden-württemberg Germany [2006-01-13 18:56:21]
Really awsome story of courage and the will to win.
V. Washington - Midland, Texas U.s. [2006-01-13 16:43:16]
This is simply one of the best movies my wife and I have ever watched. The fact that it is base on true life events makes it one the most inspiring and uplifting movies I have ever seen. I have the upmost respect and admiration for Mr James J Braddock.
Julian P - Montgomery, Al USA [2006-01-13 16:17:57]
amazing story.. just seen the movie and this dude just gave me goose bumbs due to the fact that he over came so much and that inspired me.. right on!
Joshua Pace - Clarksville, Tn Us [2006-01-13 16:16:51]
My wife and I wateched the movie last night and we both thought it was great! We need more people with heart like James did.
Dan B. - Bristol, Ct USA [2006-01-13 12:43:36]
My wife and I watched the movie last night and were totally engaged in the drama. This movie on the biograpgy of J. Braddock will become one of the most inspiring "motivational" movies in our time. J.J. Braddock was a real hero in a day when a hero was in demand. The movie has given us this wonderful hero back in a day when we need a hero with principles. I am going to recomend it to all of my friends who haven't seen it yet. Thank you!
Bill Tucker - Tacoma, Wa USA [2006-01-13 08:19:19]
Just watched the movie and found a great inspiration in Mr. Braddock. What an example of determination and character.. I can only hope that my children will grow up to have that drive and human spirit to survive....
Sandy Watts - Petal, Mississippi USA [2006-01-13 07:35:08]
I just watched the DVD of this movie and it is so good. I grew up in Texas watching
boxing on television in the 50's and 60's.
What a great movie team to bring just such a fine movie. I hope it gets into the Oscar contention.
Dan - Sijiazhuang, Hebei China [2006-01-13 06:27:56]