James J. Braddock Official Site Logo

James J. Braddock - Guestbook

James J. Braddock, World Heavy-Weight Champion

Welcome to the official guestbook of the James J Braddock website. Due to spam, we have been forced stop guestbook entries.

Perfect Movie, Man and Life.
João Paulo Cavalcante - Belém, Brazil [2009-01-05 14:53:23]
Grande filme. Mostrou o valor da família. Mostrou que nada é tão ruim que não possa ser mudado. Aprendi muito mesmo
Samuel Oliveira - Osasco, Brazil [2009-01-05 14:51:11]
Ví o filme ontem, o cara foi um exemplo de lutador, dentro e fora dos ringues...parabéns, congratulacions man
Luciano Bragatto - Içara, Brazil [2009-01-05 13:11:10]
Fiquei muito emocionado ao ver o filme de Braddock, é uma lição de vida, que serve para todos.
Adilson Ribeiro De Campos - Curitiba, Brazil [2009-01-05 00:58:57]
Jay, hope all is well and that you have received contacts from around the country in order to fill out your family tree.

Still think Ron Howard should be hung by his heels for the poor portrayal of Max Baer in "Cinderella Man". There was no need to play up your grandfather's obvious positive traits at the expense of one of boxing's nicest guys.

Stay well,

Bayonne Evening Star-Telegram
Bayonne, NJ
Scott Yaniga - Bayonne, New Jersey United States [2009-01-04 08:44:34]
The fact that James Braddock repaid his welfare money was as moving as anything the movie had to express. All I have to say is "what a guy" JJBraddock was a real hero and obviously one of mine.
Bill Folwell - Las Vegas, Nevada United States [2008-12-30 00:27:44]
Have you ever noticed how the wood used to build houses today is nowhere near as strong as the wood that was used to build houses in the 1920's and 1930's? People have changed in that way too. They just don't make people that way anymore. There will never be another James J. Braddock. I only wish I had lived while he lived so I could have witnessed some of his story for myself!
Matthew Seal - Hattiesburg, Mississippi United States [2008-12-29 18:39:19]
I am so inspired by such a amazing man! God truly was and is on his side. thank you soooo much for sharing his story with the world. I will always remember Mr. James J. Braddock and what he stood for!! How blessed you are to be part of his family. I pray that I can imitate many of your fathers qualities.
Michiko Mills - Orlando, Florida United States [2008-12-27 21:19:24]
i just wanted to tell everybody that BRADDOCK to is the best person !. hes invincable. It didnt matter to him that he was risking his life to fight for his family t get money and support him . :) HES GREAT
Alycia - Danbury, Connecticut United States [2008-12-23 12:36:38]
The greatest boxer of the world by me.. for me his fame is the bigger of the Muhammad Ali fame.. James is the wonder. The Idol for me.. still want to be the same wonder
Tom - £ódŸ, Poland [2008-12-22 13:49:08]
James Braddock , A real man. people are crying that America is in the worst economy since the Great Depression. They should be forced to watch Cinderella Man, to see what it was really like,
Michael Cosentino - Lancaster Pa, Pennsylvania United States [2008-12-22 11:34:15]
I just watched Cinderella Man and thought it was a wonderful portrayal to such an inspiring and selfless man. It's refreshing to see that in the midst of such turmoil, that selflessness was still present. We need more people like him in the world.

Thanks for sharing such an amazing story with the world...
Elaine - Vancouver, Canada [2008-12-22 02:01:05]
I just want to "sign" the guestbook out of admiration. I have seen Russell Crow's interview on Charlie Rose (PBS)and he spoke with such compassion and clarity about the Jimmy Braddock’s life. Rose asked Crow if winning the heavy weight title was the best thing to happen in Braddock’s life. Crow corrected Rose and said that he missed the point of the movie – Braddock’s “life moment” was when he was able to earn enough money to repay the “relief” he was given to support his family during the depression. A true gentleman by any definition.
Jim Stricker - Hinckley, Ohio United States [2008-12-16 20:50:32]
The James J. Braddock story is an inspiration that I use to teach my students the story of the Great Depression and how regular citizens overcame a very hard time in our country. His story is shared with over a 100 students a year and they truly enjoy it.
Charlie Garza - Hereford, Texas United States [2008-12-16 15:16:40]
Non conoscevo la vita di quest' uomo straordinario fino alla visione del film...dove ho pianto come un bambino,sei stato prima un grande uomo e poi un grande pugile...il mondo e le generazioni future non si dimenticheranno mai di te...e nemmeno io lo faro'...ciao james...a rivederci in un altra vita...
Enrico - Naples, Italy [2008-12-15 15:59:05]
Incredible man with true qualities and values a hero and champion in the true sense of the word.
Barry Fairbairn - London, United Kingdom [2008-12-13 17:27:57]
I watched the movie about Jim's carrier as a boxer and family man tonight, December 12, 2008.
I had heard about Jim as an outstanding boxer from the thirties. However, just watching the movie and subsequently reading about his history, I am filled with a deep respect and admiration. This man represented something we seldom see these days.
Paul Ring - Aarnes, Norway [2008-12-12 17:41:33]
as a movie it sure is the number one... but we are talking about real life. This Heroe JJB had to beg for money after being so important and all for his family, it really is an inspiration and a consolation for many of us. this guy was a real parent who would give anything just not to let his family down or leave them. what a husband may your soul rest in peace...
i would like to have an answear from his family, i just want you to know that you should be very gratefull for having this Heroe and never stop bringing his memories up to date because it's the least you can do. let this star shine forever...
Joanne Taouk - Adma, Lebanon [2008-12-11 17:34:49]
Penso che il film Cinderella Man ha saputo raccontare nel migliore dei modi la storia di un'era triste (la grande depressione) ma soprattutto la vita di un uomo umile cui la propia forza emotiva ha vinto ogni ostacolo, facendolo diventare un campione. Oggi stiamo vivendo (quasi) la stessa depressione, vedendo questo film ho riempito il mio cuore con una speranza per il futuro....
Anna - Lecce, Italy [2008-12-11 16:40:51]
I absolutely loved this movie. It made me cry! For one man to give a nation such hope is something I'm confident no one else can say they've done. It's an insperation to people of any generation that you can make something of yourselves, no matter how down life gets you. I think it's awesome that his family runs this site, and continues to tell his famous story. I just want to say thank you again to the Cinderalla Man.
Smbz - Frederick, Maryland United States [2008-12-10 20:18:36]
Ne avevo sempre sentito parlare,visto che mio padre era un pugile dilettante,ma non avevo mai approfondito il personaggio.Ieri sera è entrato in casa mia attraverso il film "Cinderella man".Ho conosciuto un UOMO grande con un cuore immenso.Che il suo esempio possa illuminare il cammino di molti giovani in questo mondo ormai senza valori.
GRANDE JAMES ora nel mio cuore c'è un posto anche per te.
Eugenio Pausilli - Torino, Italy [2008-12-10 08:47:13]
Braddock era un esempio per tutto il mondo...un uomo vero e coerente.
Grande Braddock!!!!
Piero - Torino, Italy [2008-12-10 07:22:04]
I just saw the movie about Jim Braddock and I loved it. I was moved to tears....what man, what an example!!I could not help it, I had to see his real face. Bring a flower and tell him thank you on my behalf.
Marisa - Rome, Illinois Italy [2008-12-09 18:08:35]
I'm an italian boy .
In questo momento sto vedendo il film cindarella man su rai 1 . Davvero una storia appassionante! complimenti a James J. Braddock! Trasmette un entusiasmo ed una voglia di realizzare qualcosa di bello ...sopratutto in questo periodo di crisi mondiale..
Riccardo - Torino, Italy [2008-12-09 17:20:26]
I was doing investigation on james j braddock and i found it rather difficult to find info on his paernts. any suggestions??
Anymous - Anymous, Alabama United States [2008-12-09 12:46:45]