James J. Braddock - Guestbook
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I grew up in West New York, NJ and lived there from 1961 to 1981 and never knew, until I watched Cinderella Man last night on HBO, who James Braddock was. I'd been at "Hudson County Park" many times and while watching the movie last night finally learned and realized why the Park was named after him. What a gentleman. Thanks Ron Howard for a great film.
Brenda - Kingston, Ny USA [2006-07-11 13:33:40]
What a great story and movie. Since watching the movie about 15 times I have read the biography about James Braddock. His story and life inspire me and should everyone else. I think he is a role model and hero to everyone including athletes that are trying to live their dreams. Also, what a great website you have. You get to learn so much more about a great story and person. Thanks for telling a great story.
Corey Gersdorf - Des Moines, Iowa USA [2006-07-11 10:30:54]
I just finished watching Cinderella Man for the first time and had to find out more about this man. What a story!! I enjoyed all of the portrayals on the screen and after reading about Mr. Bradock, I think he was a great man. Someone that we need today to get this country thinking about what courage is and what "heart" stands for.
I will be purchasing the DVD and enjoying this movie with friends and family, but I will also continue to read and research the REAL Cinderella Man. If his relatives ever read this posting...I lost my dad when I was fifteen years old and I have always looked for role models in my life and I'm sorry that I didn't meet Mr. Bradock, but I'm so glad that this story was made and that I was able to relive some of the moments.
Thank You very much!
Steve Frazier - Wichita, Kansas USA [2006-07-11 06:49:49]
Greetings from Johannesburg, South Africa. I can honestly say that I have never seen such an inspirational and touching film. I have purchased the DVD and watch it at every opportunity. My 2 children, aged 6 and 7 have watched it as well, and after seeing it have begun to appreciate the small things they took for granted, like a little cereal in the morning. Thank you for this wonderful website, and for bringing us the magical life of your family. May you all continue to grow from strength to strength and may your families be blessed. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Nikki Britz - Roodepoort, Johannesburg South Africa [2006-07-11 05:16:18]
I've watched the movie twice and will probably buy it so that my sons can see that hard work, determination and a belief in oneself are more important than all the money in the world. I recall my father saying that Max Baer was a "dirty" fighter, but I don't remember his mentioning JJ Braddock. My father was a fight fan; in fact my parents' first date was a boxing match. I live about half an hour from the boxing hall of fame in canastota; after seeing this story of a great man, i will visit the hall of fame to learn more. Great website; awesome movie. Thanks to the Braddock family and Ron Howard for bringing us a story that inspires; god knows we need that inspiration today. Thank you.
Cecilia Gross - Utica, Ny USA [2006-07-11 04:59:37]
I've just spent the evening with my 5 year old son, Tyler watching Cinderella Man for the 5-6th time. Everytime we watch the movie we seem to become closer and closer as we root, cheer,cry and celebrate what a truly inspirational man and life Mr. Braddock lived. Even so many years later Mr. Braddock has been able to let a former North Jersey (Morris County)boy remember growing up in Jersey and at the same time strike a chord in my young son which let's me share and teach him the true meaning of being a hard-working, honorable, loving person and that dreams do come true if you work hard and believe in yourself. You should see his face and hear his excitement everytime we watch the movie. Thank you Mr. Braddock for giving so much.
Todd Nichols - Carefree, Arizona Usa [2006-07-11 01:55:50]
After watching Cinderella Man for the tenth time, I had to search the web to find out more about Mr. Braddock. The words "True American Hero" should be used to describe Mr. Braddock every time he is spoken of. I wish we had more role models like him today.
Scott - Whittier, Ca USA [2006-07-11 01:53:33]
A beautiful story about a boxer who found himself. Braddock should make anyone who boxes or boxed a better man.
Kurt - Camp Springs, Md USA [2006-07-11 01:42:43]
what a great movie Cinderella Man is. Really brought the courage of Jim Braddock. I am really glad to have seen the movie and know who Jim Braddock was. What a great man
Danny Lujan - Los Angeles, Ca Usa [2006-07-11 01:33:00]
Its a great movie , I have probably seen it 25 times and it never gets old . It gives you a reason to get up in the morning and get back to it. He was a very special person , who through that movie has touched millions of lives by watching what he lived and how he lived it. The greatest comeback story I have ever heard of . you must have to have a family and have to provide for them to truly understand where he was comin from . Great Movie - Great Story Mark
Mark - Memphis, Tn Usa [2006-07-11 01:32:59]
Inspirational man. The film is a lovely homage to his courage, his tenacity and his legacy. I was never much into boxing and still, admittedly, am not, James J. Braddock was obviously much more than a boxer - he was a leader and a role model and a true family man. You must be very proud.
Elizabeth Law - Studio City, Ca United States [2006-07-11 01:21:53]
A movie that will remain in my collection for my children and grandchildren to watch. A timeless classic that will be watched for decades to come. They couldn't have had a better cast. A thumbs up to Ronnie Howard on this one. I have watched the movie at least a dozen times in the past 2 weeks. I have done extensive research on all the fighters of that era. I have a new interest in boxing all together. This story has given me a new hope. Thanks to all involved in bringing this to the big screen.
Randall P - Dallas, Texas USA [2006-07-11 00:55:57]
Just watched the movie and was very impressed.
Kirt Sampson - Haltom City, Texas Us [2006-07-10 23:34:32]
What a great american movie!!!
Truely hits home, my grandparents grew up during this time, and if makes me realize what they went thought, and how hard things were for everyone. I found myself laughing, crying,cheering all at the same time.
What a great story, to the Braddock family.....thank you for sharing this story, it has truley changed my life.
Lisa Hartig - Chapin, South Carolina Us [2006-07-10 23:06:43]
I would never in a million years thought I could enjoy a boxing saga, but this one has me hooked. Not because it is about a world champion boxer, but more so because it is about a "World Champion Human Being"! In today's world, I need to believe that there are men willing to fight for everything and anything they believe in. Watching this movie gave me hope in human nature, in love, in family, and to strive to come out on top, always. Fantastic performance by Russell Crow, Renée Zellweger and the supporting cast! An inspiration for all! Thank you~
Rose - Hummelstown, Pa United States Of America [2006-07-10 23:00:26]
I never expected to watch this movie ever. I figured it was another blah blah era piece by Russell Crowe, who has fallen from my admiration pedestal for awhile now. I came in the middle of it on HBO and was instantly hooked and went to On Demand. The movie speaks volumes and had me thirsting for truth and pictures, thus my internet query. He was an amazing man, an inspiration to anyone who comes in contact with his story. May we all humble ourselves in this age of credit, ipods, high def, Escalades, and cell phones, etc. and remember who we really are when it all comes down to it. Truly inspiring.
Battle - Boston, Ma Us [2006-07-10 22:36:53]
When you look up the following words apicture of Mr. Braddock should appear: Hero, American, waht a man should be.
John Orofino - San Francisco, Ca Usa [2006-07-10 22:29:16]
What a boxer, what an athlete, what a father, what a man! Braddock's fairytale story may be the most touching and gripping of all time.
A. Terranova - Glen Ellyn, Il USA [2006-07-10 22:26:23]
I grew up with what I considered the greatest champions of all time...Ali, Foreman & Frazier...however after watching Cinderella Man and subsequently doing some research to see what was real & what was Hollywood, I must say that they all pale in comparison to this great champion. And he was a true champion, both in and out of the ring.
I only wished I could have seen him fight!!!
Rick Poe - Maysville, Ky USA [2006-07-10 21:20:10]
What a movie. What a life. What a man. Truly inspiring! May he and his wife rest in peace.
Rex Oates - Denison, Texas USA [2006-07-10 21:06:26]
I have watched The Cinderella Man numerous times with great joy. The movie caused me to read more on Mr. Braddock, to verify how much of the movie was Hollywood. To my great shock, the events and people involved are all portrayed as they were. Mr. Braddock, his family and Mr. Joe Gould were special people . . . would that we could all approach that type of character, loyalty and boldness.
It is a
John Marrone - New York, New York U.s.a. [2006-07-10 19:05:21]
I grew up in North Bergen (77th Street)and played baseball for Jim Jr. from 1976-1978 (Romano's Plumbing- North Bergen Babe Ruth league). He was a wonderful man, so it didn't surprise me after seeing the movie that his dad was as well. Great story/movie- very uplifting. I was sorry to learn Mr. Braddock passed away in 2001. Continued success with the film--it's great to see NB in the news again, especially tied to a legend and such a powerful message of good.
John Kelly - Howell, New Jersey USA [2006-07-10 13:44:28]
A true inspiration............
Tj Teck - Zion, Il USA [2006-07-10 13:31:54]
Marvelous to see a movie with a direction and message so well given by the actors and crew. The icing on the cake is that Jim Braddock is a real person. The fight game has always been one of dark corners and suspect people and has gotten no better in all these years. Knowing that a man like Mr Braddock rose above a time and game that tried to break him is inspiring. Just the simple fact that in this great nation there was a time when just food on the table was hard to come by speaks volumes on the mans heart. My parents told me stories of that time and it was not easy to maintain your dignity let alone work and support your family. To tell the true story of a man who never gave up and stood by his family is something that needs to be seen more. There are marvelous stories untold out there still. My hat is off to you Mr Braddock. Thank you.
John Mclaughlin - Shamokin Dam, Pa USA [2006-07-10 13:19:26]
Just saw the film for the 1st time last night and as father and a husband, I found the story on Jim very inspiring.
I only hope I can measure up to Jim and instill the same values that he portrayed into my children.
He was a true American and displayed the values this country was founded on, we can all learn something from the way he lived his life.
Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to learn about Jim and his life, it was an honor to just share a glimpse into this mans life.
Jason - Overland Park, Kansas United States [2006-07-10 13:17:42]